MassWorkforce NON-ACTIVE IT/MOSES information issuances

MassWorkforce WIOA IT/MOSES issuances that are no longer active

02 - NON-ACTIVE IT/MOSES information issuances

Issuance: 100 DCS 02.139  Issued: 10/19/2021
JobQuest - Automated Attendance
02-139A: WebEx Meeting Cheat Sheet

MOSES Training Redesign/Reengineered

Issuance: 100 DCS 02.128  Issued: 01/28/2019

MOSES Data Entry for Job Seekers From Puerto Rico Impacted by Hurricanes

Issuance: 100 DCS 02.119.1   Issued: 04/10/2018

MOSES Data Entry for Job Seekers From Puerto Rico Impacted by Hurricanes

Issuance: 100 DCS 02.119   Issued: 11/03/2017


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