Appeals Court Case Information

The Appeals Court provides access to certain case information online. Learn how to search for what you need, including docket entries, oral argument calendars, and decisions issued by the court.

Table of Contents

Search Appeals Court dockets online for case information

Docket entries in cases heard by the Appeals Court (except for fully impounded cases) may be searched online. No passwords are necessary. Searches may be conducted by docket number, involved party, attorney appearance, lower court, or lower court judge. The information is posted daily in an effort to provide attorneys, litigants, the media and the general public with easy access to up-to-date appellate case docket information. Actual case documents that are deemed "public information" are available for public inspection at the court's clerk's office. Documents in impounded cases may only be viewed at the court clerk's office, only by the counsel or party of record with proper identification. 

Note: These online services are provided by the appellate courts’ case management system vendor. Viewers are advised that the official court file is the tangible one located at the court and not this website. The case dockets and argument calendar information are generally updated each hour with any new entries made during regular business hours.

Oral arguments

Oral arguments are hearings in which appealing parties, or their attorneys arguing on their behalf, have an opportunity to present their case to a panel of justices and tell them why they believe errors of law were made at the trial court or by the state agency where the case was first heard. These oral argument sessions are open to the public.

You can access Appeals Court schedules and calendars of panel sittings and single justice hearings online.

For more information about whether you are entitled to oral argument in your case, what to expect when you plan to argue before a panel of justices, or how to plan a visit to the John Adams Courthouse to observe, view our guide to oral arguments.

You may purchase a CD of an appellate argument in a case heard by the Appeals Court online. Oral arguments scheduled on or after January 2, 2019 are posted to the Court's website where they can be accessed for no charge. Find instructions about web access to oral arguments here.

Search online for Appeals Court decisions

Reported decisions of the Appeals Court are available to the public on the day of release through publishers who are not directly associated with the Judicial Branch. To search for decisions or sign up to receive e-mail notification of recently released appellate opinions, visit the Reporter of Decisions website.

All decisions in appeals before the Massachusetts Appeals Court are issued in writing. Generally, they will state whether or not the trial court judgment will be upheld and explain the reasons why. Learn more about the process and when you can expect a decision in your appeal.

Contact   for Appeals Court Case Information


NOTE: The Clerk's Office does not respond to email inquiries. If you have questions concerning appellate procedure or a case, please call the telephone number above.


John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Room 1200, Boston, MA 02108

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