Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification intake procedures

The following are the intake procedures that pertain to initial applications for DBE recognition.

All applicants should:

  • Submit the Unified Certification Application (UCA) to MassUCP with all required documents.

The Intake Specialist will verify if the application is complete within 3 to 5 days. They will also ensure that the applicant provided all the necessary required documents.

For all complete applications

The intake specialist will sort the submitted documents and log the application as "complete". We will notify you by mail and email that the application:

  • Is suitable for evaluation,
  • Is complete,
  • And is "ready to assign" to a Certification Specialist

Once the Director of Certification determines your application is complete they will assign it to a Certification Specialist. The Specialist will contact the company and conduct a comprehensive review of the application. The review is to ensure that the application meets the minimum requirements:

  • 51% ownership by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals

  • Compliance with all state laws governing its industry

  • Valid home state certification and site visit (if applicable)

For all incomplete applications

The Intake Specialist will notify you of any missing documents by mail and email. You will have 30 days to send us the missing information. If you are unable to meet the 30 day deadline, you may request an extension.

When requesting an extension, you must provide documents that support your request. We will only grant extensions to requests that meet certain conditions. Any extension will not exceed 60 days.

If you do not respond, the Director will:

  • Inactivate the application
  • Notify you by mail that your application is inactive

The Intake Specialist will process the application once we receive all required information.

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