Electronic Control Weapons (ECW) Annual Reports

Here you will find annual reports on electronic control weapon sales and law enforcement training in the appropriate use of these weapons.

Table of Contents


In October 2004, in response to Chapter 170 of the Acts of 2004, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) published rules on the sale of electronic control weapons (e.g. stun guns, Tasers) in Massachusetts, and training of law enforcement on the appropriate use of such weapons.

The law also required EOPSS to develop a procedure directing police departments to collect Massachusetts data on:

  • the number of police departments approved to use electronic control weapons
  • the number of times the device or weapon is fired
  • identifying characteristics, such as race and sex, of subjects 

Data is submitted by Massachusetts municipal and state police departments to the Office of Grants and Research’s Research and Policy Analysis Division (RPAD) and compiled into an annual report.

Published Reports

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