The Respite Innovations Grant Program is a two-year, $20,000,000 program designed to enhance, improve, expand, and/or reorganize how Respite services are provided. Eligible applicants can propose new models or strategies for providing person-centered Respite to give caregivers a break from the demands of caring for individuals with complex needs.
Proposed programs should target family or primary caregivers who support community-residing individuals with chronic or other health conditions, disabilities, or functional limitations.
Caregivers paid through state-funded or Medicaid programs including, but not necessarily limited to, providers of personal care paid through the MassHealth Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs Consumer Direct Care program within the state’s Home Care program are excluded from this grant.
Who can apply?
To be eligible, applicants must be a Massachusetts organization with experience providing home and community-based respite services.
That includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers such as Certified Home Health Agencies, Day Programs, etc.
- Community organizations such as Independent Living Centers (ILC), Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs), Councils on Aging, faith-based organizations, multi-cultural organizations, etc.
- Education/training institutions or private foundations
- Education/training institutions and private foundations with no experience providing HCBS Respite services may apply but must do so in collaboration with an HCBS provider or community organization with experience providing Respite services.
Coalitions of regional community organizations and HCBS providers are encouraged to apply.
Eligible Activities
Any proposed program must complete at least one of the following activities:
- Provide a new or enhanced model for the delivery of Respite services
- Reform or reorganize an existing service model to improve service delivery, access, and inclusivity
In addition, priority will be given to applications that meet the following criteria:
- Provides support to those with intensive care needs in the community
- Develops Respite options for individuals with complex medical, cognitive, and/or behavioral needs
- Builds or enhances parent-to-parent or caregiver-to-caregiver models
- Develops options to address the workforce needs of HCBS Respite providers
- Provides culturally responsive, person-centered Respite opportunities that serve culturally, linguistically, or ethnically diverse and gender inclusive family caregivers
- Develops options to provide Respite services to older adult caregivers
Grant funds cannot be used for:
- Respite services for Caregivers paid through state-funded or Medicaid programs including, but not necessarily limited to, providers of personal care paid through the MassHealth Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs Consumer Direct Care program within the state’s Home Care program
- Loan repayment, retention bonuses, referral bonuses, or recruitment bonuses
- Programs benefiting State employees (not including State Universities) who currently provide Respite services
- Durable and/or Specialized Medical Equipment providers unless paired with the provision of Respite services
- Temporary wage increases
- Capital expenditures
Helpful Resources
The following links may be helpful as you complete your application:
For questions about the grant program, please email MAHCBSGrants@pcgus.com. You must submit any questions before the deadline, which is December 16, 2022.
Questions will not be answered individually. On December 23, 2022, answers to all submitted questions will be posted on COMMBUYS.
You cannot make any changes to your grant application after it is submitted.
Grant Awardees
AgeSpan, Inc.
Mystic Valley Elder Services, Inc.
Opportunities for Inclusion
Federation for Children with Special Needs
Home for Little Wanderers, Inc.
LUK Crisis Center, Inc.
Advocates Inc.
People Incorporated
Tri-Valley Inc.
Town of Dennis
Grow Associates Inc.
Mental Health Association
Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support
Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living
The Arc of Greater Plymouth
Town of Bourne
Seven Hills Family Services Inc.
Premier Home Healthcare of MA
Incompass Human Services
Riverside Community Care Inc.
East Point ADHC LLC
South Shore Support Serv Inc.
The Arc of Bristol County
Senior Care Inc
Southwest Boston Senior SRVS
Metrocare, LLC
Boss Lady Sister LLC
Childrens Hospital Corporation
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Inc.
Town of Burlington
Bay Cove Human Services Inc.
Lifepath, Inc.
Charles River Association
City of New Bedford
Toward Independent Living & Learning
Northeast Arc, Inc.
WestMass Eldercare Inc.
Emissary Health, Inc.
Magnifique Health
House of Possibilities Inc.