Project schedule and public information
We are implementing an extensive outreach program due to the strategic location and regional importance of the I-495/I-95 interchange. The impacts of the project will be experienced by stakeholders immediately adjacent to the interchange, in nearby communities, as well as travelers who live, work and conduct commerce in the region. Dynamic, diverse and far-reaching engagement strategies are being implemented for this project.
Project design began in May 2022 and will continue through December 2024. As designs are completed and reviewed, construction will begin. There are 5 stages of construction:
Enabling work including fiber relocation and temporary Ramp ES/SE
Complete future I-495 NB in median, Fruit Street and Ramps ES & WN
Complete future I-495 SB, Ramps WS & SE
Complete Ramp NE, NW, SW & EN
Complete I-90 widening, remove former loop ramps and complete environmental mitigation areas
Environmental context
The areas in-and-around the interchange contain many sensitive environmental resources. These include the:
- Cedar Swamp Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)
- Areas of designated open space
- Sudbury River riverfront, with floodplain, wetlands, and priority habitat for endangered & threatened species
The project aims to avoid or minimize impacts to these resources and provide mitigation for any unavoidable impacts.