EOTSS Boards, Task Forces, and Government Partners

The Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) is involved with several boards, commissions, and task forces. It also engages with strategic partners in federal, state, and local government.

Table of Contents

Boards and Task Forces

IT Investment Advisory Board (IIAB)

Chaired by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS), the IT Investment Advisory Board approves and oversees information technology and cybersecurity capital projects, considers IT capital project risks and exposures, and resolves high-level business issues as they arise.  In addition to the EOTSS Secretary, the Board is comprised of key Commonwealth executives who have experience in information technology investment portfolio management. 

Justice Reinvestment Policy Oversight Board (JRPOB)

Established by the 2018 Criminal Justice Reform Bill, “An Act Relative to Criminal Justice Reform.” The Justice Reinvestment Policy Oversight Board (JRPOB), chaired by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) and comprised of a broad spectrum of criminal justice agency leaders and stakeholders inside and outside of state government, is charged with monitoring the development and implementation of justice reinvestment policies relative to the collection, standardization, and public availability of data.

Body Cam Task Force

Established by the 2020 Police Reform Bill, “An Act relative to justice, equity, and accountability in law enforcement in the Commonwealth.” The Law Enforcement Body Cam Task Force, chaired by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) or designee and is comprised of various law enforcement, civil liberties, and technology stakeholders, is charged with proposing regulations to establish a uniform code for the procurement and use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement officers throughout the Commonwealth. The Secretary of the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) or designee serves as a member of the Task Force, offering technology procurement and implementation expertise.

State 911 Commission

Established by the 2008 State 911 Bill, “An Act establishing a state 911 department, single 911 surcharge and an enhanced 911 fund.” The State 911 Commission, chaired by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) and is comprised of public safety and other interested government entities throughout the Commonwealth. The Commission is charged with providing strategic oversight and guidance to the State 911 Department on enhancing 911 service in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) serves as a member of the Commission, offering public safety radio technology guidance on behalf of the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security’s (EOTSS) Interoperable Communications Bureau (ICB).

Community Compact IT Grant Program 

The Community Compact IT Grant Program is a competitive grant program focused on driving innovation and transformation at the local level via investments in technology. The funding is designed to drive innovation, make government more efficient, save taxpayer money, and make it easier for residents to interact and transact with their local government.  

Grants of up to $200,000 support the implementation of innovative IT projects by funding related one-time capital needs such as technology infrastructure or software. Incidental or one-time costs related to the capital purchase such as planning, design, installation, implementation and initial training are eligible. EOTSS and its OMST partner with the CCC and municipalities on program development and implementation.  

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

POST Commission

The POST Commission was established as part of the criminal justice reform enacted in Chapter 253 of the Acts of 2020.  

Strategic government partnerships

The EOTSS senior leadership team and staff regularly engage with strategic partners in federal, state, and local government – as well as industry partners and non-profit organizations who are well positioned to offer strategic guidance and best practices on cybersecurity, IT product and service delivery, and the digital government experience.   

Mass Cyber Center  

The Mass Cyber Center was launched in September 2017 by the Administration with a vision to enhance opportunities for the Massachusetts cybersecurity ecosystem to compete as a national cybersecurity leader and to strengthen the resiliency of the Commonwealth’s communities, including public and private organizations and businesses.  

The Mass Cyber Center's mission is to enhance conditions for economic growth through outreach to the cybersecurity ecosystem of Massachusetts, while fostering cybersecurity awareness and resiliency within the Commonwealth.  


As a 501c (3) (h) nonprofit association, the primary objective of the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) is to provide policymakers with insight and recommendations regarding the implications of technology-related legislation, regulations, policies and proposals.  

NASCIO’s primary advocacy efforts focus on: 

  • Building awareness of state IT policy issues 

  • Advancing the role of the state CIO 

  • Expanding the association's visibility on Capitol Hill and with federal agencies


As outlined on the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) website, SAFECOM collaborates with emergency responders and elected officials across all levels of government to improve emergency response providers’ inter-jurisdictional and interdisciplinary emergency communications interoperability across local, regional, tribal, state, territorial, international borders, and with federal government entities. “SAFECOM works with existing federal communications programs and key emergency response stakeholders to address the need to develop better technologies and processes for the coordination of existing communications systems and future networks.” 

The EOTSS Secretary currently serves as the NASCIO designee to SAFECOM. Other SAFECOM members include representatives from a wide array of public safety associations and organizations. 

National Association of State Technology Directors (NASTD) 

Founded in 1978, the National Association of State Technology Directors (NASTD) is a member-driven organization that seeks “to advance and promote the effective use of information technology and services to improve the operation of state government.” NASTD represents IT professionals from all 50 states and the private sector. Members provide and manage state government IT services and facilities for state agencies and other public entities. They play a strategic role in planning and shaping state government technology infrastructures and policies.  

GOV Tech & Massachusetts Digital Government Summit 

In September 2022, the Administration, in partnership with Government Technology, will host the 2022 Massachusetts Digital Government Summit, an annual conference geared toward networking opportunities and the sharing of best practices to enhance technology and cybersecurity services across the public sector. The Summit offers attendees from state and municipal government with a valuable opportunity to build vital relationships with industry leaders and learn about innovative solutions for the challenges governments face in an increasingly digital world. 

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