Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program

This federally-funded initiative aims to develop and implement a Diversion to Care program to improve criminal justice system responses to individuals experiencing substance use disorder.

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The Office of Grants and Research has secured funding through the federal Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) to support the development and implementation of a Diversion to Care project. This project will utilize a responsive and adaptive approach to reduce criminal justice system exposure for individuals experiencing substance use disorder. This program aims to:

  • Expand use of evidence-based harm reduction and addiction treatment resources as alternatives to incarceration;
  • Develop community-specific, culturally responsive advisory systems;
  • Deflect individuals who use substances from arrest and incarceration through improvements to the crisis care continuum;
  • Integrate peers and people with lived experience in deflection activities; and
  • Improve real-time data collection.

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