Massachusetts Tax Rates

This page provides a graph of the current tax rates in Massachusetts.

Updated: February 3, 2025


For due dates, go to DOR Tax Due Dates and Extensions

Type of Tax



Personal income and Fiduciary income for MA residents, nonresidents, and part-year residents

Long term capital gains from
dividends, interest, wages, and other income


Tax year 2024: For income exceeding $1,053,750, there is an additional surtax of 4%.

 Long-term gains from sale or exchange of collectibles

12.00% (subject to a 50% deduction)

Tax year 2024: For income exceeding $1,053,750, there is an additional surtax of 4%.

 Short-term capital gains from the sale or exchange of capital assets


Tax year 2024: For income exceeding $1,053,750, there is an additional surtax of 4%.


Tax year 2024: For wages exceeding $1,053,750, there is an additional surtax of 4%.

Federal taxable estate
Massachusetts real and tangible property

Note:  Estates valued under $2 million are not subject to the estate tax

Marginal Rates

0.8% - 16%

Alcoholic BeveragesMalt (31-gal. bbl.)$3.30
Alcoholic BeveragesCider 3%-6% (wine gal.)$0.03
Alcoholic BeveragesStill wine, including vermouth (wine gal.)$0.55
Alcoholic BeveragesSparkling wine (wine gal.)$0.70
Alcoholic BeveragesAlcoholic beverages 15% or less (wine gal.)$1.10
Alcoholic BeveragesAlcoholic beverages more than 15%-50% (wine gal.)$4.05
Alcoholic BeveragesAlcoholic beverages more than 50% of alcohol (proof gal.)$4.05
Cigarettes20-count package$3.51
Smokeless tobaccoSmokeless tobacco (percentage of price paid by licensee)210%
Cigars & smoking tobaccoCigars & smoking tobacco (percentage of price paid by licensee)40%
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems     Wholesale Price75.00%
DeedsSales price (less mortgage assumed) of real estate

$2.28 per $500

Visit TIR 19-14 for surcharge information.

Motor fuelsGasoline and diesel fuel per gallon

Motor fuelsPropane, liquefied gas, etc. (no minimum)29.2%
Motor fuelsAviation (10¢ minimum)38.2%
Motor fuelsJet fuel at local option (5¢ minimum)17.3%
Room occupancyState Room OccupancyThe state’s room occupancy excise tax rate is 5.7%.  Note that while the statute provides for a 5% rate, an uncodified surtax adds .7% to that rate.
Room occupancy
Local Option
In addition to the state excise, Massachusetts cities and towns are permitted to charge a local room occupancy excise tax up to 6% (6.5% for Boston). 
Room occupancyConvention Center FinancingIn the cities of Boston, Worcester, Cambridge, Springfield, West Springfield, and Chicopee, an additional 2.75% tax is charged for convention center funding. See TIR 05-01 for more information.
Room occupancyCape Cod and Islands Water Protection FundIn Barnstable, Nantucket and Dukes Counties an additional 2.75% may be charged for the Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund beginning July 1, 2019.  Currently this applies for all Barnstable County municipalities.
Room occupancyShort-term Rentals Community Impact FeeBeginning July 1, 2019, for short-term rentals only, cities and towns are permitted to charge an additional community impact fee up to 3% if an operator has more than one property in that locality or is renting an owner-occupied 2 or 3 family house on a short-term rental basis. 
Club alcoholic beveragesGross receipts0.57%
Sales and use taxSale, rental or use of tangible personal property, including cigarettes, telecommunications services and certain fuel.6.25%
Sales tax on marijuana

Adult use marijuana is subject to:

  • a state sales tax
  • a state excise tax
  • a local option for cities or towns

6.25% (state sales tax)
10.75% (state excise tax)
up to 3% (local option for cities and towns)
Sales tax on meals, prepared food and all beveragesAll "restaurant" food and on-premises consumption of any beverage in any amount.


A city or town may also charge a local sales tax on the sales of restaurant meals.
Visit TIR 09-13.

Direct broadcast satellite serviceGross revenues5%
General Business and manufacturing corporationsNet income
Tangible property or net worth

Minimum $456
$2.60 per $1,000
S Corporations subject to G.L. c. 63 §§ 32D, 39 that are not Financial InstitutionsTotal receipts $6 million or more but less than $9 million (net income)2% 
 Total receipts $9 million or more (net income)3% 
 Net income taxable at the federal level including certain built-in gains that are taxable at the federal level under IRC § 1374 and on passive investment income taxable at the federal level under IRC § 1375.8%
 Tangible property or net worth$2.60 per $1,000
Security corporation


Gross income, Non bank holding company

Gross income, Bank holding company




Financial institutionsNet income


S Corporations that are Financial InstitutionsTotal receipts $6 million or more but less than $9 million (net income)2.67% 
 Total receipts $9 million or more (net income)4% 
 Net income that is taxable at the federal level.9%
Ship excise taxValue (equity interest) of the corporation's interest in a ship or vessel engaged in interstate or foreign trade.0.33333%
Insurance company
Domestic life


Foreign lifePremiums2.0%
Domestic casualtyPremiums2.28%
Domestic casualtyGross investment income0.0%-1.0%
Foreign casualtyPremiums2.28%
Ocean marineUnderwriting profit5.7%
Motor vehicles garaged outside Massachusetts90% to 10% of manufacturer's list price$25 per $1,000
Boston sightseeing tourTicket purchase or any water- or land-based sightseeing tourist venue or entertainment cruise or trolley tour originating or located in Massachusetts and conducted partly or entirely in Boston.5%
Boston vehicular rental transaction surcharge

Each vehicular rental transaction contract executed in Boston.


In addition to Boston, there is a $10 surcharge in Revere and a statewide $2 surcharge. See TIR 19-4 and TIR 05-14.

Parking facilities surcharge in Boston, Springfield and/or WorcesterParking facilities built in conjunction with or as part of a project authorized by the Convention Center Financing Act in Boston, Springfield or Worcester.$2 per vehicle per day

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