Webinar: Navigating through a Crisis

This webinar is provided courtesy of the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) and the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS).

Table of Contents

Webinar information:

Leading the largest pension plan in the US comes with many challenges. When you add the COVID-19 global pandemic that has infected hundreds of thousands and brought the world economies to a sudden halt, the challenges may seem overwhelming. Hear from Marcie Frost about how CalPERS leadership, including its board and her team, are addressing this crisis relative to CalPERS' participants, plan sponsors, the public, and staff.

Moderator: Hank Kim, NCPERS

Panelist: Marcie Frost, CEO CalPERS

Educational Credit: Board members who view this webinar will earn 3 educational credits. Please submit an affidavit through PROSPER. 

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