Eligible Borrowers
- for profit developers
- non-profit developers
- local housing authorities
- municipalities in cooperation with for- profit or non-profit developers
Eligible Activities
CBH funds can be used for:
- the acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing structures for rental use
- for new construction of rental projects.
- All units receiving CBH assistance must be occupied by Persons Certified Eligible by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) with incomes no greater than 80% of the area median income.
Eligible Populations
The CBH Program excludes clients of the DMH and DDS (who may access housing financed through the FCF program), but includes many other people with disabilities who are institutionalized or at risk of institutionalization.
In order to be eligible for CBH, a person must have a physical or mental impairment of a permanent or long and continuous duration that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The physical or mental impairment must be medically demonstrable by acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques.
Eligible populations include adults with a range of disabilities including:
- Mobility impairments
- Cerebral palsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Epilepsy
- Brain or spinal cord injuries
- Sensory disabilities
- Emotional disabilities
- Cognitive disabilities
Eligible Housing Types
- Projects seeking CBH funds must be certified by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
- Priority will be given to projects that provide integrated housing that includes several CBH units within a larger rental building or development
- Ideally, no more than 15% of the units should be set-aside for people with disabilities
The CBH Program does not require all units to be fully accessible.
However, accessibility through visitability is strongly encouraged.
Visitability includes:
- accessible front doors to units
- accessible circulation to public spaces and amenities within a building
- an accessible bathroom on the first floor of a building
Read the Federal guidance from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Maximum Loan Amount
EOHLC will award no more than 50% of total project development costs per CBH unit, with a recommended limit of $750,000 per project.
Rate and Term of Loan
CBH Loans are structured as 30-year deferred payment loans at 0% interest, with ten-year extensions available at EOHLC’s discretion.
EOHLC reserves the right to structure any CBH loan with an interest rate above 0%.
Loans are subject to deed restrictions and title transfer agreements as provided for in loan documents, including a promissory note, mortgage and use restriction.
Selection Criteria
Projects must be approved by MRC, and underwritten for feasibility by EOHLC's technical assistance partner, the Community Development Economic Assistance Corporation (CEDAC).
Factors for consideration will include:
- strength of overall concept
- strength of development team
- demonstrated need for project in the target neighborhood
- suitable site and design
- appropriate scope of rehabilitation or construction
- appropriate total development cost for properties included in proposal
financial viability of the project - evidence of readiness to proceed
- evidence of satisfactory progress on projects previously funded with DHCD (now EOHLC) resources
- certification in accordance with Executive Order 418
- incorporation of sustainable development
Guidelines, Forms, Policies and Information
How to Apply
EOHLC makes CBH funding available through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
Applicants must submit an application for funding using the Department’s Mass One Stop+ web-based application.
Additional Resources
Contact for Community Based Housing (CBH)
Please listen for phone menu options for EOHLC divisions
Kevin Connor, press secretary