Melnea Cass Recreational Center Shelter FAQ

The Melnea Cass Recreational Complex (the Complex) is a state-owned facility in Roxbury that is serving as a temporary overflow site for homeless families on the state’s Emergency Assistance shelter waitlist.

Table of Contents

How many people are staying at the Complex? 

The number of individuals at the Complex varies based on families’ movements. On any particular night, the Complex may have between 350-400 individuals.  

How long will the Complex serve as a temporary safety-net shelter? 

By May 31, 2024, the Complex will transition from a shelter and be prepared for its regular operating use by mid-June 2024 to enable the community to use the facility, particularly its pool. During this transition, DCR will make improvements to the site in advance of reopening. 

Who is running the Complex as a temporary safety-net site day-to-day? 

The temporary overflow site is staffed 24/7 by AMI Healthcare, an international organization that is experienced in operating humanitarian shelter sites. AMI Healthcare is currently operating two other sites in the Commonwealth. 

What services do families receive?  

Families at the Complex receive: 

  • Three culturally-appropriate meals a day from a local restaurant as well as baby food as needed 

  • Intensive case management focused on housing stability, work authorization preparation and transition from the Emergency Assistance system.  

  • Assistance with school enrollment for children, as needed. Currently all eligible school-age children at the Complex have been enrolled in Boston Public Schools. 

  • On-site medical assistance by clinical nurses from the Department of Public Health 

  • Diapers, wipes other personal hygiene items 

What are the schedules of the families at the Complex? 

Families have breakfast, and school-age children go to school. Each morning, families must alert the staff if they are planning to stay another night or if they have found other housing. Families at the Complex then are able to shower during the day and meet with their case manager. Once children return from school, those with homework are given a quiet space to complete that and then dinner is served. 

How are local businesses engaged with the services at Melnea Cass Recreational Complex? 

The state is committed to using local community-based vendors to support the work at the Complex. Currently, AMI Healthcare has contracted with local vendors for meals, transportation, janitorial services, security, laundry and trash removal. As other needs arise, AMI Healthcare and the Commonwealth will first look to source from businesses within the Roxbury community. 

What improvements can I expect at the Complex when it re-opens to the public? 

The Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to re-opening the Complex with capital improvements as requested by the community, such as publicly available wireless internet, new flooring in the multi-purpose room, floor coverings for the arena to allow for events and upgraded bathroom facilities.


While we greatly appreciate the outpouring of donations and support that we have received from the community, we are no longer accepting donations at this time as we prepare to demobilize operations as planned.

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