Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Find guidance and documents for the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in DCAMM projects.
CAD Standards - DCAMM has established a CAD Standards Manual to ensure consistent and standardized identification and representation of drawing data provided by architects, designers, and consultants. All new projects documented on CAD systems will be required to use these standards. The CAD Standards Manual complies with AIA Architectural Graphic Standards and the National CAD Standard, and includes additional features reflecting the particular needs of DCAMM.
For CAD Support files, please see:
- DCAMM Cad Title Block
- DCAMM Seed File - please contact for this file
- DCAMM Cad Cover Sheet
Cost Estimating Manual - This Consultants Estimating Manual contains forms and guidelines based on industry standards to enable consistency for DCAMM Designers and Consultants in the Cost Management of DCAMM projects.
Designer Procedures and Guidelines - Providing direction and guidance to Designers who work on DCAMM Projects. May also be used by Awarding Authorities other than DCAMM who hold contracts with Designers and in that case, Authorities shall customize this content for their use and “DCAMM” should be replaced by “Awarding Authority.”
DSB House Doctor FAQ - This document provides an overview of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by user agencies for House Doctor procurements through the Designer Selection Board.
Guidelines for the Calculation of Designer Fees - Designer Fees for building studies are typically advertised as a lump sum and any additional services are negotiated between Project Manager and the Prime Designer. However, for design and construction administration, fees are to be negotiated based on the guidance provided in this document.
Prequalification Information for Public Building Construction - Find helpful prequalification regulations and guidelines provided by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) on public building construction.