The conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A, covers all state, county and municipal officials and employees, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time. Some sections of the conflict law apply less restrictively to positions that have been designated as "special."
"Special municipal employee" status can be assigned to certain municipal positions by a vote of the board of selectmen, board of aldermen, town council or city council. Several specific municipal positions are automatically designated as "special" under the law.
Municipal employees should contact their City or Town Clerk to find out if their position has been designated as a special municipal employee position.
People who work for a state or county agency for less than 800 hours a year, or who do not receive compensation for their state or county agency service, are automatically special state or county employees. Certain state and county agency positions may have special employee status if their employment contract permits personal or private employment during normal working hours.