Environmental data and information

We're working to make more environmental data and information available online. This list provides links to searchable apps, and look-ups.

Table of Contents

Air and emissions

MassAir Online - Air Quality in Your Community
Find current air quality, forecasts and trends and data by site and pollutant.

Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions Reports
Search facility and trend reports from units required to report under the Municipal Waste Combustor Rule.

Vehicle Inspection Station and Registered Emissions Repair Facility Locator
Search for an inspection station or repairer by location or vehicle type.


Asbestos Projects
Lookup asbestos projects by location, ID or date.


Enforcement lookup and archives
Search MassDEP enforcement actions.

Environmental and GIS

Energy and Environmental Affairs Data Portal
Search for environmental data on permits, facilities, inspections, enforcements, and specific environmental datasets.

MassGIS - Maps and Geographic Data
Find interactive maps and geospatial data.

Professionals and services

Certified Laboratories in Massachusetts
Find laboratories certified by MassDEP to perform adequate testing using approved scientific methods. 

Station Managers and Inspectors
Find information for current and prospective inspection station owners and managers.

System Inspectors and Soil Evaluators
Find approved Title 5 system inspectors and soil evaluator.

Underground Storage Tank Third Party Inspectors
Find third party inspectors in Massachusetts.

Waste Site Cleanup Professionals
Check the license and disciplinary status for licensed site professionals (LSPs)in Massachusetts.

Recycling and waste

Mercury Product Recycling Drop-Off Locations
Find locations to safely dispose of mercury containing products like fluorescent bulbs, thermometers, and certain electronics.

Beyond the Bin Recycling Directory for Massachusetts
Find out how and where you can recycle unique and hard-to-handle items that don't go in your recycling bin or recycling cart.

Recyclopedia - Can I Recycle This?
Enter an item and find out if it can be recycled.

Underground storage tanks

Underground Storage Tank Data Management System
Find data on tanks, piping, ownership and required inspections for registered Underground Storage Tanks (UST).

Underground Storage Tank Third Party Inspectors
Find third party inspectors in Massachusetts.

Waste sites and hazardous materials

Contaminated Properties / Waste Sites & Reportable Releases
Find data and filings about waste sites and contaminated properties in your community.

Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List (MOHML)
Look up by chemical name and CAS number.

Waste Site Cleanup Professionals
Check the license and disciplinary status for licensed site professionals (LSPs) in Massachusetts.

Water and wetlands, DEP file numbers

Boil Orders - Drinking Water Public Health Orders
Lookup drinking water public health orders by location, status and order type.

Drinking Water Data
Search data on testing of public drinking water systems.

Lead and Copper Drinking Water Results in Schools/Childcare
Search results from drinking water testing at schools and childcare facilities.

NPDES Program Public Data Viewer
Lookup NPDES program information on facilities, permits and compliance.

System Inspectors and Soil Evaluators
Find approved Title 5 system inspectors and soil evaluators.

Well Drilling Lookup
Search for well drilling results by ID, registration number, location, date, well type or work performed. 

Wetland Notices of Intent (NOI) Lookup - DEP File Numbers
Search wetlands projects by NOI file number, location or date.

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