Service Delivery Reports

Service Delivery Reports Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Service Delivery Report (SDR)? How will I know whether I need to complete one?

A Service Delivery Report is a tool in EIM/ESM that certain providers use to bill under unit rate contracts. An SDR is specific to a contract, month, and location. SDR features also may support cost reimbursement contracts, for which invoices serve as the billing mechanism. In such cases, SDRs are used to fulfill programmatic reporting requirements. Please consult your respective agency contact or contract manager to confirm requirements for your organization.

2. How do client names get added to the Service Delivery Report (SDR)?

Methods vary by agency. For the Departments of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Meditech (a medical software application) supplies client data to EIM/ESM. The Department of Public Health uses Enterprise Service Management to enter client information, which populates the SDR. As additional agencies begin using EIM/ESM, decisions will need to be made in this regard.

3. If it is suspected that the transmission of client data from Meditech was not complete, what should be done?

In such cases, providers should contact their agency contact to ensure that the enrollment for the client(s) in question has been established in Meditech. Provider users with the necessary privileges may also use the Client Enrollment Status Report - an on demand report - to confirm Meditech enrollment inclusion in EIM/ESM.

4. Is there a way to associate a Service Delivery Report (SDR) with a provider-specific reference number?

Yes. The provider may enter a unique SDR Reference Number within the Service Delivery Summary and click Save Changes. This value may later be used to conduct a PRC search and determine payment status. For more information please see the Payment Tracking Job Aid.

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