Several Massachusetts and National organizations offer webinars and member education which have been pre-approved for credit by PERAC. Unless otherwise noted, you must submit a properly completed Training Affidavit in PROSPER with the name of the webinar viewed or training attended to receive educational credit. You will receive three credits for each webinar or training attended. If a particular training session is not listed here or in PROSPER, please seek pre-approval from the Compliance Unit before attending.
Links to Webinars:
- MACRS Cybersecurity Webinar
The Massachusetts Association of Contributory Retirement Systems - MACRS Legal Panel
The Massachusetts Association of Contributory Retirement Systems - Conflict of Interest Training Program for Municipal Employees
- State Ethics Commission (Completion Certificate Required)
- Inspector General Educational Videos
Office of the Inspector General - The Open Meeting Law (pre-registration required)
Office of the Attorney General - Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council
Webinars offered by the National Institute on Retirement Security
The National Institute on Retirement Security is a non-profit research and education organization.
Webinars offered by The National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR)
The following webinars are offered courtesy of the National Council on Teacher Retirement for members of the Massachusetts Public Retirement community. They can be found on their Federal Webinar page. Each title below will earn members three educational credits. Note: the links below will take you outside of the website.
- AI Policies: What, Why & How?
- Pension Cost Reimbursements & the New OMB Rules
- Administrative Challenges of SECURE 2.0
- Everything You Need to Know About the New ASOP 4 Toolkit
- Dealing with ASOP 4
- IRS Withholding Form W4-P
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Efforts - Transformed?
- Effective Management of Public Pension Participant Pools
- Ransomware Attacks: Are Pension Benefits Next?
- The Real Estate Asset Class: Where Are We Now?
- SECURE Act Implementation Issues
- ASOP 4 and the “Low-Default-RISK”
- Financial Economics and the Management of Public Pension Plans: The Real Story (2017)
- Financial Economics and the Management of Public Pension Plans: Part II (2017)
- Setting the Discount Rate - A Balancing Act (2018)
Webinars offered by the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS)
- NCPERS 2024 Public Retirement Systems Study: Trends in Fiscal, Operational, and Business Practices
- NCPERS Webinar: Public Pension Workforce Update
- The Fallacies of Asset Allocation
- 2022 State & Federal Legislation Webcast
- Navigating Through a Crisis: A Conversation with CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost
- Best Governance and Risk Oversight Practices
- Preparing for the Impact of The Pandemic on your Pension Plan
- Ransomware, Hacking, Data Breaches
- ESG: Why are we still talking about this?
- Preparing for Private Investments that Turn Choppy
Additional Training Opportunities
Pre-approval is required to receive credit for the following conferences, regional trainings, or workshops. Note: many organizations have canceled programming for 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If approved, a maximum of three credits each will be awarded.
- American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) Calendar of Events
- City/Town Sponsored Conflict of Interest or Open Meeting Law Training
- Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Conference
- International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) New Trustee
Institute/Advanced Trustees Institute - MA Association of School Committees Open Meeting Law Training
- MA Office of the Inspector General
- MA Town Clerks Association Ethics Training
- National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA)
- National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) TEDS, NCPERS PATS, or Legislative Conference
- National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR) Annual Conference or Trustee Workshop
- National Pension Education Association (NPEA)
Contact for Other Agency Webinars and Resources
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
For deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired
Call to report suspected pension fraud