This service resides under the provider and government constituent tabs within the Virtual Gateway, allowing providers to access and maintain their own organization's information and EOHHS agencies to access all POS providers' information across the secretariat. PDM serves as a well-organized, user-friendly, easily navigated "filing system" of provider data. PDM stores standard completed forms and applications either completed on-line in PDM or in other source systems, such as the Operational Services Division (OSD) Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR) eFiling website. Weekly updates from MMARS, the Commonwealth's financial accounting and reporting system, will maintain current contract encumbrance and expenditure data for each provider. Hyperlinks to other websites, such as the Corporations Division of the Secretary of State, and the Operational Services Division permit easy access of related information.
The PDM service reduce duplicative data entry and form submission, copying, distribution and storage by organizations that are asked to provide similar information to multiple EOHHS agencies as part of re-contracting and licensing activities. Agencies can access their own information through the PDM service. Providers are able to view and update their own organizational information and view data provided by other systems of record, such as MMARS. Agencies are able to query the PDM service to produce reports by selecting data elements from one provider's record or from multiple providers' records for comparative analysis. PDM serves as the primary storage database for provider qualification and licensing information.
Contact for PDM Overview
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm