Advanced Centers for Technology and Training Bulletin #2

To: Former Students of Advanced Centers for Technology and Training (ACTT)
Date: February 17, 2004
Re: Claims for Restitution

The Department is in the process of reviewing Claims for Restitution filed by former students of Advanced Centers for Technology and Training (ACTT). A substantial number of students are missing crucial documentation from their claims and have been notified by the Department regarding the specific documents they are missing. Generally, in order to process claims students must submit the documentation requested.

  1. Incomplete applications greatly slow the processing of claims. A complete claim must include the following documents:

    • Claim for Restitution form
    • Enrollment Agreement signed with ACTT (See B. below)
    • Claim Worksheet
    • Proof of payment to ACTT
    • W-9 Taxpayer Identification Number
    • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Terms and Conditions


  2. The document that most incomplete files are missing is a copy of their enrollment agreement with ACTT. It appears that ACTT was using their Application for Admission as the enrollment agreement as it includes the necessary information. To help you recognize and locate this document, please look at this sample page .

The Department will notify you via web bulletins of any updates in the review process, which may take several more months. Once this portion of the process is complete, the Department will send each student a worksheet with the calculated amount of their claim. The Department will then work with the insurance company to obtain payment from the bond to provide restitution to the claimants. The percent of individual restitution will be determined by the amount of the claims against the bond.

The Department greatly appreciates your help in keeping the volume of phone calls it receives to a minimum by checking this website for future updates. We thank you for your help and patience in this matter.

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