Housing Choice Grant Program Awards

The Housing Choice Grant Program has been making community investments since 2018 (FY19). In the first years of the program, dedicated funds were set aside specifically for rural and small towns. Rural and small towns now have their own program through the Rural and Small Town Development Fund. Below is a description of all previous and current grant awards.

Table of Contents

Grant awardees celebrate the FY 2020 grant announcement with Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito

Grant awardees celebrate the FY 2020 grant announcement with Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito

Current Round of Housing Choice Awards

Below are the awards made in the current round of applications for the Housing Choice Grant Program through the Community One Stop for Growth.

Previous Rounds of Housing Choice Awards

The Housing Choice Grant Program set aside a portion of the funds for rural and small towns in FY19, FY20, and FY21. Rural and small towns now have their own program through the Rural and Small Town Development Fund. Below are the awards made in all previous rounds of applications for the Housing Choice Grant Program since FY19.

Contact   for Housing Choice Grant Program Awards

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