• This page, Year 2000 Administrative Actions - January to March, is   offered by
  • Division of Insurance

Year 2000 Administrative Actions - January to March

First Quarter

The following chart represents a summary of the administrative actions taken against insurance producers and insurance companies by the Division's Enforcement Section between January, 2000 and March, 2000. If you require additional information concerning a particular administrative action, please send your request via e-mail to the Enforcement Email Address.

For each administrative action, please note the following definitions.
Licensee Name Type of License Case No. Primary Allegation(s) Disposition Effective Date
Bahl, Pradu
Taunton, MA
Agent 2455 Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance Settlement Agreement: License permanently revoked 3/24/00
Biggio, Andrew A. Dallas, TX Former Agent and Broker 2142, 2658 Filing false and misleading statement with Division (license application(s)) Settlement Agreement: $9,000 fine; may not reapply for licenses for 2 years 3/3/00
Corcoran, Michael J. Randolph, MA Former Agent and Broker 2515A Engaging in business of insurance without valid license; writing surplus lines policies without valid license; failure to pay premium tax (as company officer/director) Settlement Agreement: Licenses revoked for 10 years 2/7/00
Crowley, Jerome R. Arlington, MA Broker 2786 Filing false and misleading statement with Division (license application) Settlement Agreement: Cease and Desist 1/16/00
First Indemnity Insurance Agency, Inc. Boston, MA Corporate Broker 2142, 2658 Filing false and misleading statement with Division (license application(s)) Settlement Agreement: $5,000 fine 3/3/00
Leonard, Bruce R. Framingham, MA Broker 2515A Engaging in business of insurance without valid license; writing surplus lines policies without valid license; failure to pay premium tax (as company officer/director) Settlement Agreement: $2,000 Fine 2/7/00
Lincoln Benefit Life Company Lincoln, NE Life, Accident and Health 2984B Paying commissions to an unlicensed entity Settlement Agreement: $9,860 Administrative Assessment 1/13/00
North American Company for Life and Health Insurance Chicago, IL Life, Accident and Health 2984D Paying commissions to an unlicensed entity Settlement Agreement: $600 Administrative Assessment 1/11/00
PHL Variable Insurance Company Hartford, CT Life, Accident and Health 3159 Issuing policies without proper authority Settlement Agreement: $12,500 Administrative Assessment 1/3/00
Potomac Insurance Company of Illinois Lisle, IL Property and Casualty 3023A Issuing workers compensation policies without required license or authority Settlement Agreement: $20,000 Administrative Assessment 2/17/00
Quesnel, Thomas J. South Hadley, MA Agent and Broker 2865 Misrepresenting terms of insurance policy; failure to remit premiums; unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance Settlement Agreement: Licenses revoked for 10 years 2/16/00
Scottsdale Insurance Company Scottsdale, AZ Surplus Lines 2515G Paying commissions to an unlicensed entity Settlement Agreement: $26,208 Administrative Assessment 1/19/00
Trask, Dale C. Swampscott, MA Agent 2621 Filing false and misleading statement with Division (license application); failure to maintain standards required of agent Settlement Agreement: License revoked for 5 years 2/24/00
Wolff, Gerald Stoughton, MA Agent 2429 False statement(s) relative to application(s) for life insurance; misrepresenting terms of insurance policy; unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance Settlement Agreement: $2,000 Fine 3/20/00

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