Education courses to complete
- Code review
- Workplace safety
- Business practices/workers’ compensation
- Energy
- Lead safe practices
Hours of continued education courses you should complete
The number of hours you should complete depends on the kind of construction supervisor you would like to become. Each kind of supervisor must complete at least 1 hour of each educational topic.
- Unrestricted construction supervisor: 12 hours
- Restricted construction supervisor: 10 hours
- Specialty construction supervisor (masonry, roofing, insulation, etc.): 6 hours
Qualified licensees may acquire up to a maximum of six hours of continuing education via on-line training. Remaining hours shall be acquired through in-person, classroom training.
When to complete your continuing education courses
- You should complete your courses at least 60 days before your license expires
- You should complete your courses every 2 years. Course certificates submitted for a prior renewal application cannot be submitted a second time.