The Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance and the Trial Court are excited to embark on next steps for the Springfield Regional Justice Center project, which will consolidate court operations in the area from two buildings into one contemporary, functional, and efficient building. Rather than moving forward with the initial vision of purchasing a parcel of land and constructing a state-owned Regional Justice Center, the Commonwealth will solicit proposals from private developers for a long-term lease through a new competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) to either build a new facility or renovate an existing building for this purpose. This shift in acquisition approach will accelerate execution of the project and occupancy of the new court facility.
The Commonwealth expects to issue an RFP for a partner whose proposal will include a site capable of hosting up to 330,000 usable square feet of space for judicial, administrative, detention, and court services for an initial lease term of 40 years and two ten-year extension options, for a maximum term of 60 years. While previous site evaluations have been conducted, no particular location has been identified, and this RFP is intended to expand the pool of proposers in a highly competitive process. The RFP will include criteria for site and locational preferences, with convenience and accessibility for individuals served by the Regional Justice Center being a primary consideration, along with criteria for exceeding the Commonwealth’s mandates for environmental sustainability. A prominent site that is centrally located in Springfield with a civic presence is ideal for a project of this type, in addition to other features that are beneficial to courthouse operations as will be detailed in the RFP. An ideal development partner will demonstrate experience and capacity to finance, design, build, and manage a modern court facility per program requirements that will be provided by the Commonwealth for the proposed lease term.
Asset Management Board Authorization
At its meeting on January 21, 2025, the Asset Management Board (AMB) voted to approve the project proposal. This review process and vote did not contemplate any particular site or proposal. This AMB approval authorizes DCAMM to move forward with an RFP process that seeks a long-term lease, as detailed above. The next step is for DCAMM to issue an RFP, which is expected to occur in the second quarter of 2025. Only when the RFP period ends, estimated to be in the third quarter of 2025, will DCAMM begin the process of reviewing proposals that contain specific site information.
Specifically, regarding the future site, the Commonwealth hopes to solicit broad interest from the development community both regionally and nationally. DCAMM anticipates hiring a real estate brokerage firm to assist with promoting the opportunity in conjunction with issuing the formal RFP. DCAMM is committed to maximizing competition for this project, consistent with the recent Inspector General's report addressing long-term leasing of public facilities as well as his guidance during the Asset Management Board review, in order to best serve the public interest in a fiscally responsible manner.
Public Hearing Information
A public hearing was held on January 2, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89056261798. The public was invited to comment on the proposed project at the public hearing and may submit written comments to kendra.howes@mass.gov. The deadline for submitting written comments is Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. ET.
An additional public hearing was held on January 7, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. at the Springfield State Office Building, 436 Dwight St., Springfield, MA. The public was invited to comment on the proposed project at the public hearing and may submit written comments to Kendra.howes@mass.gov. The deadline for submitting written comments is Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. ET.
Notice of Public Hearing was published on or before Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 5:00PM.