
Memorandum  PERAC Memo #10: Mandatory Retirement Board Member Training

Date: 03/28/2023
Referenced Sources: PERAC Website

PERAC Memo #10, 2023

Table of Contents

To All Retirement Boards:


TO:                  All Retirement Boards

FROM:            John W. Parsons, Esq., Executive Director

RE:                  Mandatory Retirement Board Member Training – 2nd Quarter 2023

DATE:            March 28, 2023

Chapter 32 mandates retirement board members to complete training during each year of service on the retirement board. This requirement has two elements: 18 credits over the course of the member’s term and at least 3 credits in each year of the term. Failure to meet either of these statutory standards will prohibit the member from serving beyond the conclusion of the term for which the training requirement was not met. We urge board members to utilize the full array of training choices in order to remain eligible to serve. All classes, webinars, seminars, and conferences listed will earn three credits each, unless otherwise noted.

Ways to receive your credits:

  • Credits for attending live PERAC webinars and the MACRS Conference are automatically updated by PERAC staff approximately one week after the event.
    • All attendees must register through the links available on our website.
    • Board members seeking educational credits – it is important that you register with your full name and the email address we have on record so we can accurately update your account.
    • Board members must check in each day at MACRS to receive full credit.
  • You must submit a completed Training Affidavit in PROSPER for all other trainings, including pre-recorded PERAC webinars and pre-approved webinar and conference attendance. Any session listed under sections I, II, and III are pre-approved.
  • If a Certificate of Completion is offered for any training not directly provided by or sponsored by PERAC, you must submit the certificate through PROSPER to receive credit.
  • Please note the full name of the recorded session you have viewed when submitting a Training Affidavit in PROSPER.
  • Some sessions require pre-registration. Check individual sessions for closing dates.

The Commission appreciates all the retirement board members who are making a good faith effort to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. With the official end of the State of Emergency approaching on May 11, we look forward to connecting with you even more in the future.

I. Training Schedule Dates (pre-registration is required)



Location / Registration Information

April 4

Open Meeting Law


12:00 p.m.


April 20

Boards and Commissions


9:00 a.m.

MCPPO ($29.00)

April 25

Contract Administration


10:30 a.m.

MCPPO ($29.00)

April 27

Understanding Leadership


2:30 p.m.

MCPPO ($29.00)

April 28

Open Meeting Law


12:00 p.m.


May 8

Open Meeting Law


7:00 p.m.


May 9

Chief Procurement Officer


10:30 a.m.

MCPPO (Free)

May 17

Open Meeting Law


1:00 p.m.


May 20-24


Conference, New Orleans, LA

Cost varies, see website for more info (cost varies)

May 25

Veterans’ Benefits



June 4-7

MACRS Conference

 Conference, Hyannis, MA

Cost varies, see website for info (cost varies)

June 14

Procurement Fraud

Virtual Classroom (full-day class)

8:30 a.m.

MCPPO ($200)

June 19

NCPERS Chief Officers Summit

Conference, Denver, CO

Cost varies, see website for info

June 20

Preventing Common Frauds and Scams


10:00 a.m.

MCPPO ($29.00)

II. Recently Added or Recurring Pre-Approved Online Training
(available on demand)



How to find webinar:

Office of the Inspector General

Inspector General Videos
You must watch all three videos

Office of the Attorney General

Open Meeting Law Training
You must watch all six videos

National Council on Teacher Retirement

New 2022 webinars added:

  • WEP Reform: An Update (2022)
  • W-4P/W-4R: An Update (2022)

See our website for the link:


Updated 2022 Annual Statement handouts are available for download.

Cash Books & Annual Statement

  • Members can view the recording and receive 3 educational credits by completing a Training Affidavit in PROSPER.

Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller

Cybersecurity for Retirement Boards PowerPoint Presentation

Note: this presentation is available for download for use as a reference.
It is not available for credit.

Links to all of the above resources can be found on PERAC’s Education page at

III. New Conflict of Interest Online Training (three credits)

The State Ethics Commission recently launched a new online training system for the Conflict of Interest Law. Users must create a login to take the training and receive a certificate.

To create a login and take the training, go to:

If you want to take the training and your retirement system is not listed in the dropdown menu, please have your board contact the State Ethics Commission: They will add organizations upon request.

A certificate of completion is still required to receive credit for this training and credits may only be awarded once every two years.

IV. MACRS June Conference (up to six credits)

The Massachusetts Association of Contributory Retirement Systems (MACRS) will open registration for their annual spring conference next month. As has been the case in the past, PERAC, in conjunction with MACRS, will be making educational opportunities available.

Conference dates: June 4 – 7 in Hyannis. The breakout will be as follows:

  1. The Legal Panel Session during the main MACRS Conference (three credits)
  2. Wednesday, June 7, 2023, PERAC sessions (three credits) will include:
    1. Proposed updates to PERAC Regulations
    2. Accounting for Retirement Systems

V. Other Opportunities to Obtain Educational Credit

The Commission is willing to approve other educational credits for a variety of events sponsored by “…local, state, regional and national organizations recognized by the Commission as having expertise in retirement issues of importance to retirement board members or other entities…”  

Additionally, the Commission has approved education credit for participating in webinars.  In 2022, we will again entertain requests for credit in relation to relevant webinars provided that such a request is made well in advance of the session.

Approval for credit must take place well in advance of the date of the event or webinar.  This will enable the Commission to analyze the program and provide a general notice to other retirement board members to maximize participation. Once approved, you must complete the Training Affidavit in PROSPER to ensure proper credit. Board members experiencing Extenuating Circumstances in meeting educational requirements should review Memo 15 of 2019 and contact PERAC with any questions.  

The following list of local and national organizations provide additional educational opportunities that may be relevant for retirement board members:

  • American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA)
  • City/Town Sponsored Conflict of Interest or Open Meeting Law Training
  • Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
  • International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP)
  • MA Association of School Committees Open Meeting Law Training
  • MA Town Clerks Association Ethics Training
  • National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA)
  • National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS)
  • National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR)
  • National Pension Education Association (NPEA)

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