Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MASSWILDLIFE)

MassWildlife is responsible for the conservation of freshwater fish and wildlife in the Commonwealth, including endangered plants and animals. MassWildlife restores, protects, and manages land for wildlife to thrive and for people to enjoy.

Contact Us

Division of Fisheries and Wildlife


Open M–F, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed noon–12:30 for lunch)


MassWildlife Field Headquarters
1 Rabbit Hill Road
Westborough, MA 01581

Who we serve

Through the effective management of wildlife and habitat, MassWildlife ensures quality outdoor recreational opportunities for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the impressive variety of plants, fish, and wildlife found in Massachusetts. Outdoor skills clinics, wildlife education workshops, presentations, and online resources provide all residents with a greater understanding and appreciation for wildlife conservation. Keep in touch with us  sign up to receive monthly e-newsletters.

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News from MassWildlife

  • News

    Not-so-spooky spiders you may see in your backyard 

    10/07/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Spiders are often associated with Halloween, but most of these arachnids are nothing to be scared of. Learn about three harmless spider species and how they benefit our ecosystems.

  • News

    Drivers, brake for moose and deer 

    10/07/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Moose and deer are more active during fall breeding seasons.

  • News

    Mussel movers: Prepping for dam removal 

    10/04/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    MassWildlife worked with partners to safeguard freshwater mussels at the site of a dam removal project on the Quinapoxet River by relocating them to upstream habitats.

  • News

    Celebrate Bat Week 

    10/03/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Bat week starts October 24. Get into the spirit by dispelling outdated bat myths and learning more about the threats facing these harmless and fascinating flying mammals.

  • News

    5 ways to get outside this fall 

    10/02/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Want to have some fun in nature this fall but don’t know where to start? Grab your binoculars and enjoy the outdoors with these five autumn activities.

  • News

    All outdoor users: Wear blaze orange during hunting seasons 

    10/01/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Be safe, be seen. Hunters and non-hunters alike should wear blaze orange while recreating outdoors this fall.


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Division of Fisheries and Wildlife information

Image credits:  MassWildlife

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