Prohibited items
The following items are not permitted inside the building:
- Fresh cut Christmas trees, wreaths etc.
- Open flames
- Known or suspected illicit drugs / narcotics
- Known or suspected alcohol
- Pets or other animals, with the exception of service animals
- Appliances, such as portable heaters
Dangerous items
The following are not permitted inside the building by anyone other than on-duty public safety personnel as defined by DCAMM policy:
- Weapons defined by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 269, section 10, to include all firearms
- Knives or edged devices not defined in MGL c. 269, s. 10
- Bats, clubs, or other blunt objects
- Firearms ammunition
- Explosive ordinance or similar device
- Fireworks
- Debilitating sprays, liquids, or gels such as pepper spray or other chemical agents
- Electronic control devices
Visitors are strictly prohibited from carrying any weapon or prohibited item while present in the building.
Only on-duty uniformed and plain-clothes Public Safety Personnel, persons conducting business with the Commonwealth who are authorized by their employer to carry a weapon as part of their core job duties, contracted security personnel authorized by DCAMM, and contractors or service providers authorized by DCAMM are allowed to carry a weapon or other dangerous items while present in the building.
Visitors in possession of a weapon or other dangerous items must declare the items to Security Officers on duty at the entry point. Visitors will not be provided with secure storage areas for firearms, but Security may secure other dangerous items for the duration of the visitor’s time in the building. Visitors attempting to enter the Springfield State Office Building with a firearm will be denied entry and advised to secure the firearm elsewhere.
The Massachusetts State Police will respond to incidents where a concealed weapon is not declared but discovered during security screening. The Massachusetts State Police reserve the right to ask for and view the owner’s license or permit to carry a firearm. Individuals in possession of a firearm, and unable to produce a valid license or permit for the firearm, may be subject to arrest and confiscation of the weapon in accordance with Massachusetts General Law.
Other prohibited items
DCAMM Security & Emergency Preparedness has the discretion to deem dangerous any other item that may reasonably present a threat to the safety and security of the building or its occupants.
Items determined to be dangerous will not be permitted into the building. At the discretion of security personnel, such items may be stored and reclaimed by the owner upon exiting the facility. DCAMM assumes no responsibility for items left pursuant to this policy.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 651.92 KB, Lindemann Occupant Handbook (PDF 651.92 KB)
Open PDF file, 438.08 KB, McCormack Occupant Handbook (PDF 438.08 KB)
Open PDF file, 536.65 KB, MITC Occupant Handbook (PDF 536.65 KB)