E2C Hub Directory of Datasets and Reports

Explore publicly available datasets and reports organized by age group. Use the links to access data sets, visualizations, and report files.

Table of Contents

Early Childhood

Category Description Related datasets & reports
Early Education and Care Programs Data on licensed and funded child care providers with information on location, licensed capacity, and age groups served.
Enrollment in Public and Charter School Prekindergarten Data on annual enrollment in prekindergarten for children in public schools and charter schools. 


Category Description Related datasets & reports
School and District Indicators and Performance (More details)

Snapshots of individual districts and schools, including enrollment, demographics, staffing, MCAS scores, graduation rates and more. 

Statewide Indicators and Performance (More details)

Snapshots of statewide performance on enrollment, assessment, behavior, social-emotional, and other indicators. 

Special Programs (More details)

Data on special programs across the state, including Career and Vocational/Technical Education (CVTE), Charter Schools, English Learners, and Special Education. 

Educators and Educator Preparation (More details)

Data on indicators related to educators across the state, including educator diversity, licensure, educator preparation programs, educator salaries, and staffing levels, among others indicators. 

Budget and Finance (More details)

Data on statewide and district by district funding and spending. 

COVID (More details)

Data on COVID cases and learning across MA schools and districts. 


Category Description Related datasets & reports
Employment and Earnings of High School Graduates Data on annual earnings by industry and specific student populations.

Massachusetts College and Career Outcomes Dashboard

Explore data on MA public school students' college and career outcomes: high school enrollment, graduation, coursework, participation in Designated High School College and Career Pathways, college attendance and persistence, wages
Postsecondary Outcomes of Public School Students Data on students beyond high school, including success after high school and enrollment by postsecondary institution.
Community College and State University Institutional Performance Reports Data on access and affordability, student success and completion, workforce alignment and fiscal stewardship.
Higher Education Trends and Initiatives Data on statewide trends and initiatives, such as fall enrollment and Equity Spotlight reports on specific student populations or trends.
Tuition and Fees Ten-year trends of tuition and fees from community colleges, state universities, and UMass campuses.
Access and Affordability (including enrollment) Ten-year trends of fall enrollment for community colleges and state universities by credits, FTE, and headcount and for special admissions students for state universities; and by gender and race/ethnicity.
Success and Completion Ten-year trends of student success and completion metrics (e.g., annual credit completion rates, first-year retention rates, and number of annual degrees and certificates) for community colleges and state universities.


Category Description Related datasets & reports
Wage Outcomes by Public School District Data on average wages for students by year after high school graduation, available by student group or by industry.
Employment, Wage Outcomes by Public Postsecondary Institution Data on wages and employment industries of public college graduates at 1, 5, and 10 years after graduation by institution, degree, and program of study. National data available in partnership with the U.S. Census’ Post-Secondary Education Outcomes (PSEO).
Labor Market Information Data on economic and labor market information, including employment and wage data, unemployment rate, projections, industry and occupational statistics, and other workforce statistical information by different labor market areas.

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