Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 252, the State Reclamation Board (“SRB”) oversees mosquito control in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The following entities are represented on the SRB:
- Commissioner of the Department of Agricultural Resources (or designee) currently serving as Chair
- Commissioner of the Department of Conservation Recreation (or designee)
- Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection (or designee)
Each Mosquito Control District or Project (“MCD”), which are established by either M.G.L. c. 252 or special enabling legislation, has commissioners who are responsible for the general oversight of their respective MCD under the oversight of the SRB and in accordance with applicable laws. Commissioners are identified as “Special State Employees” for the purposes of M.G.L. c. 268A and are subject to the appointment and removal by the SRB. MCD Boards of Commissioners are also deemed state public bodies and must ensure that all activities are conducted in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, Sections 18 through 25, the Open Meeting Law (“OML”).
Initial Appointments
Each MCD has three to five commissioners, with term length per commissioner ranging from 3 to 5 years, as determined by the M.G.L. c. 252 and enabling legislation, where applicable. Persons interested in applying must submit the following:
- Commissioner Application Form
- A reviewed and signed copy of the SRB Overview of Rules and Responsibilities.
- A current resume
- Letter(s) of recommendation from municipal, state, or other officials
- Letter(s) of recommendation or references from the relevant Mosquito Control Commission and/or Director and Superintendent
Once the above documents have been received, an interview with the SRB will be scheduled, at the Board’s discretion.
Application paperwork and all supporting documentation should be sent to SRB Operations Coordinator, Alex Giannantonio at or by mail, to the attention of SRB Operations Coordinator, Alex Giannantonio, at Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, 225 Turnpike Road – Third Floor, Southborough MA, 01772.