Massachusetts Chapter 688 of the Acts of 1983, also known as the “turning 22” law, stipulates that students receiving special education who will require continued disability related services upon exiting school (by graduating or turning twenty two years of age, whichever ever occurs first) shall be entitled to formal transitional planning. As such, M.G.L.c.71B Sec 12-A-C establishes the Bureau of Transitional Planning (BTP). The primary function of the BTP is to coordinate and monitor implementation of the formal transition planning process.
Contact the BTP
Bureau of Transitional Planning
1000 Washington Street, Suite 402
Boston, MA 02118
- Mass Special Education Law – M.G.L. c.71B
- Guide to Chapter 688 Mass "Turning 22 Law" Brochure (PDF) | (DOCX)
- Chapter 688 Referral Guide for School Departments
Electronic Chapter 688 filing system
As of September 1, 2017, the Bureau of Transitional Planning (BTP) will no longer accept Chapter 688 paper referrals on behalf of students with disabilities. This includes submissions directly to human service agencies as well as to the BTP. All referrals should be submitted using the new T22/Chapter 688 referral application which is accessed through the EOHHS Virtual Gateway.
Please refer to BTP Bulletin 2021 (PDF) | (DOCX) for further information including how to obtain a virtual gateway account and use of the system.