Frequently Asked Questions
Who must apply?
This form applies to any party who proposes to close a Class V well(s) but only if that well(s) was previously registered with MassDEP. Any Class V well (including unauthorized Class V wells such as motor vehicle -waste disposal wells) that was not previously registered with MassDEP must instead use the applicable UIC Registration form for the purpose of registration for pre-closure. The only types of Class V wells not requiring UIC Registration are those that have obtained a permit from the MassDEP Ground Water Discharge Program (314 CMR 5.00); and those sewage treatment and disposal systems that are regulated under the Title 5 regulations (310 CMR 15.00); and those particular UIC Class V well types that did not require UIC registration because the property is only used for single unit (family) residential use. Note that even if the original well use was exempt from registration, all abandoned wells (wells that were not properly closed before they came into a state of disrepair) require UIC Registration and Closure. -
May I submit one application for multiple UIC registration numbers?
No. A separate BRP WS 06 UIC Registration application form must be submitted for each unique UIC registration number. -
What land-use types must use this application?
This application form applies to all types of land uses. -
What are the fees?
See Permit Application Fees and Timelines -
What are the review timelines?
If MassDEP fails to issue a determination for the pre-closure registration of the UIC Class V well on an adequately prepared BRP WS-06 Pre-Closure application within 30 days of receipt of the application and payment of the application fee, MassDEP will refund the entire fee and will continue with the review. See Permit Application Fees and Timelines -
What regulations apply?
Regulations that apply primarily include, but are not limited to:-
Underground Injection Control Program, 310 CMR 27.00.
What other requirements must be considered?
The closure of UIC Class V wells must comply with the Mass DEP Guidance Document #: BRP/DWM/DW/G04-3,Massachusetts Closure Guidance for Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells (including shallow injection wells) Please note that although this document applies to all UIC Class V well closures, it focuses on the closure of motor vehicle-waste disposal wells. Therefore, the sampling requirements listed in those guidelines do not necessarily apply to nonmotor vehicle-waste disposal wells. Sampling requirements for other types of wells depend upon the nature of the discharge and whether any known or suspected contaminants entering the well may have resulted in a reportable release of oil and/or hazardous materials per the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CMR 40.0000 .
If your application is for the conversion of a well to a different well type then you must also submit the applicable BRP WS06 Registration application (with a separate payment transmittal form) and pay the fee associated with that registration application.
In addition to the above UIC registration requirements, applicants should consider the need to obtain the following permits or sanctions:Note: The additional requirements listed above are examples intended to serve as a guide to the applicant. They do not necessarily include all possible additional requirements.
Wetlands requirements should be checked through the local Conservation Commission.
Local Board of Health requirements may also apply.
Local Plumbing Inspector requirements may also apply.
How do I apply?
To submit an application to MassDEP, follow these steps:-
Complete a Transmittal Form & Number for Permit Application & Payment . Submit and original signed transmittal form to the MassDEP address shown on the transmittal form. Please note that if you are sending in payment for multiple application forms you must submit a separate transmittal form (each with a unique transmittal number) for each form that is submitted.
Complete the appropriate Application Form - BRP WS 06 UIC Pre-closure of Previously Registered UIC Well. Include all specified information. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Submit a complete application package including a BRP WS 06 form, a copy of the Transmittal Form for Permit Application and Payment, and all specified attachments to:
BRP UIC Program
One Winter Street, 5th floor
Boston, MA 02108
Please note that if that the PO box shown on the Transmittal Form for Permit Application and Payment is for the bank that MassDEP uses to deposit permit and registration fees. If you send the entire application package to the PO box rather than the One Winter Street address, the bank will discard everything other than the Payment Transmittal Form and check and you will be required to resubmit your application package to MassDEP. -
Retain a copy of the complete application package for your files.