Private Housing Development Partners Contact Listing

The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) works with the following private housing development partners.

Development Partner Contact Information

Citizens Housing and Planning Association
Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) is the non-profit umbrella organization for affordable housing and community development activities throughout Massachusetts. Established in 1967, CHAPA is the only statewide group, which represents interests in the housing field, including:

  • non-profit and for-profit developers
  • homeowners
  • tenants
  • bankers
  • real estate brokers
  • property managers
  • government officials

You will find links to the Mass Accessible Rental Property List, and the Homeownership Education Workshops.

Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation
CEDAC is a public-private, community development finance institution that provides technical assistance, pre- development lending, and consulting services to non-profit organizations involved in:

  • Housing development
  • Workforce development
  • Neighborhood economic development
  • Capital improvements to child care facilities.

Department of Public Health - Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
provides general and technical information about the Massachusetts Lead Law and information on obtaining services for families or children affected by lead-based paint exposure.

Fannie Mae
is America's largest source of home mortgage funds. They offer a wide array of innovative mortgage products, available to homebuyers through a nationwide network of Fannie Mae-approved lenders.

Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (FHLB)
is cooperatively owned by more than 460 New England financial institutions. The Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston offers its members four options for funding affordable housing and economic development projects.

Freddie Mac
works with lenders to deliver affordable mortgage products to consumers, including low down payments products, lease-to-purchase loans, and reduced mortgage insurance mortgages .

Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund (MHP Fund)
MHP Fund is a quasi-public agency that promotes more stable and diverse neighborhoods in cities and towns across Massachusetts through the development and preservation of affordable housing. They provide:

  • Technical assistance
  • Permanent mortgages for developers and
  • Permanent mortgages for low to moderate income first-time homebuyers

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
The Home Modifications Loan Program for Individuals with Disabilities provides loans for modifications to the primary residence of elders, adults with disabilities and families who have children with disabilities.

Mass Resource Locator
is sponsored by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. This site will help you find local and statewide organizations that can provide services such as housing, food, financial assistance, benefits and child care.

Mass Development

MassDevelopment is a quasi-public agency that promotes community growth through economic and housing development. They provide:

  • Technical assistance
  • Feasibility analysis
  • Marketing
  • Sales services to municipalities and developers

Many of their programs can assist residential real estate developers interested in providing affordable housing.

MassHousing is a quasi-public agency that lends money at rates below conventional market to support rental and home ownership opportunities for low- and moderate-income families of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Programs include: 

  • Affordable Housing Trust Fund 
  • Housing Starts program
  • Rental Property List
  • Septic Repair program,
  • Home Improvement program
  • Get the Lead Out program

US Department of Agriculture Rural Development
The USDA Rural Development's Rural Housing Service provides a number of homeownership opportunities to rural Americans, as well as programs for home renovation and repair. RHS also makes financing available to elderly, disabled, or low-income rural residents of multi-unit housing buildings to ensure they are able to make rent payments.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development is the federal agency charged with striving to assure decent, safe, and sanitary home and suitable living environment for every American through the creation on homeownership opportunities, providing housing assistance for low-income persons, working to create, rehabilitate and maintain the nation's affordable housing, enforcing the nation's fair housing laws, helping the homeless, spurring economic growth in distressed neighborhoods, and helping local communities meet their development needs.

US Department of HUD's Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
This site will provide you information on the federal lead regulations. HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control operates the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant program for State and local governments, operates the Healthy Homes program to protect children and families from lead hazards in the home, develops lead-based paint regulations, guidelines and policies, and provides general and technical assistance.

Contact   for Private Housing Development Partners Contact Listing


Please listen for phone menu options for EOHLC divisions

Kevin Connor, press secretary

Mass211 is available 24/7 to answer general questions about EOHLC housing or home energy programs. Translation available.


Main Office
100 Cambridge St, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114

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