Report an accident, file a complaint, or request assistance

To report an accident involving a public employee, file a complaint, request free technical assistance.

To report an accident involving a public employee

Call (508) 616-0461 and choose Option #1 or email

Police, fire, and EMS departments are requested to report injuries that occur to public employees, particularly EMS response, amputation, loss of eye, hospitalization, or fatality.

A public employee is an employee of a state, county, or municipal entity. 

To file a complaint

  1. Download and email - the Complaint Form for Public Sector Workplaces, complete it and then email it to Include your name, address, and phone number, so we can contact you to follow up. This information is confidential.
  2. Call DLS at (508) 616-0461 and choose Option #1.

DLS recommends that employees try to resolve safety and health issues first by reporting them to their supervisors, managers, or the safety and health committee. At any time, however, employees can complain to DLS.

Employees or their representatives may complain if they believe there is a violation of a safety or health standard, or if there is any danger that threatens physical harm, or if an "imminent danger" exists. Enough information must be provided for DLS to determine if a hazard exists. Workers do not have to know whether a specific standard has been violated in order to file a complaint.

The Department of Labor Standards (DLS) will follow-up by sending a written complaint letter or by conducting a site inspection.

To request free technical assistance

A municipal, county, or state agency can request a free DLS safety inspection. For example: a safety and health audit of a wastewater treatment plant; a school electrical safety audit; or safety committee coaching. If safety and health hazards are observed, a “Technical Assistance Report” which itemizes each hazardous condition and recommends corrective action will be provided. Civil penalties are not issued for voluntary requests for technical assistance. However, the employer will be required to provide documentation that hazardous conditions are corrected. Call the Department of Labor Standards at (508) 616-0461 and choose option #1, or send an email to:

Notice of alleged hazard

Listed below are questions to consider when submitting your Complaint Form for Public Sector Workplaces. Answering these will assist in providing complete and accurate information:

  • How many employees work at the site and how many are exposed to the hazard?
  • How and when are workers exposed?
  • What work is performed in the unsafe or unhealthful area?
  • What type of equipment is used? Is it in good condition?
  • What materials and/or chemicals are used?
  • Have employees been informed or trained regarding hazardous conditions?
  • What process and/or operation is involved?
  • What kinds of work are done nearby?
  • How often and for how long do employees work at the task that leads to their exposure?
  • How long (to your knowledge) has the condition existed?
  • Have any attempts been made to correct the problem?
  • On what shifts does the hazard exist?
  • Has anyone been injured or made ill as a result of this problem?
  • Have there been any "near-miss" incidents?
  • Do any employees have any symptoms that they think are caused by the hazardous condition or substance?
  • Have any employees been treated by a doctor for a work-related disease or condition? What was it?

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Please do not include personal or contact information.