URAMP Frequently Asked Questions

URAMP Frequently Asked Questions

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What is URAMP?

URAMP is a new statewide unified recovery and monitoring program and is available to all healthcare professionals licensed by the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure (BHPL.) URAMP is established in accordance with Chapter 177 of the Acts of 2022, An Act Addressing Barriers to Care for Mental Health.  The law directs the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, to establish a program for monitoring the rehabilitation of all licensed health care professionals who seek support for their mental health or substance use or who are referred to the program by a licensing board.

Who will URAMP be available to?

Applications to the URAMP program are available to all healthcare professionals licensed by BHLP under its 21 professional licensure boards, in circumstances where they seek support for their mental health or substance use or are referred to the program by their licensing board. There will be specific criteria for acceptance to the program, which are listed in our comprehensive guidance manual, available to download from this page.

When will URAMP launch?

URAMP will launch on December 16th, 2024.

What will happen to the existing rehabilitation programs within the BHPL when URAMP launches?

URAMP is available to licensees under all 21 of BHPL’s professional licensing boards. As a result, BHPL’s existing Substance Addiction Recovery Program (SARP) under the Board of Registration in Nursing and its Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Program (PSUD) under the Board of Registration in Pharmacy will transition to URAMP, beginning on December 16th

URAMP will absorb the SARP and PSUD and all monitoring program participation will be managed by the URAMP team.  The same level of care and attention will continue to be provided to all participants, helping them to continue on the path towards recovery and future well-being.

What is the difference between BHPL’s current SARP and PSUD programs and the required URAMP program?

SARP and PSUD are programs available to two specific professional licensing boards within BHPL – nursing and pharmacy respectively. Each program has its own, specific rules and procedures. The URAMP program is now available to licensees under all 21 professional licensing boards at BHPL and the established framework of rules and procedures will apply to all applicants and participants in the program.

SARP and PSUD are confidential, voluntary programs for licensed healthcare professionals with substance use disorders (SUDs) that impact their practice. URAMP is also a confidential, voluntary program but significantly, will now be available to licensees with SUDs and non-SUD related mental health concerns which have the potential to impact their practice. Requirements for admission to the program under both grounds are detailed in the URAMP guidance manual.

Will URAMP be available as an alternative to disciplinary action by a licensure board?

Licensed healthcare professionals that apply to participate in or are referred by the licensing board to URAMP will be required to specify the mental health condition or substance use that they believe may impede or has affected their ability to safely practice their profession and shall agree to comply, to the best of their ability, with an individualized rehabilitation plan to be admitted into the program.

Upon admission to URAMP, the licensing board may dismiss any pending investigation or complaint against the participant that arises from or relates to the participant’s mental health or substance use. The licensing board may change the participant’s publicly-available license status to reflect the existence of non-disciplinary restrictions or conditions.

How can I find out more about URAMP?

The URAMP website and FAQ sheet will be updated on a regular basis.

All URAMP policies and procedures are posted to the URAMP webpages and available to download. Stakeholders, program participants and other interested parties have been notified directly as the launch date of the service has been confirmed.

How do I apply to URAMP?

Applications for the consideration of entry into URAMP are completed within the web-based licensing system. Applications are sent to applicants by URAMP staff. Please contact the URAMP at (617)973-0904 to speak with URAMP staff and request an application.

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