Route and service details - South Coast Rail

South Coast Rail will be implemented in phases: Phase 1 and Full Build.

Table of Contents


Phase 1:

  • Extends the existing Middleborough/Lakeville Commuter Rail Line from Boston to Taunton, Fall River and New Bedford.

Full Build:

  • Travels from Boston to Stoughton and continues south before splitting south of Taunton for Fall River and New Bedford (using the same southern alignment as Phase 1).
  • Preliminary design is ongoing – an anticipated service start date will be determined as the project advances.

For more details, see the Phase 1 and Full Build corridor maps.

Phase 1 Commuter Rail Service Details

  • Phase 1 service will include a total of 26 trains (each-way) for weekday service. The MBTA will operate three morning peak trains and three evening peak trains to both New Bedford and Fall River. Taunton and Middleborough will see up to six morning and six evening peak trains because all of the service will pass through those communities.
  • During off-peak periods, three trains will operate on a 3-3 ½ hour frequency.
  • Operations details will be confirmed as the project advances.


Phase 1 will provide service to nine existing stations on the Middleborough/Lakeville line and will require six new stations:

  • Middleborough
  • East Taunton
  • Freetown
  • Fall River Depot
  • Church Street
  • New Bedford

Full Build service will use five stations built for Phase 1 (East Taunton, Freetown, Fall River Depot, Church Street and New Bedford), will reconstruct two existing stations (Canton Center and Stoughton), and will require five new stations:

  • North Easton
  • Easton Village
  • Raynham Place
  • Taunton
  • Battleship Cove

The stations will comply with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Standards, including 800-foot high-level platforms for "all doors" boarding. Other amenities will include benches, canopies and parking (in most locations).

See the exact locations of each station on the Interactive Corridor Map.

Train Layover Facilities

  • The MBTA will construct two overnight layover facilities, sites for storing the trains at night when they are not in use, near each terminus station. The train sets start and end each service day from these facilities.
  • Phase 1 will build two new layover stations in Fall River (Weaver’s Cove) and New Bedford (Wamsutta). Each will include six storage tracks, crew quarters, a maintenance shed and parking facilities. For Phase 1 service, South Coast Rail will also use the existing Middleborough Layover facility.

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