Soil Management/Capacity Discussions

Material related to the ongoing policy and program discussions about the management of contaminated soil in Massachusetts and limits on re-use, recycling and disposal capacity.

The Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is hosting a series of policy discussions and listening sessions related to disposal capacity issues for contaminated soil coming from Massachusetts developments and disposal sites (“contaminated” soil meaning concentrations > RCS-2).

December 16, 2021 Listening Session

This meeting included a number of speakers who were asked to address these questions, to the extent relevant: 

  • Their connection to the contaminated soil disposal issue.
  • Their experience with any reduction in soil disposal capacity/options in the past year/two, including examples and any specifics that will help in getting a full understanding of the issues.
  • How stakeholders have responded to the reduced capacity issue, and what they may be doing differently as a result of reduced disposal options.  
  • What are the consequences of the reduced soil disposal capacity/options for site cleanup work?  Has it, for example, affected schedule/completion of a project?
  • Do they have recommendations regarding options – short term and long term - for addressing this issue or additional information that they think should be gathered to inform this discussion?

 Additional information, including a link to the meeting video, is provided below.

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