Community Compact IT Grant Recipients

Learn more about the recipients and projects of past Community Compact IT grants.

Table of Contents

Fiscal Year 2024

MunicipalityGrant Amt.Project Description
Andover$150,000Implementation of a records management system
Ashland$150,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Attleborough$150,000Implementation of a records management system
Belchertown$74,525Disaster recovery enhancements
Bernardston$50,000Implementation of a robust server and network infrastructure
Billerica$50,000Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Blandford$80,000Implementation of a financial management system
Braintree$109,500Implementation of an e-permitting system
Brookfield$86,575Installation of a recording studio to enable communication during Town meetings and other group events
Brookline$138,852Disaster recovery enhancements
Clinton$106,255Implementation of an e-permitting system
Dartmouth$8,725Implementation of a records management system
Dunstable$29,979Disaster recovery enhancements
East Bridgewater$127,500Locate and map the drinking water distribution system into the GIS asset management system
Fairhaven$150,000Implementation of a records management system
Groveland$134,900Upgrade of a regional Municipal Information Mapping Access Program (MIMAP) system
Halifax$75,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Harwich$150,000Implementation of a records management system
Hudson$100,000Implementation of a financial management system
Lakeville$44,075Disaster recovery enhancements
Lanesborough$70,000Implementation of a records management system
Leicester$74,384Website enhancement
Marion$135,000Implementation of a records management system
Mattapoisett$132,479Disaster recovery enhancements
Melrose$150,000Implementation of a records management system
Middleborough$185,193Disaster recovery enhancements
Middlefield$25,700Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Millville$28,100Implementation of a computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) system
Montgomery$21,000Implementation of an e-permitting system and GIS parcel mapping software
North Andover$118,000Disaster recovery enhancements
North Brookfield$17,000Implementation of a technology refresh plan
Oak Bluffs$44,300Leveraging of fiber infrastructure to provide efficient, secure and cost-saving highspeed connectivity between multiple municipal locations
Oakham$25,587Website enhancement
Oxford$142,500Implementation of a records management system
Pittsfield$50,000Website enhancement
Plainfield$21,000Introduction of hybrid meeting technology
Plymouth$93,353Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Sharon$125,400Provide resources for GIS and asset management to existing and future infrastructure
Shirley$25,000Website enhancement
Shrewsbury$80,000Implementation of a mobile inspection system
Somerville$135,000Implementation of a records management system
Southwick$139,397Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Stoneham$94,456Implementation of an e-permitting system
Templeton$43,500Implementation of an e-permitting system
Upton$125,117Implementation of an audio/visual system to allow virtual meetings
Wareham$100,000Implementation of a records management system
West Springfield$63,760Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Westport$146,875Implementation of an e-permitting system
Weymouth$150,000Construction of a Mesh Wireless network
Woburn$105,000Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Worcester$146,319Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Wrentham$171,613Implementation of an e-permitting system

Fiscal Year 2023

MunicipalityGrant Amt.Project Description
Acton$75,000Purchase of equipment for a customer service center
Ashby$50,562Acquisition of a ubiquitous network system
Becket$40,207Acquisition of a server
Berkley$173,349Disaster recovery enhancements
Beverly$27,830Network capacity enhancements
Blackstone$96,720Implementation of an e-permitting system
Brimfield$46,300Implementation of a town-wide security camera network
Buckland$17,500Purchase and installation of hybrid meeting infrastructure
Charlton$53,960Computer aided dispatch (CAD) system enhancement
Chicopee$133,391Disaster recovery enhancements
Dedham$139,398Cybersecurity infrastructure enhancement
Florida$60,000Disaster recovery enhancements
Foxborough$198,960Implementation of an e-permitting system
Gloucester$56,266Disaster recovery enhancements
Goshen$86,047Implementation of a financial management system
Granby$31,875Implementation of collections software
Granville$17,600Migration of the town's historic financial data to a new financial management system
Groton$15,000Implementation of collections software
Hampden$75,000Implementation of a shared document management system
Hanover$196,495Purchase and installation of a multi-site UHF digital radio system for the town's schools
Hanson$35,000Disaster recovery enhancements
Lancaster$98,000Acquisition of a server
Lee$9,800Implementation of a session initiation protocol system
Lincoln$43,500Acquisition of a server
Medfield$80,000Implementation of a records management system
Methuen$200,000Implementation of a records management system
Millbury$29,190Implementation of a human resources management system
Millis$53,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Milton$61,000Website enhancement
New Marlborough$23,791Purchase and implementation of management software
Newburyport$154,000Implementation of a VOIP telephone system
Newton$140,000Implementation of a records management system
Norfolk$20,000Implementation of a cloud-based phone system
Northfield$11,000Implementation of increased cybersecurity and other network enhancements for the town's library
Norwood$43,000Implementation of a records management system
Orange$15,366Website enhancement
Otis$23,000Implementation of a computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) system
Paxton$115,000Implementation of a records management system
Peabody$155,000Purchase and installation of hybrid meeting infrastructure
Petersham$12,280Implementation of a financial management system
Princeton$19,520Disaster recovery enhancements
Quincy$200,000Build-out of a data warehouse for Quincy College
Reading$85,000Implementation of a records management system
Rowe$133,400Implementation of a financial management system
Russell$23,800Implementation of a financial management system
Sandisfield$75,000Implementation of a centralized and web-based security system for certain municipal buildings
Sheffield$200,000Implementation of a records management system
Southbridge$143,360Implementation of an e-permitting system
Stoughton$200,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Swansea$16,000Implementation of a facilities management system
Taunton$200,000Implementation of a surveillance system for the city's water department assets
Tolland$4,350Acquisition of hardware improvements for the town's public safety departments
Ware$68,377Implementation of a computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) system
Warren$65,000Implementation of a financial management system
Watertown$190,300Implementation of a records management system
Wellfleet$190,708Implementation of an e-permitting system
Wendell$25,005Purchase and installation of hybrid meeting infrastructure
West Bridgewater$50,000Implementation of a records management system
Westborough$20,000Implementation of a redundant firewall
Westfield$74,610Disaster recovery enhancements
Westhampton$39,340Website enhancement

Fiscal Year 2022

MunicipalityGrant Amt.Project Description
Acushnet$54,300Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Amesbury$156,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Amherst$74,625Construction of a downtown public wi-fi network
Ashburnham$10,880Transition to a cloud-hosted phone system
Ashland$95,000Improvement of public safety radio communications system
Athol$73,478Implementation of network security across all Town buildings
Auburn$60,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Avon$59,480Implementation of an e-permitting system
Bellingham$18,900Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Billerica$65,800Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Boxford$31,600Implementation of an e-permitting system
Brookfield$59,640Implementation of a records management system
Charlemont$23,477Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Chelsea$80,000Implementation of a records management system
Cheshire$40,561Creation of a town network
Chesterfield$34,000Creation of a town network
Chilmark$31,000Implementation of a records management system
Concord$89,000Implementation of a Public/Private wireless network
Dennis$19,731Implementation of a voice over IP solution
Dighton$16,869Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
East Longmeadow$114,503Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Easthampton$125,000Deployment of a multi-faceted public safety system
Essex$41,670Implementation of a public engagement system
Falmouth$125,000Implementation of a fire station alerting system
Georgetown$2,800Fire Department system integration
Great Barrington$8,300Implementation of a records management system
Hadley$11,209Implementation of a voice over IP solution
Harvard$29,124Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Holbrook$9,995Implementation of a voice over IP solution
Hopkinton$60,000Implementation of a records management system
Huntington$17,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Lakeville$113,347Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Leicester$25,000Implementation of a cloud-based software for EMTs and Paramedics
Leyden$47,963Implement an integrated financial management system
Littleton$56,000Migration of applications and data from to a cloud Infrastructure
Longmeadow$27,750Implementation of a records management system
Ludlow$10,300Implementation of an iPad training/education program for senior citizens at  the Ludlow Senior Center
Manchester-by-the-Sea$100,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities for regional IT initiative
Medway$40,976Fire Department mobile workstations
Merrimac$25,245Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Middleborough$79,767Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Montgomery$15,000Implementation of a secure network access to remote users
New Ashford$11,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
North Brookfield$14,000Implementation of network security
Norwell$65,000Implementation of a records management system
Oak Bluffs$58,109Town network modifications
Orleans$9,500Implementation of an e-permitting system
Oxford$47,588CAD system enhancement
Pembroke$88,500Implementation of a records management system
Peru$25,000Implement an integrated financial management system
Phillipston$8,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Pittsfield$99,750Construction of a downtown public wi-fi network
Plymouth$100,000Implementation of an e-permitting system
Raynham$16,416Town network modifications
Revere$48,615Integration of various networked systems
Rochester$66,090Implementation of an e-permitting system
Salisbury$57,137Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Sandwich$78,000Implementation of an electronic work order system for the Department of Public Works
Savoy$50,000Creation of a town network
Sharon$10,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Sherborn$11,020Enable hybrid meeting for local governing bodies
Southampton$51,070Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Sterling$100,000Implementation of a voice over IP solution
Templeton$33,565Utilization of a GIS-based cemetery records management system
Truro$80,000Implementation of a records management system
West Brookfield$47,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities
Westminster$1,400Utilization of a water billing system
Westwood$58,218Implementation of  mobile ticketing for Police Department
Whitman$79,645Centralizing resources via the implementation of  thin clients
Williamsburg$22,000GIS implementation

Fiscal Year 2021

MunicipalityGrant Amt.Project Description
Ashfield$45,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Attleboro$151,510Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Barre$80,000Implement a records management system.
Belmont$42,000Improve network infrastructure in order to implement a VoIP telecommunications system.
Beverly$44,000Network Attached Storage (NAS) unit.
Boston$120,000Utilize enhanced technology monitoring and configuration management that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Brewster$55,400Implement an e-permitting system.
Brimfield$75,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Brockton$136,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Clarksburg$11,500Improve network infrastructure for better security and functionality.
Cummington$69,631Deploy computer network to complete recently built fiber optic network.
Douglas$24,405Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Dover$30,000Deploy cemetery management software to assist with day-to-day operations such as scheduling and billing.
Dudley$75,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Duxbury$81,415Migration, consolidation and standardization of servers and network infrastructure.
Edgartown$25,000Payroll system interface.
Framingham$20,000Implement a comprehensive, integrated smart 311 system.
Hanson$81,050Implement an e-permitting system.
Harwich$67,500Implement an e-permitting system.
Heath$45,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Hopedale$46,900Implement an e-permitting system.
Hubbardston$60,000Implement a records management system.
Kingston$150,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Marblehead$120,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Marshfield$30,000Implement a records management system.
Melrose$100,000Implement a project management/ collaboration platform.
Milford$41,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Monterey$82,000Utilize a web-based road surface and temperature measurement system.
Natick$73,000Implement an e-permitting system.
New Bedford$176,972Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
New Braintree$35,000Create network infrastructure.
North Adams$67,750Implement a cloud-based products town/school financial system.
Northampton$150,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Northfield$30,533Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Oakham$50,000Implement integrated accounting and treasury software.
Orange$49,800Implement an e-permitting system.
Peabody$120,000Migration to cloud-based platform.
Rockland$112,410Implement an e-permitting system.
Russell$37,390Implement more secure network.
Sheffield$41,662Implement a townwide financial system.
Southwick$57,325Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Stoneham$25,000Implement a GIS system.
Stow$40,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Taunton$150,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Tolland$10,340Create a LAN bridge between facilities.
Upton$15,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
Waltham$58,020Implement a Disruption Tolerant Hybrid Mesh network.
Ware$140,175Implement an integrated financial management system.
Washington$69,000Improve disaster recovery and cybersecurity capabilities.
West Bridgewater$45,500Implement an e-permitting system.
West Springfield$115,750Purchase a modern HR system that centralizes and manages Town and School HR operations.
Westhampton$10,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Winchester$17,500Implement an e-permitting system.
Woburn$60,000Implement a records management system.
Worcester$42,000Implement a comprehensive, integrated smart 311 system.

Fiscal Year 2020

MunicipalityGrant Amt.Project Description
Abington$37,000Enable mobile access to critical records for first responders in the field.
Acton$150,000Expand fire department records access by implementing a fully functioning RMS system.
Acushnet$29,060Implement an e-permitting system.
Ashland$54,000Provide the Fire Department with an emergency alerting system.
Blandford$15,360Implement an e-permitting system for Blandford and Chester.
Braintree$102,034Implement network infrastructure to improve communication interoperability among emergency departments.
Bridgewater$83,000Expand the municipal fiber optic network
Buckland$5,000Add a CCTV system at the Waste Water Treatment Facility. 
Carver$99,000Enhance the Public Safety Radio System. 
Charlton$90,950Implement infrastructure to improve disaster recovery capabilities.
Chester$16,950Implement a general ledger system that conforms with GAAP. 
Dartmouth$53,373Implement an e-permitting system
Dennis$21,500Convert documents to make compatible with an e-permitting system.
East Bridgewater$70,000Expand GIS system across all municipal departments.
Freetown$166,000Implement a records management system for Lakeville and Freetown.
Gill$25,124Implement a collections system to improve interdepartmental collaboration.
Gloucester$42,500Conversion of the Fire Department's radio system to a Ultra High Frequency (UHF) simulcast system.
Granville$11,600Digitization of paper records.
Groton$20,000Expand the municipal fiber optic network.
Hinsdale$14,194Implement a Document Digitization platform.
Holden$157,035Implement a municipal fiber optic network.
Ipswich$21,000Install a business-class wireless solution for the Library.
Leyden$40,000Implement a new financial management system.
Marion$22,688Implement an e-permitting system.
Needham$23,500Implement an e-permitting system.
Paxton$9,680Implement an e-permitting system.
Plainfield$41,370Implement infrastructure to improve disaster recovery capabilities.
Raynham$41,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Reheboth$134,708Expansion of the fiber optic network.
Rockport$25,000Consolidation of town and school server and storage infrastructure.
Rowe$21,303Implement a new financial management system.
Sandisfield$17,450Expand GIS system across all municipal departments.
Sandwich$20,000Digitize records.
Saugus$57,000Creation of a GIS-based geoindex for document imaging.
Scituate$200,000Implement a fiber optic network to connect municipal buildings.
Shelburne$18,586Implement a disaster recovery infrastructure.
Sherborn$55,000Implement an e-permitting system.
Southampton$6,300Implement infrastructure to improve disaster recovery capabilities.
Southborough$93,000Expand the municipal fiber optic network.
Springfield$100,000Digitization of vital records.
Sturbridge$194,374Expand the municipal fiber optic network.
Sudbury$89,075Expand the municipal fiber optic network.
Swampscott$14,995Upgrade the Town of Swampscott's GIS program.
Tewksbury$139,018Install a simulcast system to help resolve public safety radio coverage issues within buildings.
Tyngsborough$15,113Expand the municipal fiber optic network.
Westford$73,100Upgrade billing software in order to effectively implement a Stormwater Fee.
Westminster$125,000Implement a fiber optic network to connect municipal buildings.
Westwood$26,000Infrastructure enhancements to ensure high availability of critical systems.
Williamstown$14,400Convert paper-based billing and payroll processes to electronic format.
Winchendon$35,000Implement a records management system.
Yarmouth$100,000Expand the municipal fiber optic network.

Fiscal Year 2019

MunicipalityAwardProject Description
AGAWAM$33,000Implementation of a public document repository available through the website and digitization of records.
AMHERST$65,000Implementation of a town-wide document management system.
BARRE$14,400Implementation of modern server infrastructure.
BEDFORD$37,700Implementation of an E-Permitting and Licensing platform.
BELCHERTOWN$81,000Implementation of an E-Permitting and Licensing platform.
BELLINGHAM$72,000Implementation of an E-Permitting platform.
BRIMFIELD$32,500Implementation of network infrastructure to improve service and cyber security posture.
BROCKTON$98,465Improvements to public safety network infrastructure.
CHELSEA$50,000Implementation of a comprehensive communication and project management package that will improve service, documentation and knowledge sharing.
COHASSET$50,000Implementation of a consolidated student information system with forecasting tools.
CUMMINGTON$24,464Implement a modern, reliable network at the Community House.
GARDNER$50,000Expansion of the fiber optic network to improve municipal and public safety operations.
HADLEY$19,350Implementation of a consolidated billing and collections system.
HALIFAX$13,000Integrate orthophoto assets with the GIS system and allow for use by field workers.
HOLLAND$12,000Implementation of a new e-mail platform.
HUBBARDSTON$28,500Implementation of software to improve building, assessing and public works operations.
KINGSTON$61,334Implementation of a voice over IP solution at Kingston Intermediate School.
LANCASTER$135,020Expansion of the municipal fiber optic network to improve security, improve service and aggregate bandwidth and security cost.
MIDDLEBOROUGH$38,930Implementation of network management system to improve security posture.
MILLIS$63,921Improvements to technology infrastructure to improve security posture and reliability.
MONTEREY$9,840Implementation of an online solution for application and payment of transfer station and health permits.
NATICK$121,375Implementation of a modern billing and accounts receivable platform.
NEW BEDFORD$80,000Implementation of disaster recovery infrastructure to improve the posture of city, school and public safety operations.
NORTH READING$85,075Implementation of an E-Permitting and Licensing platform.
NORWOOD$50,100Enhancements to the Town's GIS system.
OXFORD$24,000Implementation of a real estate appraisal system.
PITTSFIELD$95,000Implementation of wireless infrastructure for internal and public use.
PLAINVILLE$150,000Implementation of a fiber optic network to improve municipal operations and security posture.
READING$45,105Enhancements to the financial system to improve processes across HR, Payroll, Treasury and Finance.
SALEM$150,000Implementation of a public document repository available through the website and digitization of public records.
SHREWSBURY$111,689Implementation of an integrated cyber security platform for town, school electric and cable operations.
SOUTH HADLEY$18,563Enhancements to the Town's permitting platform.
SOUTHWICK$91,380Implementation of converged virtual server infrastructure.
STERLING$150,000Implementation of a fiber optic network to improve municipal and public safety operations.
STOUGHTON$80,823Improvements to network infrastructure.
SUNDERLAND$31,000Improvements to modernize server infrastructure.
WAKEFIELD$110,886Improvement and expansion of public safety radio communications system.
WALTHAM$185,110Implementation of wireless infrastructure for internal and public use.
WEBSTER$28,000Implementation of electronic signage to enhance efforts around community engagement.
WELLESLEY$24,000Enhance network infrastructure to improve disaster recovery posture.
WEST NEWBURY$58,000Implementation of a consolidated student data management system.
WESTON$84,900Implementation of an enterprise content management system and digitization of municipal records.
WHITMAN$199,601Enhancements to radio communication infrastructure to improve coverage for Police and Fire operations.
WOBURN$53,000Network hardware to allow for integration and monitoring of several SCADA-related data streams.

Fiscal Year 2018

Ashburnham$42,850Upgrade network infrastructure to improve disaster recovery and WiFi access throughout municipal buildings
Ashland$103,000Fire software for emergency call tracking, reporting, asset management, reference material, permits and inspections, maintenance management, mobile access
Athol$55,691Software to improve regional E911 Services
Berlin$29,300Implementation of E-Permitting
Beverly$100,000Support the consolidations of emergency dispatch operations
Bolton$22,635Implement a new permitting system that will include the ability to apply online and schedule and perform inspections electronically.
Charlemont$8,850GIS enhancements including integration with assessing.
Charlton$4,955Provide emergency notifications tied to phone system.
Colrain$5,000Implementation of a new E-Permitting system.
Dighton$19,044Align Sewer Commission utility billing and collections with the rest of the town.
Everett$39,419Improve virtual access and usability of City solutions -- website and online applications.
Great Barrington$32,646Centralized server infrastructure.
Groveland$20,000Enhancements to Regional MIMAP GIS platform.
Hardwick$50,000Enhancements to network and device security at the police department.
Holbrook$5,500Implementation of an E-Permitting system.
Holliston$31,143Implementation of a centralized enterprise wireless networking solution.
Mashpee$70,330Implementation of an E-Permitting system.
Medway$24,000System to track recycling center usage, eligibility and payment.
Millville$40,248Enhancements to public safety network infrastructure.
Milton$46,800Fire data management system and integration with police dispatch
Montague$34,945Migrate to a new centralized collections system for the Town of Montague, Turners Falls Fire District, Montague Center Fire District and Montague Light District.
Northampton$100,000Development of a regional system to document and analyze the local opioid crisis.
Oakham$20,000Infrastructure enhancements to allow for centralized IT management.
Orange$25,000Infrastructure to allow for school/town technology consolidation.
Otis$76,000Implementation of a consolidated accounting system for the Town and school.
Palmer$58,722E-Permitting system implementation.
Pembroke$119,700Implementation of a new enterprise resource management system.
Phillipston$49,000Infrastructure enhancements to allow for centralization of services.
Princeton$45,000Implementation of a new accounting system.
Revere$69,000Implementation of an enterprise document management solution
Rutland$18,800E-Permitting Implementation
Salisbury$63,790Enhancements to Network Infrastructure.
Scituate$58,000Implementation of a Water and Sewer GIS System
Somerset$53,000Expansion of GIS across the community
Tolland$8,550Implement modern, secure network infrastructure
Topsfield$16,700Implementation of a document management solution
Townsend$46,904Enhancements to Network Infrastructure.
Truro$40,000GIS system implementation.
Tyngsborough$125,740Supporting the implementation of a new financial platform.
Wareham$66,900Implement an enterprise-wide E-Permitting and Licensing Platform
Wayland$38,000Implementation of an E-Permitting solution.
Wellfleet$24,270Implementation of a new financial platform.
West Springfield$37,000Technology in support of the Language and Skill Development Program 
Westborough$22,000Implementation of a centralized asset and work order management system.
Westfield$31,550Implementation of backup and recovery infrastructure

Fiscal Year 2017

Agawam$8,000Expand current Laserfiche document scanning program.  This would allow the indexing of paper documents and also allow sharing documents among departments. 
Auburn$28,000Implement a modern permitting system for building and health departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Billerica$40,000Continue public safety collaboration with the state by developing an interface to the Criminal Justice Information System to enhance the local police records system.
Carver$58,500Implement a consolidated Town-School Facilities Management Department and an IT Dept.  This will allow for a more uniform ovesight of both structural and IT capital assets for the Town of Carver.
Chicopee$50,000Expand the document management sytem to include Personnel Action Forms.  This includes improvement to the current workflow and the additon of secure signature stamps.
Cohasset$27,000Purchase Electronic Document Management software that will allow for cost savings in reduced labor hours for document requests from the public and internal departments.
Danvers$45,000Contribute to the cost of installing town-wide fiber optic cabling to support its existing and anticipated technology needs, to address existing technology problems caused by insufficient fiber and to explore offering regional or shared IT services.  
Douglas$30,313Upgrade the existing IT infrastructure from Category 3 to Category 6 wiring will allow the Town of Douglas to make full use of their existing technology, provide for anticipated IT investments, and operate more efficiently. 
Duxbury$146,000The purpose of this grant is to provide for a regional aerial photography flight,  for use as a GIS basemap for 8 municipalities on the South Shore. 
East Longmeadow$40,000Enable East Longmeadow and Longmeadow to establish a fault-tolerant fiber interconnection. This  will allow the towns to better develop a disaster recovery plan, and regionalize aspects of IT operations for service delivery and cost benefits.
Easthampton$67,000Consolidate the Information Technology (IT) departments between Easthampton Public Schools and the City of Easthampton. This consolidation and sharing of services would improve and expand the support options for both the school district and the city. 
Easton$25,000Implement a solution that tracks employee time, attendance and scheduling for public safety and department of public works employees.
Fitchburg$60,000Implement technology that will allow the police department to digitize paper reports thus improving the department's internal processes and responses for requests for older reports. Furthermore, scanning decades of paper reports to an electronic format. 
Georgetown$69,000Implement shared reporting software for Police and Fire.
Grafton$29,763Implement a modern permitting system for all town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Greenfield$39,651Enhance server and network infrastructure at Dispatch and Police Department. 
Hadley$50,000Support the implementation of a SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system for the town's wastewater system.
Hanson$43,500Implement a regional GIS solution which would provide for a GIS consultant/provider,  software licenses, implementation and training costs to serve the memebers of the collaborative.
Lakeville$40,000Implement a modern permitting system, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Lenox$110,000Implement the combining of positions between the Town Manager of Lenox and the Town Administrator of Lee into a shared Chief Administrative Officer serving both towns.
Leominster$63,000Enhance virtual server infrastructure at Leominster City Hall
Leverett$30,000Install and implement a townwide network as recommended by Leveretts IT consultant.  This will enable a secure, centrally maintained operating environment for municipal government and public safety telecommunications.
Lincoln$24,320Implement a modern permitting system for all town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Lunenburg$40,000Implement a modern permitting system, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Lynnfield$50,000Implement a modern permitting system, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Mendon$10,000Implement technology to improve transparency across Town government.
Merrimac$42,747Implement a new platform to eliminate the need for three disparate financial platforms.
Millbury$20,000Implement a modern permitting system for all town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
New Marlborough$14,524Implement a townwide network and server infrastructure.  This will allow all departments to backup all files and to maintain a file storage solution for better accesss to public records requests. 
New Salem$53,000Deploy a new accounting and cash management system for the benefit of 12 communities.
Newburyport$100,000Implement a city-wide fiber optic network that will support the City’s full network requirements.
North Andover$50,000Deploy technology that will allow the town to digitize paper documents, improving responsiveness to residents and creating more efficient internal processes.
Oxford$35,000To build, setup, and deploy a new robust modern virtual server infrastructure l to replace the physical server technology that has reached capacity. 
Paxton$13,000Consolidate townwide networks with domain server technology.  This will allow a more secure, agile network environment.  
Pelham$7,775Deploy technology that will allow the town to digitize paper documents, improving responsiveness to residents and creating more efficient internal processes.
Pepperell$15,000Deployment of new technology infrastructure at the wastewater facility
Pittsfield$40,000Upgrade switching infrastructure to enable technology consolidation
Plympton$16,000Deploy technology that will enhance the Town of Plympton’s ability to respond effectively and efficiently to Public Records Law and Open Meeting Law.
Rochester$15,000Enhance public safety technology infrastructure
Southbridge$45,000Enhance school network and security infrastructure
Springfield$103,000Implementation of an online Pre-K through 12th grade pre-registration and enrollment system. 
Ware$24,600Implement a modern permitting system for all town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
Wenham$38,950Implement an online permitting platform to improve processes for internal staff and the public
Whately$4,000Enhancements to existing infrasture that will allow the Town to deploy cloud-based solutions.
Williamsburg$60,250Implementation of a regional document management system for the benefit of 5 communities
Williamstown$20,000Create a searchable data base of all cemetery burial records the will improve internal operations and allow public access. 
Worcester$57,810Deploy a performance management system that will act as a repository for City data, improve transparency and open opportunites for data-driven decision-marking

Fiscal Year 2016

Amesbury$40,000Upgrade the critical network infrastructure that connects city and school buildings to allow for greater speed, stability, and reliability.
Athol$13,440Hardware upgrades for essential town systems, which will allow the town to leverage a shared services agreement with the Athol-Royalston Regional School District.
Ayer$40,000Improve network infrastructure and connectivity at the wastewater treatment plant.
Barre$83,500Upgrade infrastructure to facilitate regional technology cooperation between Barre, Rutland, and Barre Regional Emergency Communication Center.
Braintree$66,352Expand fire department records access to mobile devices so first responders in Braintree are able to access critical information in the field.
Buckland$5,000Improve the town's network security by adding a firewall and replacing hardware used for critical town operations.
Carlisle$30,000Move the town's data center from the town hall to the Concord Carlisle Regional High School's data center with upgrades to prevent the loss of critical data.
Charlemont$13,000Replace the town's failing fuel monitoring system to ensure accountability and reporting capabilities.
Colrain$4,390Implement boards and commission, dog license, and voter check in database software for the town clerk's office.
Dartmouth$17,768Automate parking facility stickers for town parks and beaches so the sticker program can be managed more efficiently with reduced  fraud.
Deerfield$45,000Upgrade the town's critical network infrastructure to enable a high speed link between Town Hall, South County Senior Center, and a secure data center containing Deerfield's data backup center.
Dudley$12,500Create a modern content management system with digital recordkeeping, eliminating the need for paper records.
Dunstable$28,806Implement centralized GIS services to improve town operations.
Everett$27,000Implement software to help the city reduce the cost of managing the snow removal process.
Fall River$68,700Implement a 311 system to connect citizens of Fall River with their city.
Granville$5,000Modernization of the town's accounting software with improved business continuity.
Groton$16,000Upgrade the town's server to a modern architecture and expand the town's digital storage space in support of new innovations like the Groton Fire Department's online burn permit program.
Groveland$22,690Implement a modern electronic permitting system to improve internal operations and ability to serve the public.
Haverhill$59,500Implement a 311 system to connect citizens of Haverhill with their city.
Hawley$2,500Automate highway department processes and digitize records. The highway department will have technology for the first time and can complete paperwork online rather than on paper.
Heath$55,000Implement a solution to better integrate municipal tax collection and assessment functions and reduce the risk of business disruption
Hinsdale$22,000Deploy new infrastructure allowing the town to leverage past water meter investment and enable usage-based water billing.
Holbrook$65,000Implement a modern financial management software package for all town departments.
Holland$4,950Upgrade the town's thirteen year old website to improve communications between town departments, committees, officials, and residents.
Holyoke$48,975Implement an electronic permitting system which will integrate with the rest of the city's systems.
Kingston$88,200Replace the town's disjointed and expensive communications system.
Lancaster$28,700Interconnect the four town buildings in Lancaster to improve collaboration across departments and reduce internet cost.
Marlborough$15,000Move municipal business process from spreadsheets and paper to an electronic permitting platform.
Maynard$7,331Install a modern wireless network in the town's public library, which currently cannot accommodate the growing number of connections requested by residents.
Melrose$40,000Implement a visual budgeting tool in coordination with Andover, Mansfield, Somerset and Hanover which will result in open source code available to any community.
Middleton$93,727Upgrade accounting software of the Tri Town School District, which consists of students from the towns of Middleton, Topsfield, and Boxford, allowing for greater financial accuracy over the current system of managing the budget by spreadsheet.
Millville$57,000A software upgrade to the town's accounting system to improve internal processes across departments and increase transparency.
Nahant$68,915Deploy technology that will allow the town to digitize paper documents, improving responsiveness to residents and creating more efficient internal processes.
Newbury$36,490Implement a modern permitting system for all relevant town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.
North Brookfield$36,100Implement billing and collections software upgrades as recommended by the Division of Local Services.
Northbridge$16,600Deploy new hardware and software to support Northbridge's new expedited permitting initiative. 
Otis$15,000Improve the town's network to address security concerns, improve internet connectivity, improve backup capability, and provide wireless internet access which is essential to residents.
Phillipston$49,000Installation of a radio communications beacon to eliminate gaps that currently exist in emergency communications.
Revere$54,000Implement a 311 system to connect citizens of Revere with their city.
Rockland$44,025Migrate the town's financial management system to a modern platform.
Royalston$13,000Implementation of a new treasurer cash management module which will modernize the town's accounting system.
Salisbury$84,494Interconnect several town buildings with a single network connection to enable better internal communication and greater resilience against disruptions in business.
Sheffield$56,000Essential hardware and software upgrades for the town's accountant and treasurer as recommended by the Division of Local Services, to reduce the amount of financial calculation work that is currently done by hand.
Sherborn$16,000Replace the failing communications system for Town Hall, public safety and the library.
Shirley$37,970Connect the entire town to a common, modern accounting system.
Shrewsbury$85,000Improve the town's core infrastructure to ensure continuity of business operations.
South Hadley$16,100Modernize the town's inspectional service software to allow for access by mobile devices.
Sunderland$24,534Upgrade the town's inadequate and aging network as recommended by the Division of Local Services.
Tewksbury$145,000Interconnect the police, fire, emergency services, public works, libraries, and other town buildings on common network.
Topsfield$10,000Upgrade the town's website to a modern platform which will allow for improved ADA accessibility, web security, and citizen service delivery.
Tyngsborough$34,727Interconnect multiple town buildings to enable central management of the network, improve collaboration across departments, and reduce the risk of business disruption.
Upton$30,016Implement a modern permitting system for all town departments, reducing the amount of time it takes employees to manage permits currently and allowing the public to apply for and track the status of permits online.

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