Electronic copies of EOTSS public records

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Pursuant to 950 C.M.R. 32.05, EOTSS is posting electronic copies (or links to electronic copies) of certain public records.

  1. EOTSS does not create any final opinions, decisions, orders, or votes from agency proceedings.
  2. EOTSS’ annual reports are available here: http://www.mass.gov/anf/docs/itd/massit-strategic-priorities-update-june-2016.pdf.
  3. EOTSS does not have regulatory authority and does not promulgate any regulations.
  4. EOTSS does not conduct hearings or issue any notices therefore.
  5. Winning bids for public contracts with EOTSS are all available on the CommBuys system: www.commbuys.com.
  6. EOTSS does participate in three state grant-making programs.  Information about the Community Compact Information Technology Grant Program is available at: http://www.mass.gov/governor/administration/groups/communitycompactcabinet/itgrants/.  Information about the Digital Connections Partnership Schools Grants is available at: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/digital-connections-partnerships-schools-grant.
    Information about the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program is available at: https://www.mass.gov/municipal-cybersecurity-awareness-grant-program
  7. The Justice Reinvestment Policy Oversight Board holds meetings that are subject to open meeting law.
  8. EOTSS’ budget for the 2017 Fiscal Year
  9. Information about EOTSS spending and capital budgeting in prior fiscal years is available on the Comptroller's CThru website.

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