Please be advised that use of the below mapping resources does not substitute for consultation with State Agencies or compliance with applicable local, state, or federal laws and regulations.
- MassMapper - An interactive mapping tool that allows the user to turn-on various data layers to create a custom map. This mapping tool provides information on many environmental resource areas including Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), Estimated and/or Priority Habitat of State-Listed Rare Species, Outstanding Resource Waters, coastal zone, Chapter 91 jurisdictional areas, protected open space, and wetlands.
- MACRIS - The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) mapping website identifies structures, sites, and districts listed in the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, local historic district study reports, local landmark reports, and other materials.
- MassDOT - This interactive website identifies roadways that are under the jurisdiction of MassDOT and/or DCR. Click on the “Maps” button in the upper right hand of the screen and select “Jurisdiction” to view jurisdictional roadways.
- EJ Mapper - This website identifies Environmental Justice (EJ) Populations as defined in the EEA Environmental Justice Policy. Additional information can be found on the Office of Environmental Justice & Equity (OEJE) webpage.
- FEMA Maps - An interactive mapping website that allows you to view the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data for specific locations.