The EOTSS cloud services team helps state agencies migrate applications and services, implement infrastructure enhancements, and update operating systems.
EOTSS relies on a hybrid/multi-cloud hosting model and puts an emphasis on up-front planning with agencies to identify which hosting platform best fits their needs after reviewing their priorities, readiness, budget, delivery, management, and security.
Current offerings include hybrid cloud, on-premises hosting, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Cloud Services
EOTSS leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide State Agencies and Commissions a robust and highly flexible technology platform for the Commonwealth's applications and/or data storage.
By offering Cloud technologies, EOTSS' Cloud Services provides easy access, flexibility, scalability, high availability, and a secure platform. Managing a large Cloud infrastructure footprint allows EOTSS to benefit from pricing discounts on Cloud infrastructure, including the advanced procurement of infrastructure. Leveraging EOTSS' Cloud Services allows agencies to redirect funds from Capital investments to Operational expenses, eliminating large financial outlays.
Cloud Migration
EOTSS continues to work successfully with their Executive Branch partners to transition it's on premises data centers to Amazon Web Services (AWS). EOTSS plans to continue its modernization mission, driving reliable, scalable, and secure platforms to migrate on premises assets that support Massachusetts.
Our Architecture Team stands at the forefront of turning high-level strategic planning into actionable technology initiatives. Tasked with crafting the overall system architecture the team diligently ensures that every design strategically aligns with the Commonwealth’s goals and ambitious technology strategy. The architects delve into the critical selection of technology stacks, frameworks, and platforms, shaping the backbone of our solutions. With a keen eye on the future, the team continuously evaluates emerging technologies such as AI to position the Commonwealth as an innovation leader.
Enterprise Applications
Enterprise Application services provides strategic direction to modernize business applications. This team supports two primary enterprise applications for the Commonwealth:
Commonwealth payroll & benefits for state employees
Commonwealth Information warehouse that contains financial data
Enterprise Platforms & Integrated Services
The Enterprise Platform services provides technology solutions to improve business processes and increase efficiencies. This team supports platforms for project tracking, software version control, custom application development, reporting and CRM.
The Integration services platforms provides managed file transfer and API services for Commonwealth services.
Contact for EOTSS Chief Technology Office
Open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.