Every year from June 1 to August 31, wild turkey reports from the public help our biologists determine productivity, compare long-term reproductive success, and estimate fall harvest potential. Reports are welcome from all regions of Massachusetts, from the most rural communities to more densely-populated areas. The summer wild turkey survey is a fun way for people to connect with nature while contributing valuable data to MassWildlife biologists.
Report wild turkey sightings in your area! Contribute to the annual wild turkey survey by reporting observations of hens (female turkeys), poults (newly-hatched turkeys), jakes (juvenile males), and toms (adult males). Learn how to tell the difference between male and female turkeys.
Turkey sightings can be submitted online using this form:
*Note: The form has been updated for the 2023 to include a map that allows collection of more accurate location information. Users have the option zoom to their location on the map or type in an address.