The Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F) FY18 data-driven performance

Learn how A&F uses data to improve your experience with state government.

The Baker-Polito administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, A&F has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.

You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they’re performing on this page.

A&F’s Fiscal Year 2018 Performance

 Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F)

 FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Develop and manage a balanced FY 2018 operating budget Sign and maintain a balanced operating budget through FY 2018 (6/30/2018) FY18 Budget signed July 17, 2017 and A&F continues to monitor revenues to ensure the budget remains balanced in FY 2018

Appellate Tax Board (ATB)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Reduce number of pending appeals Reduce combined inventory to 5,500 appeals (non-telecom cases) Current inventory: 4,100 non-telecom pending appeals
Schedule Mediation sessions Schedule 70 Mediation sessions 80 Mediation sessions scheduled
Increase number of hearings outside Boston 15% increase in number of hearings scheduled outside Boston 110 hearings scheduled outside of Boston, an increase of 33%

Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Increase online certification applications/renewals Ensure that 90% of all new certification applications/renewals are completed online

Current data shows 97%  of new applications and renewals are being processed online (687 online out of 709 total applications YTD)

Reduce processing time for online certification/renewals 80% of all certification applications/renewals submitted online will be processed within 60 days of completed submission (from 90 days)

Current data shows that 79% of applications/renewals are being processed within the 60 day target (499 out of 631 completed applications YTD)

Reduce time from project initiation to construction contract signing - small projects 80% of capital projects managed by DCAMM's Small Project Team will complete initial phases (study-design-construction- procurement) within 25 weeks (from 75 weeks) A total of 7 projects are currently within this data set. These include projects fully managed by SPT from study initiation, with a Notice to Proceed for construction given during FY2018. 3 of these 7 projects (43%) hit the 25 week target. Performance against this metric will improve with further projects included at the end of the FY. More importantly overall project duration (study through use and occupancy) is down by almost half from prior baseline (see new FY19 Target)
Increase percent of projects utilizing new online MBE/WBE and Workforce program 100% of all projects in active design and construction at the end of FY2018 will be using the new online MBE/WBE and Workforce reporting system Currently 95% of all projects tracked through our MWBE contract compliance program are reporting electronically.  Approximately 85% of our workforce tracking is now online (preliminary numbers).  We expect to be at or near 100% target by the end of FY18.

State Library (LIB)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Increase number of transcribed House and Senate Journals Increase transcribed House and Senate Journals to 20,000 All manuscript journals have been transcribed and delivered (approximately 100,000 pages)
Increase number of scanned state and municipal reports Increase scanned state and municipal reports to 1,000 Approximately 2,250 state reports in the Public Documents series have been scanned

Human Resources Division (HRD)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Reduce time to fill mid and senior management positions (MV and above) 43% reduction in time to fill (80 days) 19% Increase in time to fill (166 days) due to an increase in applicants and changes to the hiring process
Reduce time to fill bargaining unit positions and management positions MI – MIV 31% reduction in time to fill (61 days) 17% Increase in time to fill (104 days) due to an increase in applicants and changes to the hiring process

Division of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA) 

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Reduce number of cases in retirement-case backlog 10% reduction in backlog of retirement cases DALA reduced its inventory of retirement cases from 1097 to 916 (excluding 530 Retirementplus cases involving TRS filed in June 2017) a 16% decrease

Department of Revenue (DOR)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Process returns timely 4-6 weeks for e-file returns, 8-10 weeks for paper filed returns The departments current performance is 4-6 weeks for processing e-file returns claiming a refund and 8-10 weeks for processing paper returns claiming a refund.  
Process returns timely 75% of e-file returns will be processed in less than 1 week 84.2% of e-file returns were processed in less than 1 week   
Reduce the amount of time from creation of a child support enforcement case to establishment 15% reduction No change from current. FY18 target predicated upon implementation of COMETS HD System. COMETS HD System implementation rescheduled to 1/2018. 
Increase the number of child support cases that reach establishment 10% increase No change from current. FY18 target predicated upon implementation of COMETS HD System. COMETS HD System implementation rescheduled to 1/2018.
Increase percent of tax rates approved by the Division of Local Services by 12/1 60% approved by 12/1 46% approved

Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Increase number of overall training opportunities 26% increase in overall training opportunities 36% increase (from 1/1 - 12/31) (104 in 2016 vs 141 in 2017)
Maintain service levels for intake and advocacy calls 3,400 intakes 2,204 intakes. However, this is due to due to unexpected staff departures.
Maintain service levels for intake and advocacy calls 360 instances of technical assistance/advocacy 271 instances of technical assistance/advocacy. However, this is due to unexpected staff departures.

Civil Service Commission (CSC)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Reduce percent of decisions overturned Ensure that less than 3% of all decisions issued are overturned 1% of all decisions issued in calendar year 2016, subject to judicial review in 2017, were overturned.
Timely dispose of appeals Dispose of 80% of all appeals filed within 9 months Disposed of 79% of all appeals within 9 months.

Operational Services Division

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Increase number of registered businesses in COMMBUYS Increase to 25,500 22,218
Increase level of annual spending captured in COMMBUYS Increase to $395M $301,922,791
Increase number of businesses enrolled in the Small Business Purchasing Program Increase number of small businesses to 3,500 1,752

Group Insurance Commission (GIC)

FY18 Metric FY18 Target FY18 Progress (as of 12/31/2017)
Achieve savings in the Employee Group Waiver Program Produce savings of $8.5M in the Employee Group Waiver Program On target to meet or exceed $8.5M figure

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