Mass4YOU: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Available to all state and municipal employees and their families who are eligible for GIC benefits.

Table of Contents

Mass4YOU Benefits

Through Mass4YOU, the Commonwealth's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), GIC benefits-eligible employees and their families can find easy access to a comprehensive suite of free, confidential support available 24/7, including:

  • Three in-person or Tele-EAP (virtual) counseling visits per issue per year – at no cost
  • 30-minute telephonic or in-person legal or mediation consultation per issue per year– at no cost
  • Guidance from a financial advisor to help with debt, foreclosure, financial planning, and more
  • Get referrals for a variety of Work-Life convenience services: child care, elder care, and more
  • Access to Optum’s 24/7 confidential Substance Abuse Treatment Helpline and a licensed clinician
  • And much more

No formal enrollment is required to join Mass4YOU. Enrollment in GIC health insurance coverage is not required to access the many Mass4YOU EAP work/life and other support services.

Mass4YOU poster

Calm Wellness App

Calm Wellness App, free through Mass4YOU

Calm can help you tackle stress, get a good night’s sleep and feel more present in your life. It’s one of the most popular apps worldwide — and it’s available at no cost to you as part of your benefits. With the convenience of an app, you can use Calm whenever it fits your schedule to work on whatever’s most important to you.

Ready to get started?

To register and download the app, scan the QR code for the Calm registration page and enter your company access code.

Already have the Calm app? 

  1. Open the app
  2. Go to: Profile > Settings > Link Organization Subscription
  3. Enter organization code “Optum EWS”
  4. In the “group code” field, enter your company access code Mass4YOU

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2023 Mass4YOU Emails

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