Oil & Hazardous Material List

Find Reportable Quantities (RQs) and Reportable Concentrations (RCs) for many common chemicals.

The Massachusetts cleanup rules require that certain spills or contaminated soil and groundwater be reported to MassDEP so that the assessment and cleanup process can begin.

The Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Materials List (MOHML) is a section of site cleanup regulations (310 CMR 40.1600) that provides the levels that trigger notification to DEP:  "Reportable Quantities" (or RQs) for spills and other sudden releases, and "Reportable Concentrations" (or RCs) for contaminated soil and groundwater.

Look Up RQs and RCs Online

MassDEP has an online tool to search for chemical-specific Reportable Quantities (RQs) and Reportable Concentrations (RCs).

You can search by EITHER chemical name or the chemical's CAS Number.  (The CAS Number is a unique number assigned to chemicals by the Chemical Abstract Service.) 

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Download the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List

If you would like a complete list, the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List (MOHML) is a section of the site cleanup regulations, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). 

The MOHML is found at the end of the cleanup rules, at 310 CMR 40.1600.  

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2-Hour, 72-Hour and 120-Day Notification Requirements

The Reportable Quantities and Reportable Concentrations in the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List help determine whether notification to MassDEP is required for an environmental condition of concern.

The rules for notification (who must to notify, the conditions that trigger notification, and the timing of notification) are found in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan in Subpart C (310 CMR 40.0300).

These rules may be downloaded below.

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Report 2-Hour & 72-Hour Notification Conditions

If there is a spill or sudden release of oil or hazardous material that exceeds a Reportable Quantity listed on the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List, then the spill must be reported to MassDEP within 2 hours.  (Other conditions listed in 310 CMR 40.0300 require notification within 72 hours.)

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Report 120-Day Notification Conditions

If there is a condition that exceeds a Reportable Concentration (RC) in soil or groundwater, then the required 120-Day Notification may be made online using MassDEP's eDEP tool or the paper form.  

The appropriate transmittal form is BWSC103: (120 day) Release Notification. Use the link below to either download a copy of the form, read the instructions or file using eDEP.

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