The Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F) FY17 data-driven performance

Learn how A&F uses data to improve your experience with state government.

The Baker-Polito administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, A&F has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.

You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they’re performing on this page.

A&F’s Fiscal Year 2017 Performance

Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F)

 FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress 
Develop and manage a balanced FY 2017 operating budget Sign and maintain a balanced operating budget through FY 2017 (6/30/2017) The FY 2017 operating budget was signed on July 8, 2016 and A&F continues to monitor revenues to ensure the budget remains balanced in FY 2017


Appellate Tax Board (ATB)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 12/31/2016)
Number of pending appeals Reduce combined inventory to 6,000 appeals (non-telecom cases) Reduced combined inventory to 4,600 appeals (non-telecom cases)
Mediation sessions held Hold 60 Mediation sessions Over 90 Mediation sessions were scheduled, of which the vast majority were settled without trials


Civil Service Commission (CSC)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 12/31/2016)
Number of disposed appeals Dispose of 75% of all appeals filed within 9 months Disposed of 79% of all appeals filed within 9 months
Reduce percent of decisions overturned Ensure that less than 5% of all decisions issued are overturned 3% of all substantive decisions issued by the Commission were overturned


Department of Revenue (DOR)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 12/31/2016)
Level of resolution at audit; number of incoming disputes to appeals and litigation 10% reduction in number of incoming disputes to appeals and litigation by 12/31/16 3.6% reduction in number of incoming disputes to litigation and 50% increase in number of incoming disputes to appeals as a result of operational changes    
Number of cases in Appeals 10% reduction in number of cases in appeals by 12/31/16 7.5% increase in number of cases in appeals as a result of operational changes 
Number of audit cases going to Appeals 25% reduction in number of audit cases going to Appeals by 12/31/16 (restrict small case pipeline) 75% reduction in number of audit cases going to Appeals 
Turnaround time for abatements 10% reduction by 12/31/16 96% reduction


Division of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA) 

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/19/2017)
Number of cases in retirement-case backlog 30% reduction in backlog of retirement cases 6.9% reduction in backlog of retirement cases


Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) 

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/24/2017)
Percent of projects with electronic distribution plans 85% of all projects to have plans distributed electronically across FY 2017

100% of eligible plans distributed electronically

Increase online certification applications/renewals 90% of all certification applications/renewals be completed online by end of FY 2017

82% of applications received (including new apps and renewals) have been electronic


Group Insurance Commission (GIC)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/24/2017)
Level of savings achieved in Employee Group Waiver Program Achieve Employee Group Waiver Program projected savings of $35M Projected Employee Group Waiver Program savings of $36.9M


Human Resources Division (HRD)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/17/2017)
Average call wait time (at Employee Service Center, ESC) Will not exceed 3 minutes 90% of the time; will not exceed 2 minutes 50% of the time Wait times were below 3 minutes 100% of the time; wait times were below 2 minutes 90.6% of the time
Reduce time to fill mid and senior management positions (MV and above) A 30% reduction in time to fill for the agencies that have stabilized in their use of MassCareers (to 112 days) 12% reduction in time to fill (140 days) 
Reduce time to fill bargaining unit positions and  management positions MI-MIV A 30% reduction in time to fill for the agencies that have stabilized in their use of MassCareers (to 85 days) 27% reduction in time to fill (to 89 days) 


Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/24/2017)
Client service calls wait time 50% reduction in wait time to follow up with clients 90% reduction in wait time to follow up with clients (from 3 weeks to 72 hours)
Number of training opportunities to Title II Entities 25% increase in training opportunities to state and local government entities 100% increase in training opportunities to state and local government entities (from 24 to 48)


Operational Services Division (OSD)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/25/2017)
Increase number of registered businesses in COMMBUYS Increase to 25,000 by June 30, 2017 18,483 registered businesses in COMMBUYS
Increase level of annual spending captured in COMMBUYS Increase to $320M for FY 2017 $223M of annual spending captured in COMMBUYS
Increase number of businesses enrolled in the Small Business Purchasing Program Increase number of businesses to 3,000 by June 30, 2017 1,245 businesses enrolled


State Library (LIB)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Progress (as of 1/23/2017)
Number of transcribed House and Senate Journals 10,000 House and Senate Journals Transcribed 10,000 House and Senate Journals
Number of scanned state and municipal reports 500 scanned state and municipal reports Scanned 500 state and municipal reports

Contact   for The Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F) FY17 data-driven performance


(617) 727-2779


24 Beacon Street, State House, Room 373, Boston, MA 02133

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