Information for Real Estate Agents about Home Inspectors Licensure

Real estate agents have specific responsibilities with regard to talking to prospective home buyers about home inspectors.

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What information does a real estate agent need to share with a homebuyer about a home inspection?

​​​​​​All real estate agents must provide the Home Inspectors Fact sheet to consumers as a part of the home buying process

  • A copy can be found below. It is also available on the Board of Home Inspectors’ website.

All real estate agents, other than the buyer's broker, are prohibited from directly recommending a specific home inspector to prospective home buyers.

  • The safest course for agents is to provide the fact sheet and let a prospective homebuyer make their own decisions on home inspectors. Agents should not provide literature on specific home inspection companies or share details of personal experience with certain home inspectors, even if neither are direct recommendations.

Real estate agents do not have to provide a physical list of all licensed home inspectors in the Commonwealth to prospective homebuyers.

  • A listing of all licensed home inspectors can be found on the Division of Occupational Licensure's Check a License website. 
  • The list of home inspectors does not contain business names or phone numbers because the Board licenses individual home inspectors, not home inspection companies. Consumers can use the list to verify that a home inspector in their area has a license. 

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