Eligible Activities
Services provided by CAAs include, but are not limited to:
- Employment and job skills training
- Food and nutrition assistance
- Child development programs, including Head Start and center-based day care
- Individual and family self-sufficiency initiatives
- Youth development
- Fuel and energy assistance
- Domestic violence prevention, counseling and emergency assistance
- Emergency assistance such as, temporary shelter, food, medical assistance, clothing, conflict resolution, etc.
- Affordable housing and homeownership opportunities
- Assistance to homeless and "at-risk" families and individuals
- Transportation assistance
Application Process
Only a duly designated CAA in Massachusetts is eligible to receive CSBG funding. Designated CAAs apply for funding through an annual application process and funds are distributed based on a historical formula. In addition, CAAs are required to submit a Community Action Plan every three years and utilize the Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) process for the overall planning and service delivery process. CAAs are monitored throughout the year through both in-house and on-site assessments.
State Plans
Training and Technical Assistance
Contact for Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
Please listen for phone menu options for EOHLC divisions
Kevin Connor, press secretary
Mass211 is available 24/7 to answer general questions about EOHLC housing or home energy programs. Translation available.