Appendix A: Components of the Commonwealth Fusion Center

A brief description of the different parts of the Commonwealth Fusion Center.

Table of Contents


Components of the Commonwealth Fusion Center4 

Criminal Information Section

This section is responsible for activities associated with the protection of critical infrastructure, missing persons, and drug enforcement.

Intelligence Services Unit

This unit is staffed with intelligence analysts who are assigned to the Watch Center located in Framingham and the Commonwealth Fusion Center Maynard office. Intelligence analysts perform Watch Center functions, intelligence analysis, case support, special event support, and suspicious-activity vetting.

Watch Center Unit

The Watch Center performs situational awareness functions and provides tactical intelligence during critical incidents.

Anti-Terrorism Unit

This unit performs investigatory functions, and its members serve on a Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Terrorism Task Force.

4. These descriptions are based on information provided by management at the Commonwealth Fusion Center.

Date published: January 18, 2019

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