MassGIS (Bureau of Geographic Information) (MASSGIS)

MassGIS is the state’s one-stop-shop for interactive maps and related descriptive information. You can view and explore our extensive library of map information. Use our interactive MassMapper to make your own maps. You can also explore a selection of topic-specific interactive maps. GIS users can access data and web services for their software and applications. MassGIS also coordinates GIS activities in state and local government and sets GIS data standards.

GIS Day 2024

Gov. Healey proclaimed November 20, 2024, as GIS Day!

GIS Day celebrates the power of geospatial technology and is dedicated to sharing, teaching, and inspiring others with GIS. The celebration has occurred for 25 years and has many different events.

Watch MassGIS Director Cy Smith's GIS Day videos:

Learn more...

Who we serve

MassGIS serves the public and private sectors by supporting emergency response, real-estate research, environmental planning and management, transportation planning, economic development and engineering services. We also help to provide transparency in state and municipal government operations.

Learn more about MassGIS  |  Learn more about GIS  |  What's new @ MassGIS

Massachusetts Interactive Property Map

The Massachusetts Interactive Property Map, developed by MassGIS, enables developers, banks, realtors, businesses, and homeowners to view seamless property information across the Commonwealth.

One of a handful of such state-sponsored tools in the country, the ongoing effort is the product of MassGIS working with community assessors, their mapping consultants, and other stakeholders.

GISette Newsletter

MassGIS GISette Newsletter

The "GISette" is MassGIS' bi-monthly Newsletter. It features news, data updates, event information, and more.

Read our latest GISette and sign up to receive them by email.

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1 Ashburton Place
Room 819
Boston, MA 02108

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