Legislation on the Governor's Desk
There is no legislation on the Governor's desk.
Legislation Acted On by the Governor
Bill # | Bill Title | Sponsors | Action Date |
H25 | An Act Establishing a Sick Leave Bank for Holli Hill, an Employee of the Department of Children & Families | Representative James O’Day and Senator Robyn Kennedy | Signed 2/16/2023 |
H58 | An Act making appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2023 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Governor Maura Healey | Signed 3/29/2023 |
H2520 | An Act Directing the Boston Police Department to Waive the Maximum Age Requirement for Police Officer Wilfrid Decossa | Representative Brandy Fluker Oakley | Signed 3/31/2023 |
S2377 | An Act Establishing a Sick Leave Bank for Meredith Mingolelli-Cotter | Senator Edward J. Kennedy and Representative Margaret R. Scarsdale | Signed 3/31/2023 |
H3713 | An Act establishing a Sick Leave Bank for Hollie Barter, an employee of the Department of Children and Families | Representative Kate Donaghue and Senator Michael Barrett | Signed 4/24/2023 |
H2622 | An Act further regulating the appointment of special police officers in the City of Watertown | Representative Steven Owens, Representative John Lawn, and Senator Will Brownsberger | Signed 4/24/2023 |
S411 | An Act establishing a process for determining the order of candidates' names on the town of Marblehead's town election ballot | Senator Brendan Crighton and Rep. Jennifer Armini | Signed 5/10/2023 |
H3872 | An Act relative to city council elections in the city of Boston | Representative Dan Ryan | Signed 5/30/2023 |
H2579 | An Act authorizing the town of Leicester to continue the employment of Kenneth M. Antanavica | Representative David LeBoeuf and Senator Anne Gobi | Signed 5/4/2023 |
S2376 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Christopher Trigilio, an employee of the trial court of the commonwealth | Senator Jacob Oliveira and Senator Orlando Ramos | Signed 5/4/2023 |
S2370 | An Act Authorizing the City of Somerville to Continue the Employment of Charles J. Femino as Acting Chief of Police | Senator Patricia Jehlen | Signed 6/1/2023 |
H316 | An Act extending the time for the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses in the city of Woburn | Representative Richard Haggerty | Signed 6/22/2023 |
H3862 | An Act providing for the terms of certain bonds to provide for a program of housing, community development, economic opportunities, support for local governments, increased innovation and job creation to be issued by the commonwealth. | Governor Maura Healey | Signed 6/23/2023 |
H3936 | An Act making certain appropriations for fiscal year 2024 before final action on the general appropriation bill | Governor Maura Healey | Signed 6/26/2023 |
S2383 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Amelia Alex, an employee of the Department of Children and Families | Senator Brendan Crighton and Representative Jennifer Armini | Signed 6/26/2023 |
H3828 | An Act authorizing the town of Mansfield to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premise | Representative Jay Barrows and Senator Paul Feeney | Signed 6/27/2023 |
H3807 | An Act authorizing the Town of Wakefield to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representative Donald Wong and Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian | Signed 6/29/2023 |
H3739 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for David Benway, an employee of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy | Representative Tony Cabral and Senator Mark Montigny | Signed 6/29/2023 |
S1302 | An Act changing the name of the Board of Selectmen of the town of Hanover to Select Board | Senator John Keenan | Signed 7/18/2023 |
H345 | An Act Authorizing the town of Berlin to grant up to 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises. | Representative Meg Kilcoyne and Senator Robyn Kennedy | Signed 7/18/2023 |
H3821 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Michael Grant, an employee of the Department of Correction | Representative John Mahoney and Senator Robyn Kennedy | Signed 7/18/2023 |
H3778 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for William Donahue, an employee of the Trial Court of the Commonwealth | Rep. Dan Ryan | Signed 7/25/2023 |
H393 | An Act authorizing the town of Rochester to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Representative William Straus and Senator Michael Rodrigues | Signed 7/31/2023 |
H4022 | An Act making certain appropriations for fiscal year 2024 before final action on the general appropriation bill | Governor Maura Healey | Signed 7/31/2023 |
H4033 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2023 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Ways and Means | Signed 8/1/2023 |
H4013 | An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges | Governor Maura Healey and Rep. Aaron Michlewitz | Signed 8/4/2023 |
H4040 | An Act Making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions, and certain activities of the commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund, and serial bond requirements, and for certain permanent improvements | Signed 8/9/2023 | |
H3966 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Thomas Hartley, and employee of the Department of Correction | Rep. Denise Garlick and Senator Becca Rausch | Signed 8/10/2023 |
H2029 | An Act Changing the name of the Board of Selectmen of the town of Lanesborough to the Select Board | Rep. John Barrett | Signed 8/16/2023 |
H3836 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Tanya Pizzi, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation | Rep. Jessica Ann Giannino | Signed 8/24/2023 |
H3906 | An Act authorizing the town of Shrewsbury to grant an abatement of real estate taxes for the daughter of fallen firefighter Christopher Roy | Rep. Hannah Kane and Senator Michael Moore | Signed 8/24/2023 |
H4006 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Kimberly Riggins, an employee of the Department of Correction | Rep. Jonathan Zlotnik and Senator Joanne Comerford | Signed 8/24/2023 |
H2649 | An Act providing for certain retirement benefits for the surviving beneficiary of Robert Lawler | Rep. Jeffrey Roy | Signed 8/31/2023 |
S2433 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Jody Ricketson, an employee of the Department of Children and Families | Senator Michael Rodrigues | Signed 8/31/2023 |
H2435 | An Act authorizing the town of Lanesborough to continue the employment of Daniel Bolognia, Charles Garrity, Peter Pannesco, Peter Oakley, David Rolle, Donald Whalen and Michael Wooliver as firefighters | Rep. John Barrett and Senator Paul Mark | Signed 8/31/2023 |
H2437 | An Act authorizing the town of Hancock to continue the employment of firefighters and the police chief | Rep. John Barrett | Signed 8/31/2023 |
H661 | An Act validating the annual town meeting for the town of Blandford | Rep. Nicholas Boldyga | Signed 9/8/2023 |
H320 | An Act further regulating certain alcoholic beverage licenses in the town of Hudson | Rep. Kate Hogan and Senator James Eldridge | Signed 9/12/2023 |
H4057 | An Act providing for the terms of certain bonds to be issued by the commonwealth | Governor Healey | Signed 9/12/2023 |
S2424 | An Act authorizing the town of Scituate to appoint retired police officers as special police officers | Senator Patrick O'Connor | Signed 9/22/2023 |
H3716 | An Act establishing the position of treasurer-collector in the town of Monson | Rep. Brian Ashe | Signed 9/22/2023 |
S1642 | An Act authorizing the town of Provincetown to continue the employment of Michael Trovato | Senator Cyr and Rep. Peake | Signed 9/28/2023 |
S2386 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Mathew Blazis, an employee of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office | Senator Fattman | Signed 9/28/2023 |
H3884 | An Act Merging Certain Voting Precincts in the Town of Groton | Rep. Margaret Scarsdale | Signed 9/28/2023 |
H4023 | An Act Changing the Timing of Preliminary Elections in the City Known as the Town of Agawam to 8 Weeks Preceding Regular Elections | Rep. Michael Finn | Signed 9/28/2023 |
H4093 | An Act Amending the Home Rule Charter of the City of Beverly | Rep. Tom Walsh | Signed 9/29/2023 |
H3813 | An Act authorizing the Town of Wendell and the Town of New Salem to coninue the employment of Joseph J. Cuneo | Rep. Aaron Saunders and Senator Joanne Comerford | Signed 9/29/2023 |
H4085 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Matthew McRae, an employee of the Department of State Police | Rep. Scarsdale | Signed 10/3/2023 |
H4104 | An Act to improve the Commonwealth's competitiveness, affordability, and equity | Governor Healey | Signed 10/4/2023 |
H4083 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Paul O'Brien, an employee of the Trial Court of the Commonwealth | Rep. Colleen Garry and Senator Ed Kennedy | Signed 10/6/2023 |
H3824 | An Act providing for the appointment of a commissioner of public health in the city of Brockton | Rep. Gerard Cassidy and Senator Mike Brady | Signed 10/12/2023 |
H3964 | An Act exempting Joanne Ricardelli from the maximum age requirement for firefighters in the town of Wilmington | Rep. David Robertson | Signed 10/12/2023 |
H4050 | An Act relative to requiring the highway division of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to establish a department and licensure process to oversee quarries producing concrete aggregate | Governor Healey | Signed 10/17/2023 |
H4054 | An Act relative to the rate of payment for certain MassHealth ground ambulance services | Governor Healey | Signed 10/17/2023 |
H4053 | An Act relative to the paid family and medical leave program | Governor Healey | Signed 10/17/2023 |
H4082 | An Act clarifying the application of judicial retirement law | Rep. Tackey Chan | Signed 10/19/2023 |
H2910 | An Act relative to property tax classifications in the city of Watertown | Rep. Owens and Rep. Lawn | Signed 10/23/2023 |
H2093 | An Act increasing the membership of the select board of the town of Lakeville | Rep. Norman Orrall | Signed 10/25/2023 |
H3796 | H3796 An Act amending the tourism revenue preservation fund in the town of Yarmouth | Rep. Flanagan and Senator Cyr | Signed 10/25/2023 |
H3907 | An Act creating the offices of select board and town manager in the town of Sandisfield | Senator Paul Mark and Rep. Smitty Pignatelli | Signed 11/2/2023 |
S2414 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Jason Barone-Cichocki, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation | Senator John Keenan | Signed 11/9/2023 |
H2081 | An Act relative to the charter of the town of Dedham | Rep. Paul McMurtry and Senator Mike Rush | Signed 11/9/2023 |
H4110 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Jaer J. Martinez, an employee of the Department of Transitional Assistance | Representative Carlos Gonzalez | Signed 11/20/2023 |
H4144 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Corinne Senna, an employee of the Trial Court of the Commonwealth | Representative Antonio Cabral | Signed 11/20/2023 |
H4062 | An Act authorizing the town of Wakefield to convey an easement to the Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department | Rep. Donald Wong and Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian | Signed 11/20/2023 |
H4048 | An Act authorizing the town of Northfield to continue the employment of Floyd Dunnell III | Rep. Susannah Whipps and Senator Joanne Comerford | Signed 11/20/2023 |
S2503 | An Act authorizing the conveyance of a certain parcel of land in the city of Fall River | Senator Rodrigues | Signed 11/20/2023 |
H3842 | An Act changing the name of the Board of Selectmen in the town of Gosnold to the Select Board | Rep. Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 11/17/2023 |
H4052 | An Act providing for unlimited free phone calls to incarcerated individuals | Governor Healey | Signed 11/15/2023 |
H283 | An Act authorizing the town of Raynham to grant 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Rep. Angelo D'Emilia and Senator Marc Pacheco | Signed 11/20/2023 |
H2072 | An Act increasing the membership of the Board of Health in the town of Reading | Representative Bradley Jones | Signed 11/28/2023 |
H3746 | An Act changing the board of selectmen of the town of Avon to a select board | Representative William Galvin and Senator Mike Brady | Signed 11/28/2023 |
H3952 | An Act authorizing the city of Northampton to grant 7 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Representative Sabadosa and Senator Comerford | Signed 11/28/2023 |
H3903 | An Act Amending the Charter of the Town of Northborough | Representative Meghan Kilcoyne, Representative Kate Donaghue, Senator Robyn Kennedy | Signed 11/28/2023 |
H4157 | An Act validating the results of the annual election held in the town of Deerfield on May 2, 2022 | Governor Healey | Signed 11/28/2023 |
H4204 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2023 for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Signed 12/4/2023 | |
H3720 | An Act exempting the position of deputy fire chief in the town of Wrentham from the civil service law | Rep. Vaughn and Senator Rausch | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H3909 | An Act changing the town of Plymouth's 1820 courthouse fund to the facilities improvement fund | Rep. Muratore and Senator Moran | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H2045 | An Act authorizing the city of Pittsfield to award a 1-year or multiple-year contract for an audit of the books and accounts of the city | Rep. Farley-Bouvier and Senator Mark | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H2448 | An Act authorizing the town of Conway to continue the employment of police officer Randall Williams | Rep. Blais and Senator Mark | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H3751 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen of the town of Westport to the select board | Rep. Schmid and Senator Rodrigues | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H4168 | An Act relative to the creditable service for Abby Levin, a member of the Massachusetts Teachers' Association | Rep. Kenneth Gordon | Signed 12/15/2023 |
H2030 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Williamstown to make all gender references neutral | Rep. John Barrett | Signed 1/3/2024 |
H3979 | An Act authorizing Cynthia Falzone to purchase creditable service from the Norfolk County Retirement Board | Rep. Steven Howitt | Signed 1/3/2024 |
H4165 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Anthony D. Fannoh, Jr., an employee of the Department of Mental Health | Rep. David LeBoeuf | Signed 1/3/2024 |
H4047 | An Act relative to establishing a trust to administer a length of service award program for the Swansea Fire Department | Rep. Patricia Haddad | Signed 1/3/2024 |
H2555 | An Act authorizing the city of Leominster to establish an age limit for original appointment to the position of police officer | Rep. Higgins, Sen. Cronin | Signed 1/8/2024 |
H2571 | An act exempting the position of police chief in the town of Lancaster from the civil service law | Rep. Kilcoyne, Sen. Cronin | Signed 1/8/2024 |
H4038 | An Act providing for the appointment of associate members of the planning board of the town of Shutesbury to fill vacancies on the board | Rep. Saunders, Sen. Comerford | Signed 1/8/2024 |
H2677 | An Act authorizing the city of Haverhill to appoint retired police officers as detail police officers | Rep. Andres Vargas | Signed 1/16/2024 |
H2517 | An Act establishing a senior property tax deferral program in the city of Taunton | Senator Pacheco | Signed 1/19/2024 |
H3643 | An Act authorizing Matthew K. Sonnabend to purchase creditable service from the Barnstable County Retirement Board | Rep. Kip Diggs | Signed 1/19/2024 |
H4169 | An Act authorizing the town of North Reading to use a portion of conservation land for public way purposes | Rep. Bradley Jones and Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 1/19/2024 |
S2452 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Rene Perez, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services | Senator Jacob Oliveira | Signed 1/26/2024 |
S2525 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Seila Chhav, an employee of the Trial Court of the commonwealth | Senator Pavel Payano | Signed 1/26/2024 |
H4189 | An Act granting additional liquor licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises in the town of Chatham | Rep. Peake and Senator Cyr | Signed 1/26/2024 |
H4099 | An Act authorizing the town of Hull to lease certain property to promote economic development and for the more effective use of town property | Rep Meschino and Senator O'Connor | Signed 1/26/2024 |
S2524 | An Act changing the position of town clerk in the town on Wenham from an elected position to an appointed position | Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 1/30/2024 |
H2092 | An Act relatice to the Middleborough gas and electric board of commissioners in the town of Middleborough | Rep. Norman Orrall | Signed 1/30/2024 |
H1341 | An Act authorizing the town of Reading to dissolve its affordable housing trust fund | Rep. Bradley Jones | Signed 1/30/2024 |
H4233 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Cheryl Thouin, an employee of the Hampshire County Sheriff's Office | Rep. Blais and Senator Mark | Signed 1/31/2024 |
H2055 | An Act authorizing the city of Revere to pay a certain sum of money to the estate of George J Rotondo, Jr. | Rep. Giannino and Rep. Turco | Signed 1/31/2024 |
H2096 | An Act expanding and improving equity in the sewer system in the town of Provincetown | Representative Peake | Signed 1/31/2024 |
H3656 | An Act authorizing John R. Stowe, Jr. to purchase creditable service from the Barnstable County Retirement Board | Representative Xiarhos | Signed 1/31/2024 |
H4250 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Jonathan Corey, an employee of the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department | Rep. D'Emilia and Senator Timilty | Signed 2/6/2024 |
S1297 | An Act authorizing the town of Wales to establish a Department of Public Works | Senator Fattman | Signed 2/6/2024 |
S2547 | An Act amending the Charter of the city of Westfield | Senator Velis | Signed 2/6/2024 |
H4205 | An Act authorizing the city of Somerville to appoint an alternate member to the licensing commission | Rep. Christine Barber | Signed 2/12/2024 |
H2089 | An Act further regulating at-large town meeting members in the town of Milford | Rep. Brian Murray | Signed 2/12/2024 |
H3578 | An Act validating the results of the annual town election held in the town of Lancaster | Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne | Signed 2/12/2024 |
H3727 | An Act increasing the membership of the select board in the town of Sterling | Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne | Signed 2/12/2024 |
H3902 | An Act relative to the select board of the town of Northborough | Rep. Donaghue and Rep. Kilcoyne | Signed 2/12/2024 |
S2454 | An Act establishing a special purpose revolving fund in the town of North Andover | Senator Barry Finegold | Signed 2/12/2024 |
H3998 | An Act authorizing the town of Holliston to continue the employment of Mark Dellicker as Deputy Fire Chief | Rep. Arena-DeRosa | Returned with amendment 2/8/24 |
S1288 | An Act to Removing the Residency Requirement for the Treasurer of the County of Dukes County | Senator Cyr and Rep Fernandes | Signed 2/21/24 |
H3985 | An Act Establishing An Appointed Town Clerk in the Town of Rutland | Rep Ferguson | Signed 2/21/24 |
H3334 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the city of Leominster as the Captain Ross A. Reynolds Memorial Bridge | Rep. Higgins and Senator Cronin | Signed 2/21/24 |
H4147 | An Act authorizing Brandon Fredette to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Rep. Andy Vargas | Signed 2/21/24 |
H4147 | An Act authorizing Brandon Fredette to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Rep. Andy Vargas | Signed 2/21/24 |
H2048 | An Act relative to the Auburn Water District clerk and treasurer | Representative Paul Frost | Signed 2/29/24 |
H3810 | An Act dissolving the Hampshire County Regional Housing Authority and incorporating its functions into the Northampton Housing Authority | Representative Sabadosa and Senator Mark | Signed 2/29/24 |
H3905 | An Act expanding the select board of the town of Sharon | Representative Philips and Senator Feeney | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4191 | An Act authorizing the city of Greenfield to grant an additional liquor license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4196 | An Act authorizing the town of West Stockbridge to continue the employment of Steven Traver as fire chief | Representative Pignatelli and Senator Mark | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4197 | An Act authorizing the town of Richmond to continue the employment of Steven Traver as fire chief | Representative Pignatelli and Senator Mark | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4220 | An Act further regulating the system of sewers in the town of Deerfield | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4221 | An Act increasing the membership of the board of trustees of the Forbes Library in the city of Northampton | Representative Sabadosa and Senator Comerford | Signed 2/29/24 |
S2537 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Danielle Marie Cruz, an employee of the Trial Court of the Commonwealth | Senator Jacob Oliveira | Signed 2/29/24 |
S2553 | An Act to provide for the continuane of the town of Hingham's senior means-tested property tax exemption | Senator Patrick O'Connor | Signed 2/29/24 |
S2459 | An Act changing the name of the Board of Selectmen of the town of Rockport to the Select Board | Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4123 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Stoneham as the State Trooper Tamar A. Bucci Memorial Bridge | Representative Michael Day | Signed 2/29/24 |
H3719 | An Act exempting certain positions in the city of Nothampton from the civil service law | Representative Sabadosa and Senator Comerford | Signed 2/29/24 |
H3960 | An Act establishing the position of town manager in the town of Belchertown | Representative Aaron Saunders and Senator Jacob Oliveira | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4008 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the towns of Belchertown and Ware as the Kenneth J. Iwasinski Memorial Bridge | Representative Aaron Saunders and Senator Jacob Oliveira | Signed 2/29/24 |
H4128 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Stoneham as the State Trooper Tamar A. Bucci Memorial Bridge has been signed and chaptered. | Representative Day and Representative Haggerty | Signed 3/4/24 |
S2416 | An Act authorizing the appointment of special police officers in the town of Charlton | Senator Ryan Fattman | Signed 3/12/24 |
S2508 | An Act authorizing the town of Hamilton to amend the income threshold for senior real property tax deferments | Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 3/12/24 |
H3382 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Dedham as the Honorable Deborah R. Cochran Memorial Bridge | Representative Paul McMurtry | Signed 3/12/24 |
H4010 | An Act authorizing the board of selectmen of the town of Rockland to serve as cemetery commissioners for the town | Rep. DeCoste and Senator Keenan | Signed 3/12/24 |
H4067 | An Act validating the actions taken at the Princeton Annual town meeting | Governor Healey | Signed 3/12/24 |
H4079 | An Act relative to the office of town clerk and town treasurer in the town known as Southwick | Representative Boldyga and Senator Mark | Signed 3/12/24 |
H4160 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Lexington as the Henry N. "Hank" Manz Bridge | Rep. Ciccolo and Senator Barrett | Signed 3/13/24 |
H2017 | An Act authorizing sewer and water user discounts in the town of Hopkinton | Representative Arena-Derosa | Signed 3/15/24 |
H3910 | An Act authorizing the town of Dedham to establish a maximum age limit for original appointment to the position of police officer | Representative McMurtry and Senator Rush | Signed 3/15/24 |
H3844 | An Act directing the police department of the city of Boston to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Ariel Rodriguez | Representative Rob Consalvo | Signed 3/15/24 |
S2652 | An Act increasing the term of office for select board members in the town of Marblehead from 1 year to 3 years | Senator Brendan Crighton | Signed 3/15/24 |
S2582 | An Act authorizing the town of Tewksbury to lease the Louise Davy Trahan Elementary School for not more than 99 years | Senator Barry Finegold | Signed 3/22/24 |
H4148 | An Act authorizing Brian Dacey to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 3/22/24 |
H4149 | An Act authorizing Derek Clark to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 3/22/24 |
H4262 | An Act authorizing the town of Lincoln to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption program | Rep Gentile and Rep Peisch | Signed 3/22/24 |
S2371 | An Act authorizing the town of Rutland to increase the membership of the Town's Board of Selectmen | Rep. Anne Gobi | Signed 3/28/24 |
S2691 | An Act authorizing the continued employment of Jerry Shampang as an Environmental Police Officer in the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs | Senator Paul Mark | Signed 3/28/24 |
H3779 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Lisa Belentine, an employee of the Department of Transitional Assistance | Rep Cassidy and Rep Sullivan-Almeida | Signed 3/28/24 |
H4056 | An Act establishing the appointed office of Town Clerk in the town of Bolton | Rep Hogan and Senator Kennedy | Signed 3/28/24 |
H2914 | An Act increasing the exemption for residential property in the town of Wellfleet | Representative Sarah Peake | Signed 3/28/24 |
H3959 | An Act amending the charter of the city of Easthampton | Representative Daniel Carey | Signed 3/28/24 |
H4097 | An Act increasing the membership of the select board of the town of Merrimac from 3 to 5 members | Representative Dawne Shand and Senator Barry Finegold | Signed 3/28/24 |
H3998 | An Act authorizing the town of Holliston to continue the employment of Mark Dellicker as Deputy Fire Chief | Representative Arena-Derosa | Signed 4/1/2024 |
S2609 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the city of Leominster as the Honorable John Walter Olver Memorial Bridge | Senator John Cronin and Representative Natalie Blais | Signed 4/2/2024 |
S2705 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Tiffany Brennan, an employee of the trial court of Massachusetts | Senator Brady | Signed 4/42024 |
S2487 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen of the town of Charlton to select board | Senator Fattman | Signed 4/42024 |
H4072 | An Act exempting the positions of police chief and fire chief in the city known as the town of Greenfield from the civil service law | Representatice Whipps and Senator Blais | Signed 4/42024 |
H2058 | An Act establishing at-large and ward school committee members in the city of Revere | Representative Giannino, Representative Turco | Signed 4/11/2024 |
H4009 | An Act extending the time for issuing certain licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises in the town of Hanover | Representative David DeCoste | Signed 4/11/2024 |
H4044 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Falmouth as the Kevin P. Quinn Memorial Bridge | Representative David Vieira | Signed 4/11/2024 |
H3575 | An Act providing for recall elections in the town of Conway | Representative Natalie Blais | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H3875 | An Act authorizing the town of Brewster to transfer a certain parcel of recreation land known as Wing's Island from the select board to the conservation commission for conservation and open space purposes | Representative Flannagan and Senator Cyr | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H3879 | An Act establishing the appointed positions of town treasurer and tax collector in the town of Westwood | Representative McMurtry and Senator Rush | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H3997 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Needham | Representative Denise Garlick | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H4061 | An Act amending the act establishing a charter for the town of Wrentham | Representative Vaughn and Senator Rush | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H4195 | An Act authorizing the town of Chesterfield to continue the employment of reserve special police officer Greg Smith | Representative Sabadosa and Senator Mark | Signed 4/17/2024 |
S2544 | An Act providing for the designation of polling locations in the city of Gloucester | Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 4/17/2024 |
S2698 | An Act validating the results of the annual election held in the town of Whitman on May 20, 2023 | Governor Healey | Signed 4/17/2024 |
H3986 | An Act changing the name of the Board of Selectman of the town of Uxbridge to the Select Board | Representative Soter and Representative McKenna | Signed 4/24/2024 |
H3970 | An Act further amending the charter of the town of Middleton | Representatives Jones and Kerans and Senator Tarr | Signed 4/24/2024 |
H4202 | An Act further regulating the Housing Partnership Committee in the Town of Westborough | Signed 4/30/2024 | |
H4582 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Governor Healey | Signed 4/30/2024 |
H3911 | An Act authorizing the town of Lunenburg to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representatives Kushmerek and Scarsdale | Returned with amendment on 5/1/2024. New docket number HD5082. |
S2501 | An Act amending the date of the annual town elections in the town of Walpole | Senator Mike Rush | Signed 5/3/24 |
S2690 | An Act authorizing the town of Rochester to continue the employment of Scott Weigel | Senator Michael Rodrigues | Signed 5/3/24 |
H2095 | An Act authorizing the town of Provincetown to install subsurface disposal beds for wastewater treatment and disposal under land acquired for playground purposes | Representative Sarah Peake | Signed 5/3/24 |
H4186 | An Act authorizing the town of Mashpee to convey certain town-owned conservation land to Jacques and Rosalie Fresco | Representative David Vieira | Signed 5/3/24 |
H4448 | An Act authorizing the city of Lynn to use certain park land for school purposes | Representative Daniel Cahill | Signed 5/3/24 |
H4529 | An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges | Governor Healey | Signed 5/3/24 |
H4036 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Rockland | Representative David DeCoste | Signed 5/14/24 |
H4437 | An Act correcting the membership date of North Reading police officer Thomas Romeo in the Middlesex county retirement system | Representative Jones and Senator Tarr | Signed 5/14/24 |
H3827 | An Act amending the membership of the housing commission in the town of lincoln | Representatives Peisch and Gentile | Signed 5/10/24 |
H4011 | An Act providing for the appointment of a treasurer-collector in the town of Kingston | Representative Kathleen LaNatra | Signed 5/10/24 |
H4192 | An Act authorizing the town of Williamstown to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Representative John Barrett | Signed 5/10/24 |
H3826 | An Act authroizing the town of Holliston to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representative James Arena-Derosa | Signed 5/23/24 |
S1921 | An Act authroizing the town of Norwell to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Senator Patrick O'Connor | Signed 5/23/24 |
H2678 | An Act exempting the position of police chief of the town of Wrentham from the civil service law | Representative Marcus Vaughn and Senator Rebecca Rausch | Signed 5/30/2024 |
H2679 | An Act exempting the position of deputy police chief in the town of Wrentham from the civil service law | Representative Marcus Vaughn and Senator Rebecca Rausch | Signed 5/30/2024 |
H4185 | An Act authorizing the town of Mashpee to lease certain town land to the Boys and Girls Club of Cape Cod, Inc. | Representative David Vieira and Senator Susan Moran | Signed 5/30/2024 |
H4224 | An Act establishing the position of Treasurer-Collector of the town of Sherborn | Representative James Arena-Derosa | Signed 5/30/2024 |
S2515 | An Act authorizing the town of Easton to establish a means tested senior property tax exemption | Representative Carol Doherty and Senator Walter Timilty | Signed 5/30/2024 |
H4649 | An Act authorizing the city of Somerville to continue the employment of Charles J. Femino as acting chief of police | Representative Barber and Senator Jehlen | Signed 5/30/2024 |
S2580 | An Act eliminating the residency requirement for the town manager of the town of Andover | Senator Barry Finegold | Signed 5/30/2024 |
H4240 | An Act raising awareness of mitochondrial disease in the commonwealth | Representative Antonio Cabral | Signed 5/31/2024 |
S2493 | An Act authorizing the town of Sutton to grant real property tax abatements for certain active duty military personnel | Senator Fattman and Representative McKenna | Signed 6/11/2024 |
H4179 | An Act exempting the position of deputy fire chief in the town of Chelmsford from the civil service las | Representatives Cataldo and Arciero | Signed 6/12/2024 |
H4003 | An Act authorizing the town of Sunderland to continue the employment of Scott Smith | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 6/18/2024 |
S2500 | An Act authorizing the town moderator of the town of Monson to act as an election officer in certain elections | Senator Fattman and Representative Ashe | Signed 6/18/2024 |
H4041 | An Act exempting William McGrath from the age restrictions for police officers in the town of Wrentham | Representative Vaughn and Senator Rausch | Signed 6/18/2024 |
H4170 | An Act authorizing the town of Sharon to change the use of a certain parcel of land acquired for outdoor recreational purposes to general municipal purposes | Representative Philips and Senator Feeney | Signed 6/18/2024 |
H4561 | An Act authorizing the city of Newton to appoint retired fire fighters for certain purposes | Represenative Balser, Representative Khan, Senator Creem | Signed 6/18/2024 |
H4744 | An Act to prevent abuse and exploitation | Conference Committee | Signed 6/20/2024 |
H3971 | An Act establishing an attainable housing special revenue fund and a Chatham elementary school special revenue fund for the town of Chatham | Rep. Sarah Peake, Senator Julian Cyr | Signed 6/20/2024 |
H4064 | An Act authorizing the town of Bernardston to continue the employment of fire chief Peter Shedd | Rep. Natalie Blais, Senator Jo Commerford | Signed 6/20/2024 |
H4774 | An Act providing for the terms of certain bonds | House Committee on Ways and Means | Signed 6/20/2024 |
H4786 | An Act making certain appropriations for fiscal year 2025 before final action on the general appropriation bill | Governor Healey | Signed 6/28/2024 |
H4273 | An Act authorizing the town of Somerset to acquire interests in land for sewer purposes | Representative Livingstone and Senator Edwards | Signed 7/3/2024 |
H4076 | An Act expanding the historic Beacon Hill district | Representative Haddad and Senator Rodrigues | Signed 7/3/2024 |
H4075 | An Act changing the term of the elected office of moderator in the town of Stoneham | Representative Day | Signed 7/3/2024 |
H4405 | An Act directing the fire department of the town of Burlington to waive the maximum age requirement for firefighters for Ryan Decoste | Representative Gordon | Signed 7/3/2024 |
H3383 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Dedham as the Honorable Kelly A. Timilty memorial bridge | Senators Rush and Timilty, Representative McMurtry | Signed 7/10/2024 |
H3961 | An Act exempting Eric Robert Esteves from the maximum age requirements for police officers in the town of Ware | Representatives Smola and Berthiaume | Signed 7/10/2024 |
H4384 | An Act further regulating the greater Lawrence regional vocational technical high school | Representative Frank Moran | Signed 7/10/2024 |
H2097 | An Act establishing a resident taxpayer assistance fund in the town of Eastham | Representative Peake | Signed 7/17/2024 |
H4071 | An Act waiving the maximum age requirement for appointment as a police officer for Luigi D'Addieco | Representative Consalvo | Signed 7/17/2024 |
H4264 | An Act authorizing the city of Cambridge to increase certain parking fines | Rep. Decker and Senator DiDomenico | Signed 7/17/2024 |
H3931 | An Act authorizing the appointment of retired police officers as special police officers in the town of Freetown | Rep. Fiola and Senator Rodrigues | Signed 7/19/2024 |
H4214 | An Act providing for the retirement of William R. Cushing Jr., a police officer in the city known as the town of Braintree | Senator Timilty and Rep Cusack | Signed 7/19/2024 |
H4589 | An Act authorizing the city of Gardner to change the use of a certain parcel of land | Representative Zlotnik | Signed 7/25/2024 |
S2422 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen in the town of East Bridgewater to the select board | Senator Brady, Representatives Cassidy and Sullivan-Almeida | Signed 7/25/2024 |
H4885 | An Act modernizing firearm laws | Conference Committee | Signed 7/25/2024 |
H4800 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2025 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions, and certain activities of the Commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund, and serial bond requirements, and for certain permanent improvements | Conference Committee | Signed 7/29/2024 |
H4889 | An Act to provide for the future information technology needs of Massachusetts | Governor Healey | Signed 7/29/2024 |
S469 | An Act designating a certain park in the city of Cambridge as Richard McKinnon Park | Senator Sal DiDomenico | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H4042 | An Act facilitating the appropriation and expenditure of community preservation funds for community housing purposes in the town of Wellesley | Representative Peisch and Senator Creem | Signed 7/31/2024 |
S2840 | An Act authorizing the town of Milton to use certain land acquired for conservation purposes for school purposes | Senator Walter Timilty | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H4890 | An Act relative to salary range transparency | Conference Committee | Signed 7/31/2024 |
S2816 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Wareham | Senator Marc Pacheco | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H3808 | An Act further regulating the Lynnfield center water district | Representative Jones and Senator Crighton | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H3965 | An Act dedicating a bench in honor of Rita Walsh in the Hyde Park section of the City of Boston | Representative Consalvo and Senator Rush | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H4849 | An Act authorizing the town of Weston to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Governor Healey | Signed 7/31/2024 |
H4755 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Gabriella Ruocco, an employee of the department of state police | Representative Higgins and Senator Cronin | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4749 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Alicia Orlow, an employee of the department of correction | Representative Kushmerek | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4012 | An Act authorizing the town of Eastham to convey a conservation restriction on a certain parcel of land to the Eastham conservation foundation, inc. | Representative Peake and Senator Cyr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4037 | An Act authorizing the change of use of a certain parcel of park land in the town of Cohasset | Represetnative Meschino and Senator O'Connor | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4140 | An Act authorizing the conservation commission of the town of Westford to transfer certain easements to the select board of the town of Westford | Representative Arciero and Senator Cronin | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4646 | An Act authorizing the town of Nantucket to convey certain land situated in the town of Nantucket held for open space, recreational or conservation purposes to the Nantucket islands land bank | Representative Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4645 | An Act authorizing the town of Nantucket to convey a certain parcel of land acquired for park purposes to the Nantucket conservation foundation inc. | Representative Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4700 | An Act authorizing the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Lowell | Representative Rady Mom | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4768 | An Act authorizing the city of Springfield to continue the employment of police officer Lawrence E. Akers | Representative Bud Williams | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4701 | An Act authorizing the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to convey certain parcels of land in the town of Lancaster | Representatie Kilcoyne and Senator Cronin | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4795 | An Act authorizing the division of capital asset management and maintenance to convey certain land in the town of Lancaster to Robert F. Kennedy Community Alliance, Inc. | Representative Kilcoyne and Senator Cronin | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2913 | An Act authorizing the town of Andover to convey a non-exclusive access easement over a certain parcel of land | Representative Nguyen and Senator Finegold | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2915 | An Act authorizing the town of Nantucket to convey certain parcels of land held for conservation or recreation purposes | Representative Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H3937 | An Act authorizing the town of Canton to grant temporary and permanent easements over certain conservation land situated in the town of Stoughton for highway purposes | Representative Galvin and Senator Feeney | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4882 | An Act authorizing the town of Orange to convey certain parcels of land | Representative Whipps and Senator Comerford | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4350 | An Act criminalizing sexual assault by fraud of a medical professional | Representative Kate Hogan Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4915 | An Act regulating the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes, and bears in traveling exhibits and shows | Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4938 | An Act authorizing the county of Nantucket to convey certain parcels to the town of Nantucket | Representative Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4939 | An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to convey a certain parcel of land in the city of Pittsfield | Representative Farley-Bouvier and Senator Mark | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4943 | An Act authorizing the commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to issue a confirmatory deed for a certain parcel of land in the city of Marlborough | Representative Gregoire | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4944 | An Act authorizing the town of Brookline to change the use of a certain parcel of park land for the installation of subsurface geothermal walls | Representative Vitolo | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4970 | An Act to ensure legal parentage equality | Conference Committee | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2901 | An Act authorizing the release of certain parcels of land in the town of Raynham from certain agricultural preservation restrictions and certain recreational use restrictions | Senator Pacheco | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4967 | An Act providing for improvements to the metropolitan water supply system | Representive Peisch and Senator Barrett | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2720 | An Act authorizing the city known as the town of Barnstable to change the use of a portion of a certain parcel of land within the mother's park | Senator Cyr and Represenatives Diggs and Xiarhos | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2893 | An Act authorizing the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Westfield | Senator Velis | Signed 8/8/2024 |
S2894 | An Act authorizing the city of New Bedford to grant a utility easement to the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth | Representative Cabral and Senator Montigny | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H2049 | An act relative to the Auburn Water District | Representative Frost and Senator Moore | Returned with amendment on 8/8/2024 |
S2933 | An Act providing for the disposition of certain property in the town of Upton | Senator Fattman | Returned with amendment on 8/8/2024 |
H4976 | An Act honoring, empowering, and recognizing our servicemembers and veterans | Conference Committee | Signed 8/8/2024 |
H4977 | An Act relative to the Affordable Homes Act | Conference Committee | Signed 8/6/2024 |
H4698 | An Act relative to the direct wine shipper license | Representative Chan | Signed 8/9/2024 |
S2916 | An Act authorizing the town of Tewksbury to use a certain parcel of land for general recreational purposes | Signed 8/13/2024 | |
H4141 | An Act authorizing the appointment of special police officers in the city of Waltham | Representatives Stanley and Lawn and Senator Barrett | Signed 8/13/2024 |
S2902 | An Act relative to the reduction of certain toxic chemicals in firefighter personal protective equipment | Senate Committee on Ways and Means | Signed 8/15/2024 |
H4618 | An Act designating a portion of state highway route 41 in the town of West Stockbridge as the Gene Dellea highway | "Senator Mark and Representative Pignatelli " | Signed 8/22/2024 |
H4526 | An Act eliminating the age requirement for original certification of police officers in the city of Malden | Representatives Ultrino and Donato | Signed 8/23/2024 |
H4557 | An Act authorizing the town of Deerfield to continue the employment of police department members Michael W. Habel, Robert A. Thrasher and Mark Jacques | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 8/23/2024 |
H4999 | An Act promoting access to midwifery care and out-of-hospital birth options | Conference Committee | Signed 8/23/2024 |
H4246 | An Act authorizing the town of Littleton to provide water to the inhabitants of the town of Boxborough | Representatives Arciero and Sena and Senator Eldridge | Signed 8/23/2024 |
H4666 | An Act authorizing the appointment of retired firefighters as special firefighters in the city of Quincy | Representatives Chan and Ayers and Senator Keenan | Signed 8/23/2024 |
H4508 | An Act authorizing the city of Watertown to place municipal charges liens on certain properties in the city of Watertown for nonpayment of any local charge, fee or fine | Representatives Owens, Lawn, and Senator Brownsberger | Signed 8/27/2024 |
H4619 | An Act designating a portion of state highway route 23 west and state highway route 41 south in the town of Egremont as the George McGurn memorial highway | Senator Mark and Representative Pignatelli | Signed 8/27/2024 |
H4125 | An Act establishing recall methods for elected officials in the town of Lakeville | Senator Rodrigues and Representative Orrall | Signed 8/27/2024 |
H3775 | An Act reorganizing the Lexington housing assistance board, inc. | Representative Ciccolo and Senator Friedman | Signed 9/4/2024 |
H4156 | An Act providing for alternate members on the conservation commission of the town of Mattapoisett | Representative Straus and Senator Montigny | Signed 9/4/2024 |
H4159 | An Act providing for an alternate member of the finance committee of the town of Mattapoisett | Representative Straus and Senator Montigny | Signed 9/4/2024 |
H4687 | An act authorizing the town of Northfield to continue the employment of Floyd Dunnell III | Representative Whipps and Senator Comerford | Signed 9/6/2024 |
H5033 | An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care | Conference Committee | Signed 9/6/2024 |
H3657 | An Act authorizing Wayne A. Ellis to purchase creditable service from the Barnstable county retirement board | Representative Xiarhos | Signed 9/6/2024 |
H4163 | An Act dedicating the boat ramp at bicentennial park in the city of Fall River as the state representative Manuel Raposa Jr. boat ramp | Representative Fiola and Senator Rodrigues | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H4203 | An Act further regulating town elections in the town of Hopkinton | Representative Arena-Derosa | Signed 9/11/2024 |
S2936 | An Act amending the charter of the city of Lynn | Senator Crighton | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H5039 | An Act authorizing additional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises in the city of Boston | Conference Committee | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H3732 | An Act directing the city of Boston police department to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Wendy Pierre-Louis | Representative Worrell | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H4212 | An Act directing the city of Boston police department to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Terrance Joseph Williams | Representative Worrell | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H4431 | An Act directing the city of Boston police department to waive the maximum age requirement for police offers for Nuias Daveiga | Representative Worrell | Signed 9/11/2024 |
H4528 | An Act to rename the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission, massability, to reflect the self-determination and limitless possibilities of people with disabilities | Governor Healey | Signed 9/12/2024 |
S2857 | An Act establishing appointed positions of district clerk and district treasurer for the Raynham center water district | Senator Marc Pacheco | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H4919 | An Act to increase kennel safety, aka Ollie's law | Representatives Ashe and Gregoire | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H4799 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Governor Healey | Signed 9/17/2024 |
H4769 | An Act authorizing the town of Williamsburg to continue the employment of Glen Everett beyond the age of 65 | Representative Sabadosa | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H4617 | An Act designating a portion of United States highway route 7in the town of Sheffield as the brigadier-general John G. Bernard highway | Senator Mark and Representative Pignatelli | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H4244 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen in the town of Dunstable to select board | Senator Kennedy and Representative Scarsdale | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H4231 | An Act validating the actions of the town of Worthington relative to the provision of health insurance for eligible town employees | Senator Mark and Representative Sabadosa | Signed 9/20/2024 |
H3724 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen in the town of Foxborough to select board | Rep. Barrows and Senator Feeney | Signed 9/20/2024 |
S2954 | An Act to provide for competitiveness and infrastructure investment in Massachusetts | Governor Healey | Signed 9/24/2024 |
H4187 | An Act authorizing the town of Natick to establish minimum seating capacity for granting licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages or wine and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises | Representative Davis Linsky | Signed 9/24/2024 |
H4865 | An Act further regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises of clubs or veterans' organizations in the town of Natick | Representative David Linsky | Signed 9/24/2024 |
H3735 | An Act authorizing the town of Truro to establish a program to reduce property tax liability in exchange for volunteer services for persons with disabilities | Senator Cyr and Representative Peake | Signed 10/3/2024 |
H4201 | An Act eliminating the residency requirement for the position of administrative assistant to the board of assessors of the city of New Bedford | Representative Cabral and Hendricks, and Senator Montigny | Signed 10/3/2024 |
H5000 | An Act providing for certain bonds to be issued by the Commonwealth | Governor Healey | Signed 10/3/2024 |
H5008 | An Act providing for certain bonds to be issued by the Commonwealth | Governor Healey | Signed 10/3/2024 |
H3883 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Ashland as the Harold Wadhams Gates memorial bridge | Representatives Lewis and Schmid | Signed 10/3/2024 |
H4911 | An Act promoting animal welfare and further regulating the reporting of animal cruelty, abuse or neglect | Representative Jack Lewis, Senator Adam Gomez | Signed 10/9/2024 |
H4686 | An act authorizing the town of Natick to continue the employment of police officer John Haswell | Representative Linksy | Signed 10/9/2024 |
H4934 | An Act relative to medicaid managed care incentive initiative payment mechanisms to the non-state-owned public hospitals | Governor Healey | Signed 10/16/2024 |
H4194 | An Act amending the charter of the Town of Groton | Representative Scarsdale and Senator Cronin | Signed 10/24/2024 |
S2518 | An Act authorizing the town of Milton to issue an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Senator Walter Timilty | Signed 10/24/2024 |
S2746 | An Act exempting the position of police chief in the city known as the town of Barnstable from the civil service law | Representatives Diggs and Xiarhos, Senator Cyr | Signed 10/31/2024 |
H3722 | An Act providing for a condominium conversion ordinance in the city of Salem | Representative Manny Cruz | Signed 11/8/2024 |
H3728 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Townsend | Senator Cronin and Representative Scarsdale | Signed 11/8/2024 |
S2966 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Mary Katherine Sheehan, an employee of the trial court of the commonwealth | Senator O'Connor and Representative Kearney | Signed 11/14/2024 |
H4918 | An Act relative to medically necessary breast screenings and exams for equity and early detection | Representatives Murphy, Balser and Senators Rush, Lovely | Signed 11/14/2024 |
H4784 | An Act authorizing the town of North Reading to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representative Jones and Senator Tarr | Signed 11/15/2024 |
H4797 | An Act authorizing the town of Oxford to continue the employment of Craig Gagner | Representatives Mckenna and Frost, Senator Fattman | Signed 11/15/2024 |
H4886 | An Act authorizing the select board of the town of Bernardston to appoint an associate member to the board of health | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 11/15/2024 |
H4887 | An Act further regulating the fiscal authority of the town administrator of the town of Dudley | Representative Marsi and Senator Fattman | Signed 11/15/2024 |
H4954 | An Act designating a certain overpass in the city of New Bedford as the Andre Lopes Korean War veteran overpass | Senator Montigny, Representatives Cabral and Hendricks | Signed 11/15/2024 |
H5024 | An Act authorizing the town of Rowley to continue the employment of call firefighter Donald Dupray | Representative Kassner and Senator Tarr | Signed 11/15/2024 |
S2967 | An Act promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers | Conference Committee | Signed 11/20/2024 |
H5100 | An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts' economic leadership | Conference Committee | Signed in part 11/20/2024 |
H4799 | An Act authorizing certain employment contracts for the town of Milford | Representative Brian Murray | Signed 11/22/2024 |
H3725 | An Act amending the charter of the city of Greenfield | Representative Blais and Senator Comerford | Signed 11/22/2024 |
H4908 | An Act authorizing the town of Warwick to continue the employment of David A. Shoemaker as police chief | Representative Whipps and Senator Comerford | Signed 11/22/2024 |
H4404 | An Act increasing the membership of the board of sewer commissioners in the town of Northfield from 3 to 5 members | Representative Whipps and Senator Comerford | Signed 11/22/2024 |
H5057 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Cherylann Collaro-Surrette, an employee of the Massachusetts department of transportation | Representative Kane and Senator Moore | Signed 11/22/2024 |
S2955 | An Act authorizing the town of Andover to convert a certain parcel of land for general municipal purposes | Senator Finegold | Signed 12/4/2024 |
H4398 | An Act including the Salem harbor designated port area as part of the Salem harbor port area | Representative Cruz and Senator Lovely | Signed 12/4/2024 |
S440 | An Act to recall elected officials in the town of Manchester by the Sea | Senator Tarr | Signed 12/4/2024 |
H4639 | An Act regulating the appointment and removal of officials and employees of the town of Andover | Representatives Frank Moran and Tram Nguyen | Signed 12/4/2024 |
H5077 | An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects | Governor Healey | Signed 12/4/2024 |
H2031 | An Act authorizing the Adams Fire District to maintain an enterprise fund | Representative John Barrett | Signed 12/12/2024 |
H4525 | An Act repealing certain fiscal stability procedures in the towns of Chesterfield and Goshen | Representative Lindsay Sabadosa and Senator Paul Mark | Signed 12/12/2024 |
H4742 | An Act amending the appointment of and election restrictions on finance committee and capital planning members in the town of Newbury | Representative Kristin Kassner and Senator Bruce Tarr | Signed 12/12/2024 |
S2981 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Jonathan Turner, an employee of the Norfolk County sheriff's office | Senator Paul Feeney | Signed 12/13/2024 |
H4592 | An Act directing the city of Boston police department to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Paul O'Brien | Representative Rob Consalvo | Signed 12/13/2024 |
S2717 | An Act establishing the appointed positions of district clerk and district treasurer for the North Raynham water district | Senator Marc Pacheco | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H2299 | An Act promoting law enforcement continuity between the city of Boston and the town of Dedham | Representatives Consalvo and McMurtry | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H2548 | An Act waiving the maximum age requirement for police officers for the city of Methuen | Representative Ryan Hamilton | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4754 | An Act authorizing the towns of Foxborough and Sharon to extend a certain agreement for municipal sewer service | Representative Jay Barrows | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4484 | An Act designating a certain roundabout in the town of Orleans in honor of Dorofei Klimshuk | Representative Peake and Senator Cyr | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4881 | An Act amending the term of the town moderator in the town of Wrentham | Representative Vaughn and Senator Rausch | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4822 | An Act increasing the age limit for the appointment of special police officers in the city of Springfield | Representative Puppolo | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4850 | An Act authorizing the town of Plymouth to grant 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Representative Muratore and Senator Moran | Signed 12/19/2024 |
S2858 | An Act authorizing the town of Westport to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises | Senator Rodrigues | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H2084 | An Act authorizing the town of Hull to issue pension obligation bonds or notes | Representative Meschino and Senator O'Connor | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H3466 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Falmouth as the Deputy John Robert Kotfila Jr. memorial bridge | Representative Vieira | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4086 | An Act changing the name of the board of selectmen of the town of Swampscott to select board | Representative Armini and Senator Crighton | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4215 | An Act authorizing the town of Warren to continue the employment of Steven Perkins, a member of the fire department | Representative Smola and Senator Oliveira | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4560 | An Act authorizing the town of Carlisle to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representative Cataldo | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H5062 | An Act changing the position of treasurer in the city of Holyoke from an elected to an appointed position | Representative Duffy | Signed 12/19/2024 |
H4627 | An Act establishing the North Sherborn water and sewer district | Representative Arena-Derosa and Senator Rausch | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4980 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Kimberly Martinelli, an employee of the department of correction | Representative Soter and Senator Fattman | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H5111 | An Act relative to motor vehicle insurance | Governor Healey | Signed 12/23/2024 |
S2860 | An Act authorizing the town of Provincetown to grant 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Senator Cyr and Representative Peake | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H3890 | An Act amending the board of public works in the town of Lee | Representative Pignatelli and Senator Mark | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4188 | An Act authorizing the town of Westford to issue an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Representative Arciero | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4818 | An Act increasing the membership of the select board for the town of Lancaster | Representative Kilcoyne and Senator Cronin | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4858 | An Act authorizing the town of Lee to continue the employment of Glenn M. Wilcox as assistant fire chief | Representative Pignatelli and Senator Mark | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H5143 | An Act relative to treatments and coverage for substance use disorder and recovery coach licensure | Conference Committee | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H3988 | An Act authorizing the town of Charlemont to continue the employment of Dennis Annear as an on-call firefighter | Representative Blais and Senator Mark | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4200 | An Act prohibiting hunting on property owned by the department of correction in the town of Concord | Representative Cataldo | Signed 12/23/2024 |
H4236 | An Act repealing the prohibition on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority from locating a facility within a certain distance of the Arlington Catholic high school | Representative Garballey and Senator Friedman | Signed 12/23/2024 |
S2986 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Kate Sout-Sorm, an employee of the department of transitional assistance | Senator Friedman | Signed 12/23/2024 |
S421 | An Act providing for the annual election of members of the Spencer-East Brookfield regional school committee | Senator Gobi | Signed 1/1/2025 |
S2444 | An Act providing for recall elections in the town of Granby | Senator Oliveira | Signed 1/1/2025 |
S2978 | An Act authorizing the select board of the town of Provincetown to establish a schedule of fines for parking violations | Senator Cyr and Representative Peake | Signed 1/1/2025 |
S2983 | An Act authorizing the town of Raynham to appoint retired police officers as special police officers | Senator Pacheco | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H3989 | An Act authorizing the town of Rowe to continue the employment of Dennis Annear as an on-call firefighter | Representative Blais and Senator Mark | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4026 | An Act further regulating vacancies in the office of town manager in the town of Arlington | Representative Garballey and Senator Friedman | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4234 | An Act further amending the fair housing ordinance in the city of Cambridge | Representative Decker | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4108 | An Act designating a certain bridge as the Lieutenant David S. Cutler Memorial Bridge | Representative DeCoste | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4708 | An Act further regulating town meeting vacancies in the town of Burlington | Representative Gordon | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H5098 | An Act further regulating the Lawrence school committee | Representative Frank Moran | Signed 1/2/2025 |
H4840 | An Act relative to the regulation of money transmission by the division of banks | Representative Murphy | Signed 1/1/2025 |
S2465 | An Act further regulating the residential tax exemption in the town of Provincetown | Senator Cyr and Representative Peake | Signed 1/1/2025 |
S2471 | An Act authorizing the city of Everett to grant 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises and 1 additional license for the sale of wine and malt beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Senator DiDomenico | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4091 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Provincetown | Representative Peake and Senator Cyr | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4682 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Grafton relative to appointments by the select board and the town administrator and the reference to the town's website | Representative Muradian and Senator Moore | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4683 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Grafton relative to the school committee and the Grafton housing authority | Representative Muradian and Senator Moore | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4684 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Grafton relative to the town clerk | Representative Muradian and Senator Moore | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4685 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Grafton relative to transitional provisions | Representative Muradian and Senator Moore | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4859 | An Act authorizing Christina Rodriguez to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4860 | An Act authorizing Gustavo Romero to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4950 | An Act authorizing Brian Dacey to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhil notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4951 | An Act authorizing Dante Perella to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4952 | An Act authorizing Jason Restituyo to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H4953 | An Act authorizing Michael E. Jarvis, Jr. to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H5061 | An Act authorizing Dave Michienzi to take the civil service examination for the position of firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement | Representative Vargas | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H5116 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Daniel McKim, an employee of Worcester County Sheriff's Office | Representative Scanlon | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H5063 | An Act designating the state public health laboratory campus as the Doctor Alfred Demaria, Jr. campus | Representative Hunt | Signed 1/1/2025 |
H5992 | An Act authorizing the town of Fairhaven to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Represeentative Straus | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H4867 | An Act authorizing the town of Hollistion to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises | Representative Arena-Derosa | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5079 | An Act relative to further regulating a certain alcoholic beverage license in the town of Southampton | Governor Healey | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5094 | An Act authorizing the town of Tyngsborough to grant 3 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Representative Garry and Senator E. Kennedy | Signed 1/3/2025 |
S2985 | An Act authorizing the town of Sandwich to grant additional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Senator Moran | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5140 | An Act Authorizing the town of Clinton to grant 6 additional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Rep. Kilcone and Sen. Cronin | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5096 | An Act Authorizing the town of Uxbridge to grant 6 additional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Reps. McKenna and Soter | Signed 1/3/2025 |
S2714 | An Act relative to a certain license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises in the town of Rochester | Senator Rodrigues | Signed 1/3/2025 |
S3014 | An Act authorizing the town of Topsfield to grant licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Sen. Tarr and Reps. Kerans and Kassner | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H4990 | An Act granting the town of Sherborn to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic bevergages not to be drunk on the premises | Rep. Arena-DeRosa | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H4991 | An Act granting the city of Revere to grant 2 additional license for the sale of all alcoholic bevergages not to be drunk on the premises | Rep Giannino | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5093 | An Act authorizing the city of Salem to convert a license for the sale of wine and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises to a license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Rep Cruz and Sen Lovely | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H5139 | An Act relative to Commercial Driver's Licenses | Governor Healey | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H4909 | An Act extending the time for the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses in the town of Burlington | Rep Gordon | Signed 1/3/2025 |
H4866 | An Act authorizing the town of Wrentham to grant 7 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises | Rep. Vaughn and Sen. Rausch | Signed 1/3/2025 |
S2943 | An Act amending the charter of the city known as the town of Southbridge | Senator Fattman | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4782 | An Act establishing the minimum years of service requirement for a civil service promotion to the position of fire lieutenant in the town of Milford | Representative Murray | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H5142 | An Act providing for the terms of certain bonds to be issued by the Commonwealth | Governor Healey | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H5005 | An Act allowing the town of Williamstown to reduce the requisite age of eligibility for senior property tax exemption | Representative Barrett | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4895 | An Act authorizing raising the maximum retirement age of special police officers in the city of Methuen to 70 years old. | Representatives Hamilton and Reyes | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4920 | An Act relative to means tested senior citizen property tax exemption in the town of Westford | Representative Arciero and Senator Cronin | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H3911 | An Act authorizing the town of Linenburg to establish a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption | Representative Kushmerek and Scarsdale | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H5025 | An Act authorizing the appointment of retired poilce officers in the town of Sterling to serve as special police officers | Rep. Kilcoyne and Sen. Duran | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4932 | An Act directing the police department of the city of Boston to waive the maximum age for the original appointment as a police officer for Elise Barbosa | Rep. Worrell | Signed 1/6/2025 |
S2745 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Provincetown | Representative Peake and Senator Cyr | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4848 | An Act authorizing the town of Hopkinton to establish a means-tested senior citizen property tax exemption for school building construction | Rep. Arena-DeRosa | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H5006 | An Act establishing a means-tested senior property tax exemption in the town of Williamstown | Rep. Barrett | Signed 1/6/2025 |
H4896 | An Act authorizing the town of Milford to continue limited employment of certain police officers on superannuation retirement | Rep. Murray | Signed 1/6/2025 |
S2908 | An Act providing for the humane protection of animals | Senator Velis, Representatives Philips and Gianino | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H2108 | An Act authorizing the city known as the town of Franklin to utilize alternative methods for notice of public hearings | Representatives Roy and Gentile and Senator Rausch | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4027 | An Act authorizing print-free digital legal notices for the town of Arlington | Representatives Garballey, Rogers and Senator Friedman | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4430 | An Act authorizing the town of Dracut to adopt alternative methods for public hearing notices | Representative Garry and Senator Kennedy | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4507 | An Act increasing the maximum amount of penalties which may be imposed for violations of ordinances in the city of Boston | Representative Honan | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4650 | An Act allowing allowing print-free digital legal notices for the town of Lexington | Representatives Ciccolo and Senators Friedman and Barrett | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4664 | An Act allowing allowing print-free digital legal notices for the town of Lincoln | Representatives Peisch and Gentile and Senator Barrett | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4857 | An Act authorizing the town of Sharon to adopt alternative methods for notice of public health hearings | Representative Philips and Senator Feeney | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4937 | An Act prohibiting license revocation for student loan default | Representatives Higgins and Lipper-Garabedian | Signed 1/7/2025 |
S3012 | An Act relative to pharmaceutical access, costs and transparency | Conference Committee | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H5159 | An Act enhancing the market review process | Conference Committee | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H2062 | An Act authorizing the town of Bedford to adopt alternative methods for notice of public hearings | Representative Gordon and Senator Barrett | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4131 | An Act further regulating the acceptance of certain types of identification to purchase alcohol | Representative McMurtry | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4132 | An Act allowing electronic delivery receipts for certain bulk sale customers | Representative Roy | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H5121 | An Act authorizing the town of Acushnet to continue the employment of Call Deputy Fire Chief David Makuch | Representative Schmid | Signed 1/7/2025 |
S2994 | An Act to increase access to blood donation | Senator Finegold | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4652 | An Act further authorizing the town of Leicester to continue the employment of Kenneth M. Antanavica | Rep. LeBoeuf | Signed 1/7/2025 |
S2552 | An Act prohibiting inhumane feline declawing | Signed 1/7/2025 | |
S3013 | An Act modernizing the time-share extension and termination procedures | Sen Cyr | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H4941 | An Act relative to boater safety to be known as the Hanson Milone Act | Rep. LaNatra | Signed 1/7/2025 |
H3864 | An Act further regulating the regular compensation of certain active and retired emplyees of the city of Fitchburg | Representative Kushmerek | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2436 | An Act further regulating the Nantucket Sewer Commission | Representative Fernandes and Senator Cyr | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2715 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Marshfield to make references to the board of selectmen gender neutral | Representative Kearney and Senator O'Connor | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4679 | An Act exempting the redevelopment of certain affordable housing in the town of Westborough from public procurement laws | Representatives Donaghue and Kane and Senator Moore | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4880 | An Act exempting the expansion of a branch of the Boston public library within an affordable housing development in the West End section of the city of Boston from public procurement laws | Representative Livingstone | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H5028 | An Act further regulating the residency requirements for the town manager of the town of Lenox | Representative Peisch and Senator Mark | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4272 | An Act further regulating recall elections in the town of North Brookfield | Representative Berthiaume | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4485 | An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Harwich as the United States Army First Class Joseph C. Blute memorial bridge | Representative Peake and Senatory Cyr | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4551 | An Act further regulating the filling of vacancies in the office of mayor of the city of Revere | Representatives Giannino and Turco | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4638 | An Act further regulating city employment and candidacy in the offices of mayor, city councillor-at-large, ward councillor and school committee of the city of Revere | Representative Giannino and Senator Edwards | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4875 | An Act establishing the position of appointed town clerk in the town of Westminster | Representative Ferguson and Senator Durant | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H5010 | An Act restructuring the department of public works and re-establishing the position of tree warden in the town of Southborough | Representative Donaghue | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H5002 | An Act relative to the recall of elected officials in the town of Williamstown | Representative Barrett | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2884 | An Act relative to bus lane enforcement | Senator Mark | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2995 | Resolve to establish a commission to investigate and study the feasibility of establishing a Massachusetts Cabo Verdean cultural center | Senator Miranda | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H5091 | An Act authorizing the Dudley-Charlton regional school ditrict to convey a parcel of land to the town of Charlton | Reps. Marsi and Frost and Sen. Fattman | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2701 | An Act relative to naming a lifeguard building at the Salisbury Beach State Reservation | Senator Tarr | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4559 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Scituate | Rep. Kearney | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2870 | An Act further regulating the provision of health insurance and other benefits in the town of Carver | Sen. Pacheco and Rep. Gifford | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2993 | An Act changing the name of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership to the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts | Sen. Mark and Rep. Blais | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4874 | An Act relative to the transfer of real property from the Silver Lake regional school district to the town of Kingston | Rep. LaNatra | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4781 | An Act authorizing the town of West Brookfield to continue the employment of George Kenneth Collette | Rep. Berthiaume and Sen. Durant | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4780 | An Act authorizing the town of West Brookfield to continue the employment of Daniel Santos as Deputy Fire Chief | Rep. Berthiaume and Sen. Durant | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H3838 | An Act designating a portion of state highway route 28 in the town of Harwich as the Alphonso Palmer Rogers Highway | Rep. Peake | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H3075 | An Act designating February 4 as Rosa Parks Day | Rep. Kushmerek and Rep. Diggs | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H2740 | An Act establishing a surchage on specific commercial development activities for the purpose of funding the creation of community housing | Rep. Ciccolo and Senators Friedman and Barrett | Signed 1/8/2025 |
H4847 | An Act making certain corrective changes to the charter of the town of Hopkinton | Rep. Arena-DeRosa | Signed 1/8/2025 |
S2970 | An Act relative to applied behavioral analysis therapy | Representatives Lewis and Garballey | Signed 1/9/2025 |
H4237 | An Act relative to the charter of the town of Wrenham | Rep. Vaughn and Sen. Rausch | Signed 1/9/2025 |
S3006 | An Act renaming the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to the Executive Office of Aging and Independence | Governor Healey | Signed 1/9/2025 |
H4772 | An Act to modernize the Massachusetts Insurer's Insolvency Fund | Signed 1/9/2025 | |
H5151 | An Act relative to the transportation of vessels | Representative Diggs and Senator Cyr | Signed 1/9/2025 |
H4868 | An Act amending the charter of the city of Gardner | Rep. Zlotnik | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5119 | An Act establishing a select board-town manager form of government in the town of Holliston | Rep. Arena-DeRosa | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H4940 | An Act concerning the safety of school children embarking and disembarking school buses | Cmte on Transportation | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H4998 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Bellingham | Rep. Soter and Sen. Rausch | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5004 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Williamstown | Rep. Barrett | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5054 | An Act directing the city of Boston police department to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Alex Guzman | Rep. Consalvo | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5059 | An Act amending the charter of the town of Saugus | Rep. Gianniano and Sen. Crighton | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5069 | An Act Authorizing Gabriel Rosa to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement. | Rep. Vargas | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5070 | An Act Authorizing Juan Jimenez to take the civil service examination for the position of police officer in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement. | Rep. Vargas | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5076 | An Act amending the charter of Williamstown | Rep. Barrett | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H5134 | An Act to increase the membership of the select board in the town of Paxton | Rep. Ferguson and Sen. Durant | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H4905 | An Act further regulating certain loans by the federal home loan bank | Rep. Cahill | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H4842 | An Act relative to dental hygienist reciprocal licensure | Sen. Moran, Sen. O'Connor, Sen. Brady, Rep. Chan | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H3930 | An Act authorizing the appointment of special police officers in the town of Maynard | Rep. Hogan and Sen. Eldridge | Signed 1/10/2025 |
H913 | An Act designating the Rumney Marsh Reservation area of critical environmental concern as the Joseph T. James area of critical environmental concern | Rep. Turco and Rep. Giannino | Signed 1/10/2025 |