Organizational History, Background and Structure: Bay State Community Services Inc., (BSCS) was formed in 1991 through a merger of five community-based agencies that had an extensive history (over 100 years) of quality service delivery to the communities of Southeastern Massachusetts (Survival, Inc. and the South Shore Council on Alcoholism of Quincy, The Mayflower Mental Health Association of Plymouth, the Center for Community Counseling and Education of Walpole, and Billings Human Services of Norwood). In 2011 and 2012 respectively, The Dianne DeVanna Center, a child abuse prevention agency in Braintree, and the Beal Street Family Reunification Program in Hingham, both longstanding community based agencies, became part of BSCS’ comprehensive system of care, strengthening our services to families throughout the Greater South Shore Area.
Our mission, vision and background is deeply rooted in children and their families. Our founding agencies recognized that in order to support children in having a healthy future, we must understand the families’ needs. BSCS has worked tirelessly to respectfully and
effectively address our families’ challenges. As a comprehensive social service agency with approximately 80 services, we are committed to meeting the needs of our youth and families. A critical component to our mission is our Community Service Agencies (CSAs) supporting the Coastal and Plymouth areas.
Our corporate structure includes: Vice Presidents of Children’s Services, Adult Services, Residential Services, Human Resources and Prevention and Intervention Services. These positions report to the CEO and are designed to provide support and resources to our Program Directors.
BSCS’ Five-year Business Plan that identifies the CSA’s organizational challenges, current performance on its Development Plan, and goals over the course of the DSRIP program:
At the core of our CSA’s organization challenges, and the overarching theme of both developmental plans, is staffing vacancies. Lack of trained and committed staff has impacted the number of families served as well as our ability to maintain high fidelity to the model.
Having seasoned trained staff ensures that our communities have access to quality Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) and Family Partner (FP) services.
Year 1 (6/1/18-12/31/18) Business Plan:
The Preparation Budget funding has established a solid foundation for the BSCS 5-year business plan. We have utilized the initial funds to create an environment in which we have selected qualified and dedicated staff who are committed to the model and are excited to participate in the multiple training opportunities. BSCS’ 30-hour recruitment and retention specialists will continue to hire for the CSA programs and will be implementing the retention plan to address the unique needs of the CSA staffing. At the end of this budget period, the budgeted staffing will be at 80%. In addition, the recruiter will have met with all CSA staff to assess job satisfaction, training, and supports that may be needed to maintain current staff.
Investment Impact toward goals: The DSRIP funding for the recruiter and retention specialist will allow BSCS to develop a targeted recruitment plan that will identify individuals who embrace the Wraparound model and have the skills to be successful. This funding will enable us to have one individual reach out to candidates, provide intensive support and monitor job satisfaction. In addition, we have built in opportunities for growth for staff who have made a sincere commitment to the CSA. During year 1, four staff will be given the opportunity to participate in the UMass Center for Integrated Primary Care
program. Offering certifications and additional training is a key component to our staff retention strategies. DSRIP funds will also be used to place CSA staff in the community and pediatric practices (20 hours), which will increase access, referral and the visibility of the CSA services.
Year 2 (1/1/19-12/31/19) Business Plan:
In year 2, the ongoing focus will be on maintaining and providing growth opportunities for staff. BSCS has established a goal of 70% retention of existing staff. Staff training opportunities will include 2 seasoned staff attending Red Rock and all other staff participating in Tier 1 and Tier 2 certification. The recruitment specialists will be discussing these opportunities at the point of hire so that new staff understands that the agency is invested and committed to their training and development. CSA staff will offer 36 hours of outreach to PCP’s and community providers to continue to build relationships.
DSRIP Investment Impact toward goals: The funding will continue to support the recruitment and retention specialist who will assist in evaluating and selecting candidates. In addition, the funding for Tier 1 and Tier 2 trainings will assist staff in developing credentials and a commitment to the Wraparound model. The outreach will continue to improve access to CSA services.
Year 3 (1/1/20-12/31/20) Business Plan:
In year 3, we expect that the staff will be a stable and cohesive team who has institutional knowledge that can be relayed to new staff. ICC staff will be allocating 16 hours a week to continuing support to child service agencies.
Therefore, we will reduce the recruitment and retention specialist position to 20 hours. During year 3, we will have opportunities for three additional staff to become certified in Behavioral Health Integration. It is anticipated that 10 additional laptops will be needed to support additional staff and address the aging of equipment.
DSRIP Investment Impact toward goals: DSRIP funding will enable us to continue to have dedicated recruitment and retention efforts. It will allow us to provide certification opportunities that support staff retention and encourages professional growth. Further, DSRIP funds will help to ensure access to proper technology.
Year 4 (1/1/21-12/31/21) Business Plan:
The recruitment specialist will be maintained at 20 hours to ensure that staffing needs are continuing to be met. The focus will be directed toward maintaining and supporting senior staff. Certification in Behavioral Health Integration will be made available to one additional staff. Five additional laptops will be purchased.
DSRIP Investment Impact toward goals: DSRIP funding will enable us to continue to have dedicated recruitment and retention efforts. It will allow us to provide certification opportunities that support staff retention and encourages professional growth. Further, DSRIP funds will help to ensure access to proper technology.
Year 5 (1/1/22-12/31/22) Business Plan:
It is anticipated that we will maintain the dedicated recruiter for 20 hours; BSCS’ Human Resource Department will be able to support the CSA’s additional hiring needs. We will have two certification spots available to staff who have not participated in the UMass training. In addition, we will have the opportunity to choose one of the senior staff to become Coach Certified this year. Five additional laptops will be purchased to address the aging of equipment.
DSRIP Investment Impact towards goals: We fully anticipate that the funding this year will support the stable and dedicated staff that we have hired and maintained over the past four years. The funding for additional Certified Coaches will ensure that we have the capacity to train internally and will help us to build a self-sustaining system.
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Boston Accountable Care Organization in partnership with BMC HealthNet Plan (English, PDF 257.12 KB)